First run as a hydroponics grower (nutrient line-Advanced Nutrients Sensi PH perfect)

What up,

This is my first try at growing hydroponically. I did make quite a big investment in all the kit that I bought, it still isn't the best, but I'll upgrade as I (hopefully) start to see some good results.

I'll give a relevant description of the setup I'm using and I'd like anyone who feels like they could contribute with information to feel free and give me their take on what they think I should do differently.

As the days go by, I'm starting to see that, although I have a fair experience at growing in soil and I had most of the information about growing hydroponically, I'm still making mistakes and my plants are not at 100%. So I'll be treating this grow as a careful learning journey.

So, here we go:
*The setup I'm running is a flood and drain system.
*There are 16, 3.2 gallon pots connected to one 26.5 gallon reservoir.
*There are 4, 600W HPS lamps, with regular reflectors (no glass hoods) lighting the 16 pots (4 pots to one lamp)
*The growing medium I'm using is expanded clay pebbles
*I'm using tap water for the nutrient mix which has a starting EC of 0.6 (300 ppm). I don't have access to Reverse Osmosis water.
*The nutrient line I'm using is the Advanced Nutrients Sensi PH Perfect 2 part formula. (Sensi Grow-veg , Sensi Bloom-flower)
*The strain I'm growing is "Cheese", started from seed

I've only just transplanted the plants in the system a few days ago, after having kept them in 4" rockwool cubes for about 2 weeks and they were showing a decent root system.

I'm starting to see a few issues with the grow, which, to be honest, does freak me out. That is mostly why I'm starting this blog, as I would love for those who know more than I do to step in and give pointers.

Issues I'm starting to see in some of the plants are some wilting of the leaves, which I attributed, in my mind to possible over-watering, since they're still so young. When I started them in the system I adjusted for the floods to run every 4 hours (only with the lights on). Now, because of my alleged over-watering issue, I extended the time between floods to 5 hours and am curious to see how that will manifest itself in their evolution.

One of my plants was affected by moderate to severe heat stress (as the temperature in the room went above 97 degrees for a few hours). I'm hoping she'll recover.

And, one more thing I think I'm noticing (although it might be just my paranoia), is that my ppm count might be too high, although I haven't gone above the instructions on the nutrient bottle. and even stayed a bit under just to be on the safe side.

If anyone's used the PH Perfect Sensi line from Advanced Nutrients in vegetation and/or flowering, please, please give me your ppm count for the various stages of your plant's growth.

I think that's about all I can think of at the moment. Thanks to anyone who will bother with offering any valuable information.


This pic is of them 5 days later (day 14 after being transplanted to the system). I've used a bit of LST, no topping, as I'm trying to get them to have at least a few decent flower shoots each.

Even though I'm using PH perfect nutrients, I'm seeing a little curling of the tips of the leaves. I'm definitely not over feeding, my ppm is quite low, about 600 +/- 10, no heat issues in the room yet (although I expect some later on, as I'm not using air cooled reflectors), plenty of air circulation. So the only thing I can think of that might be wrong, is the PH of the feeding solution. I lowered it today, and from now on, PH perfect or not, I'm still going to adjust acidity of the nutrient mix.
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This is them at day 19 in the ebb and flow system. I think they could have gotten even a bit bigger, but sadly I over fed them a little and now I'm having to flush with just water for a few days.
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This is them at the beginning of day 3 of flowering.
I'm not totally dissatisfied with their evolution, but I've learnt 2 very important lessons:
#1 Hydroton is not a growing medium that I like. Next time I'll be using small rockwool cubes
#2 Hydroponics definitely requires good quality water, preferably reverse osmosis water, so I must invest in a reverse osmosis filter for next time
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Lookin pretty nice R.F. I ran into the same prob as you and overfed just slightly and then had to run close to just water for a couple days (Still am at very low ppm).

What is the starting ppm of your tap water?

How high were your ppm when you began to see the plants show signs of overfeeding?

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Day 5 of flowering. A bit bummed out with the progress. Seriously considering going back to soil. I think it's mostly due to the quality of water, but who knows.
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Day 10 of flowering. Thought I'd get a bird's eye view just to see how many tops for future buds there are.

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Day 21 of flowering. I gave the underside of the plants a good cleaning today. Got rid of all the small branches and leaves that wouldn't get any light. Hope this will also increase air flow between the branches.

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Haven't posted any pictures of the progress for a long time now. About 10 days to harvest by my estimate.

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