Hey man! No problem, all I do is take maybe a third of he cannabis I'll be soaking and decarboxylate it... I seal it in foil and stick it in the oven at about... Shoot, I think it's 220 degrees.. Fahrenheit of course.. Well, once its pre-heated put the bud in for about 15-20 minutes..
Lightly grind the non-processed buds, put in a glass jar ( taking out stems and seeds.. There maybe trichomes on the stems, but it will effect the taste to include them... Fair warning! You maybe able to use stems in quick washes... But I don't do that)... The decarbed bud will crumble without a grinder.. Just make sure your hands are clean .. Again, stems unwelcome... Also, the greater purportion of decarboxylate buds will have the potency higher faster... By this I mean that this process occurs naturally with cannabis.. But it takes a long time, and never fully.. I find a one third ratio keeps flavor while giving a nice bump to potency.
Cover with your solvent...don't worry about using to much, you cant thanks to the last step... Open the jar maybe twice a day, shake it about that too... Keep it in a dark, cold place too... Um... I let this soaking process go for a minimum of three weeks.. I've never gone longer than a month though. Then you strain ( try to get as much of the bud as possible out!) into a glass mason jar ( sterilized prior) and this is where it's really up to you.. The last step!
Leave the jar open in a well ventilated place... Keep a eye on it! Generally,if the bud is good I only evaporate off... About half, but it will depend on the quantity of solvent you use. Temperature and airflow can make it evaporate very quickly, so do be careful.
Put in brown dropper bottles! I use the 50ml ones as their droppers are 1ml and that's the target "one dose" I go for... After all this, you can add a little ground bud, or keif to it.. For flavor, or to kick it up... Whatever.
This is for sublingual use btw... A full 1 ml dropper under the tongue and hold for a few minutes.. It's pretty amazing, kicks in faster than edibles.. OMM has tried one of my more recent tinctures.. He was surprised at the qualities... Very different from vaping or smoking.. Much better in the mornings IMO.