
The events of September,11,2001 were very tragic. What I am about to submit for your consideration is that the government not only knew in advance about the events that would take place on this day but perhaps they had something to do with it happening or at the very least allowed them to happen.I will start off softer but eventually I will be swinging for the fences. The problem is that there is so much evidence it is hard for people to believe and I get that. I understand not wanting to believe it. I was kicked out of the navy for believing it and getting officers and captains to believe it.

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*All of these videos are covered my fair use no copyright infringement is intended as these are for educational purposes only. I am not profiting from these and many of these are broadcasted by the originators voluntarily on youtube or other sources such as their own content websites. Many of the higher quality videos are also found for sale on their websites but they promote these free videos to generate traffic. The content posted is for educational purposes with no intent for myself to profit from any of these and taking them down or deleting my blog posts is a violation of my rights which I do not wish to be infringed on. Thank you *

This first video is of the first responders into the world trade center describing the events as they have witnessed them. Youtube has taken these down a few times as they don't wish any of this to be viewed and I can understand why. It is pretty damning as evidence. Youtube is owned by google and google is in cahoots with the CIA and so most of the videos taken off of youtube have to do with sandy hook,9/11,haarp,chemtrails and it is no coincidence either.

This next video is a full length movie 2 hours and 30 minutes long but it is chock full of information from demolitions experts and engineers and some interviews and things of that nature.

This next video is a interview with Larry Silverstein who is the world trade center insurance holder who took out multimillion dollar additional policies on the buildings months before they were destroyed. In this video he admits it was "pulled" which in demolition talk means to bring down intentionally.

The fact here is that the debris from these wtc buildings was scrapped and moved so fast there wasn't time for a proper investigation and till this day there is STILL thermite residue at the site almost 13 years later. Thermite is a military grade explosive. I believe it was used in the fall of wtc. You can tell this by the molten lava like melted metal pools spilling out of the building that took WEEKS to cool. Airplane fuel simply can't burn hot enough to cause metal to melt.

Next we have a bbc reporter live on the scene reporting wtc building 7 has fallen while it is still standing intact right over her shoulder. The live video feed is cut for "technical difficulties" afterwards. Hmm

This is just the very beginning folks. Think about what this incident has caused for us and our liberties.

1st off it caused this "War on terror" and the patriot act which now brands common citizens as terrorists,nsa spying,drones, war in iraq killing saddam who I agree wasn't a good person but he was put in charge as a puppet by the united states and he didn't want to be a puppet anymore which is why he was killed. I know for sure(I was there) That the war was called operation iraqi liberation or O.I.L for short. They changed it to operation iraqi freedom after. I want to type so much more but my baby is crying for me to feed her and so I must go but this should be more than enough for right now and I haven't even covered the pentagon or the "Downed plane" in shanksville pa yet. Thanks for your attention.[/video]


In this next video is the full episode of jesse ventura's conspiracy theory episode on 9/11 which originally airs on trutv. He interviews a wealth of experts and people who were either there or have presented facts of that day and how have been threatened. The 9/11 commission states the black boxes which are located in the fuselage of all aircraft were not recovered. Jesse finds them in the hangar of jfk airport. Must watch this is a very good episode. If you have never seen conspiracy theory before then I should tell you that this show rebroadcasts each episode around 100 times. This particular episode was never rebroadcasted AND it was erased from every dvr in the country by the cable provider time warner.
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Very very good read, Mr and you think on the same wavelength and I too understand if people don't want to believe.
Every major event in modern memory has been staged in some way shape or form,
Every nation of power new exactly what Hitler was doing, it was only when the rest of the world actually found out that anybody did anything about it.

The London 7/7 bombings were also either set up or allowed to happen, ttansport for london just so happened to be doing a training exercise in that very day...just like the FAA on 9/11
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Hitler burnt his own capitol building as a falseflag event. The reichstag fire. Oklahoma city bombing was a falseflag. I have many documents that were "accidentally unclassified and then reclassified on internment fema camps operation northwoods harrp so many things. I cant post those here though. This is just introductory things to get people thinking and doing their own research. Hope people do watch every video I have posted. I understand it will take some time but it needs to be done. I have many many times. Im going to cover gmo,vaccines or bilderberg next.So many topics.
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Even police are being taught the libertarians, ron paul or bob barr supporters,gun owners,veterans and the founding fathers are terrorists
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Keep posting man keep posting, the only two I had not seen were there pull it and BBC videos, I've seen the FEMA camps SNF heard the stories about how they knew the levee would break.
World is ruled by 5 family's
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Hey Joe,
You may want to look into an old National Geographic magazine from back in the eighties. It kind of shows how the towers frame could melt. It's an issue about the most modern skscrapers of the times.
If I can find it I have a copy and will gladly give you the exact issue. But in a nutshell the towers were constructed like no other building of that size. The were actually designed with a very light weight exo-skeleton format not normal steel girders. There is a section devoted to those buildings and it's design in that issue.I'll try to get you some more info.
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Hey Joe,
here it is. I think that it is in Feb 1989 National Geographic Skyscrapers pg.s 140-173 or it's in National geographic April 1990 pgs 16-20. One of those discusses how the towers were a revolutionary design concept reducing weight and utilizing new construction materials and an exoskeleton type of support system instead of the traditional steel girders. Interesting read
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Thats fine and all but Steel has a melting point. The wreckage they selected (that they didnt ship to china right away) shows diagnol cutting which suggests thermite. In addition to the thermite dust still on the scene all of theses years later. All 3 buildings fell at near freefall speed with no resistance. Looking at about 100 different demolitions I can clearly see the similarities. The building bows at the top falls it about 7 seconds and falls into its own footprint all clean like into the basements. The only way that could happen is controlled demolition. I will see if I can find the video of the firefighters counting down before the building falls. I will show you the video of the "planted witness" Just watch just a few of the things I have presented. I do believe in a coincidence but I do not believe in a coincidence happening over and over and having about 100 of them in 1 single case. It just doesnt add up. Even the whitewash keene commission doesnt believe the official story. Cheney and bush refused to be interviewed seperatly. Why ? You would only need to do that to make certain the stories corroborate .The drills praticed for that exact situation leading up to it.In fact all intercepting plane possibilities were nowhere in the area.. I havent even mentioned the massive insider tradeing the day before that took place. How about the missing money the day before that they had no idea where it went supposedly? Theres just way to much for anyone to look at this objectively and say this isnt fishy as all hell
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Plant witness. Notice his job and what he supposedly knows or rather starting the false narrative right off the bat.
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