First Hydro grow switch from dirt Big Bang from Greenhouse Seeds

Hi everyone. Here we have my first attempt at a DWC grow.
The strain is the Big Bang from Greenhouse Seeds and I now have one growing in a 5 gallon bucket. I also have three others growing in soil, one of which is a mother.
I have taken two cuttings of which both are in my home-made bubble cloner which seem happy enough from the snip two days ago.
The plant of which this blog will be mostly about has had roots in the res now for ten days and is now quite satisfyingly taking off.
Am using GH nutes and doing a weekly res change of which contains three gallons of tap water and the Lucas ratio now of 5:10.
This is all vegging under a 250 watt cfl.
This is my first blog so I shall try and post pics as soon as I can.
So, if there's anybody reading this who knows more than me that might help if any problems arise, let me know and wish me luck!


Well it would seem topping the plant went well. Already new growth has shown now exactly one week on. Changed the res today and made up a fresh batch of nutes. Will post more pics in a few days..
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hi farmerpalma, i am also new to the growing community, my plans are also for a dwc current culture system. the dwc24xl to be exact. my setup would consist of two flowering rooms with these systems installed running 4 1000 watt lights on 4 umbrella parabolic hoods. i would use a flip box to alternate the power between each room as well as a chiller for both units and each room would have its own ac unit. my veg room would be separate. any suggestions or advice you might add. also i need some help on deciding which strains would yield nicely but also be fairly easy to grow. please help!!!
farmerpalma;bt6853 said:
Well it would seem topping the plant went well. Already new growth has shown now exactly one week on. Changed the res today and made up a fresh batch of nutes. Will post more pics in a few days..
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Hey there greengrower (GG). I cant really advise a particular strain for you because they take differently in hydro as apposed to soil. I could however tell you that AK48 from Nirvana Seeds was an easy grow in soil. Good yielder and quick to flower.
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It appears growth has slowed dramatically over the last few days. Having a look at the roots thats have been paper white and very healthy looking, now seem to be covered in a slime and roots have turned brown from where they hit the res downwards.

I've read about liquid oxygen and certain treatments so shall give this a bash and keep fingers a crossed!
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Great news in that for the last week or so have I been treating my res with Liquid Oxygen and it looks like my roots have bounced back nicely. The slime had dissipated and roots look much healthier. I havent been feeding her so I will proceed with 5:10 ratio with which she seemed to be enjoying. Im sure she'd be twice the size now but the root problems were a bit of a set back.

Here is a pic of her recovering..

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Ok so she is now as of tonight on 8:16 ratio and under a 600 watt hps and will be till the end. I have placed her and the other three in soil under a screen. Depending on how things go I would imagine I shall be putting them all into flower within the next couple of weeks.

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Ok so my hydro attempt was looking very sad indeed. Drooping leaves being the biggest symptom from above. So after what I thought was a good recovery was proven wrong and the black slime was persisting. As a last resort to finally get rid of this I washed the roots under the shower head and simply pulled off all the black slimey areas which covered the entire root ball. Added a large dose of H202 to a fresh bucket of full strength nutes. I'll post some pics in the morning..

edit - ended up taking screen off because it was a real pain trying to feed the back two
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Here are some pics. One showing whats left of the roots after removing the main root ball..
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Ended up cutting the very last of the slime affected areas and spraying the remainder of the roots with undiluted Oxy plus as a preventative. I also scrubbed the bucket and air line from the pump. All of her leaves are curling downward which I read was a symptom of there being a problem with the roots. Possibly retaining too much moisture to make up for the lack of feeding through the roots due to the slime. We shall see over the next few days with any luck her make a full recovery.
Here's a pic of all of them now around two months into veg, apart from sick hydro girl being two weeks behind..
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Oh and I also treated them all to a sachet of Halo foliar feed just before lights out which explains some of the muddy looking spots
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Ok so I read about plant successes Great White Shark which is a beneficial that apparently induces fine root hairs which plants digest nutrients through the most, the main ingredient being the mycorrhizae.
I made up a soluble batch and fed through the top ensuring all the plants base stem and roots were treated. A few hours in and it might be my imagination but am almost sure she's looking ever so slightly better. I gave my cuttings some aswell and started them on quarter strength nutes. They seem to be doing well but once again there is slime on these roots aswell. So we shall see if it gets iradicated, whilst on the 5 gallon plant I ended up cutting all the affected areas of the roots off. So we shall see.
I spent a couple of hours low stress training the three in dirt after supercropping them lastnight.

Here are some pics of the supercropping aftermath and of them all tied down. And ofcourse one of hopefully a on the way back to health for my first attempt at dwc..
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Great news - the Great White has eaten all the pythium and the algae on the roots of my cuttings. Am so pleased. The roots on all have exploded! Take a look..
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And now we have them all thirteen days into flower since the switch. The plant in hydro has a bright white root system and is finally starting to thrive. Gave her another bucket change with fresh and full strength nutes. She drank over two gallons in the first week of 12/12.
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Plant in hydro is clearly more of a sativa so should naturally be the longest flowering period of the four.
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