Easy Cloning

Hello back again and this time I want to talk about cloning. A lot of people seem to have trouble starting clones or keeping them alive while they build up their root infrastructure. So I thought I would take the time to share a really easy and great way to clone. Most people buy cubes and and domes and heating mats hoping their clones will not only root but survive. When I made clones what I would do is make a small cut in the flesh of the plant where you intend to cut for your clone. Just slice the outer skin to expose the inside of the plant. What you want to do is take some rooting gel and a little bit of soil and put it inside tin foil.Make sure the bit of soil has some water mixed in or the root growth may be slow or not at all. Once you have done that make sure the tin foil forms sort of a bowl shape and the take that and put it directly on the fresh cut while the prospective cutting is still on the plant. Secure the tin foil wrapped around the fresh cut with a rubber band or even cling wrap. Check back in a few days and there will be roots growing out of that cut you made. So cut it completely off and plant. Very simple in fact the hardest part of this is to keep the soil in place as you wrap it around the cut. Enjoy your new cuttings.


Hey Joe, Great idea.It's known as air layering and I agree it's the easiest lowest cost method. I do a slightly different method. In the old days I wrapped in Spagnum moss but now I use some loose rockwool. I soak it in a solution of rooting hormone and water. I then gently wrap it around my scarified stem. I them wrap a small piece of Saran wrap around the rook wool to keep it in moist contact with the stem. Then I either wrap with a small piece of aluminum foil or newpaper so that the lights don't create a greenhouse effect and cause the stem to over heat. So pretty much the exact same as your suggestion.
Thanks for passing it on!
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The only thing I can add is instead of Tinfoil or saran wrap I have allways just used medical gauze. You can moisten it as you need too and you can see the roots coming out of the gauze so you know when to cut and plant. Ive been doing that sence the early 70s . TOAST
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Hey Toast I haven't seen you on here in a while, how you all gettin along? That is the best idea. I'm going to change immediately. My way I always hae to open it up and check if it is doing alright moisture and contact wise. So I'm going to go with rock wool and med gauze. I always say that anyone naturally thinks that their way of doing things is best. But I gotta say, that I feel sorry for those folks that aren't willing to change it up when someone elses way makes sense. Your's does!
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Thank lembatoast I said cling wrap but I think they are the same. Sorry Joedaddy I am spending time now trying to convert this pdf into a word document to post the pictures but I think its a restricted pdf and so its blocking that but im trying for you.
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If I can figure out how to make a video I will show you in the video on the plant and with my hands so im not in the video. Give me some time :)
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uptheholler;bt7894 said:
Hey Toast I haven't seen you on here in a while, how you all gettin along? That is the best idea. I'm going to change immediately. My way I always hae to open it up and check if it is doing alright moisture and contact wise. So I'm going to go with rock wool and med gauze. I always say that anyone naturally thinks that their way of doing things is best. But I gotta say, that I feel sorry for those folks that aren't willing to change it up when someone elses way makes sense. Your's does!
I just use rockwool without foil or wrap!
It works my way however am I too simple?
I use root hormone as well in my pre-soak.
Cloning is easier than germination I found?
I'm open to try your methods.
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I didnt forget about you buddy. For some reason I cant upload a video from my phone but I made you one. I am trying to work with the formats and see if I can convert it to a format that can be downloaded. I am not in the video just my voice and my hands showing where the cuts are to be made and how to wrap it but in the meantime these experienced growers commenting here have slight variations that will work as well. The plant I am showing in the video is called a praying hands it is a plant my gf and her deceased ex grew and it stopped blooming when he passed on and so I am keeping it alive and have bloomed it out a few times to her appreciation. Thanks for your replies folks.
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