KC Brains KC-45, my first auto!

Okay, so, a couple days ago, I stuck a KC-45 Auto seed into a pot of dirt, and watered it. Today, was standing around stoned, and staring at said pot of dirt, when I noticed a little white curly-cue right next to the side of the pot, on top the dirt. Well (a deep subject, I know), after a brief visual inspection, I discovered it to be a germinated cannabis seed! :thumb: Water must have washed it from its original planting hole. Since the KC-45 was the only seed I had put into this pot, I deduced that this little bean must be a KC45 Auto, about to turn into a plant! :high-five: Lucky I was stoned and staring at dirt today, else the little bean might not have made it! I made a new hole, and gently placed the curly-cue-rooted-seed into it. Let's mark the day, as bean popped, today, 30 January 2014. I shall keep y'all updated. Looking forward to seeing it break ground again. :laughtwo:


Still just dirt now again. Been watching, though!
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I can now see a tiny little bit of plant beginning to poke up through the dirt. :D
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It's alive! Day 1!
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I ought to mention, this is my first ever auto plant. It's also my first plant I plan to grow entirely outdoors. It's not my first named plant, that titlegoes to a White Widow that turned out male, and I got rid of. :rip:
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Ascended Master Kief
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