Never grew before

I decied to turn upper closet into my own little grow closet. Very little money and ok seeds. :smokin:

I took 10 seeds and let the tails come out and planetsed them outside until I knew what and how I was going to make the closet work. Today I took them inside and started them under the lights and will let them get a little bigger before taking some clippings and seeing what are the males and females. I will post some pics in a couple dayz and let everyone see. Don't be to harsh on me remember little money and never did this before.:grinjoint:
Uncle Fester


Its dont matter what type of seeds you have. If you take good care of your plants then they will take good care of you! I took midy seeds and grow from them a plant that was 200times better then the weed they came from.
Ok, First off. You must have good grow lights all around! Keep the lights close as possible without burning the plants! Sec, put tinfoil all around the closet! So that it reflects the light all around the plants. If you don’t do this only the buds on the top of the plant will be big! LOVE is the most important thing you can give your plants. May sound dumb but if you don’t love them they will not grow well.:roorrip: Now that you have all the right stuff, grow lights, tinfoil, good soil, and love! Its time to play god with them! Go to Wal-Mart and get plant food. MiracleGrow works just fine. Or pick what works best for your plants. Then you have to get a timer for the lights. 12hrs on 12hrs off, once there past the seedling stage. This is how they bud! Remember if it gets too hot, anywhere past 80F is bad. Not really bad but don’t let it get too much over 80F in there. 72-77F is best! Try and keep it humid in there. It’s best to have a thermostat that can tell you the temp and how humid it is. Now you don’t want it to be really humid cuz mold is the number one thing that kills plants. Now the internet is grate for finding any info you will ever need on how to grow pot!:cool027: I’m just telling you a little to get things moven.
:rollit:Just remember that it is of grate importance that the grow is done safely, and with enjoyment. Do not let the growing process bring negativity into your life, regardless of failure or success. All growers experience unexpected broken branches, bug infestations and other obstacles. Remember you are growing for enjoyment and you are in control of your own happiness!

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In truth...

It DOES matter what type of seeds you have. Also, ignore a claim that one plant is 200x better than until you've seen the numbers. It's likely an exaggeration. Professional breeders don't see 200x improvements in a single step, it's unnatural.

Not to be mean, I just hate to see folks take such a big risk for little reward...good chance that your reward will be more on learning and less on yield. Though I've not seen the closet, using the upper section of a closet for your first grow will lead to heat, space and air exchange issues. At very least get the plants on the floor and don't store anything up-top because you need that empty space to allow heat to rise and hopefully exit.

Make sure to read Grow FAQs entirely, and don't move forward until you understand what you read. In the end you'll be really happy with yourself for not rushing into it. At the same time, it's hard to resist that strong urge to experiment. Like JAMS007 said, those not-so-good experiences can be great teachers.

Remember that environmental controls like temperature, fresh air, really bright light are critical. If you don't get those straight then your goal will be much more difficult to obtain.
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