First Time Grower - 3 Auto Strains

iSmokes;1627446 said:

I will just write a little summary on each strain I grew. Seven autos in total, all harvested now just one still drying. I have to say growing these autos was a great experience, I love the fact that I'm smoking home grown meds, and the whole experience was healing and wonderful. I never knew growing this plant is even more satisfying than smoking it :). Keep in mind this summary is completely based on my noob opinion. When I say 10% amber, it means that's what I see as 10% amber soo.. just don't want anybody thinking this is an expert review LOL!
I'm not going to include "Difficulty" in the rating, because honestly they were all easy to grow. Autos really just do their thing on their own. Getting a decent feeding schedule was the only tricky part, but anybody will get a hang of it real fast.

La Diva
She's a fast one. I would recommend this strain for somebody seeking a fast smoke. The buds are airy and not the dense stickiness that we all crave. The smoke, however, was really nice overall. Buds have lots of orange hair, and although airy, have a lot of trichomes all over.
Seed to harvest: 55 days for 10% amber.
Buds: Airy, not the best, but it makes up for this with speed of flowering period, frosty, and large in size. The main scent is definitely citrus.
Plant as a whole: It grew to a very convenient 14-16 inches for a fast flowering plant. Very "standard" shape, main cola surrounded by 8-9 side branches around it.
Yiled: around 27g
**I would definitely grow this strain again, as a matter of fact I already am growing this strain again but only because it's fast. If you are in a situation where 55 days won't differ much than 75 days then by all means go for another auto and I do not recommend a Diva. She's simply not potent quite enough and the bud formation is too airy for my taste.

The plant took a lot of hits with me. She was the first to take my nutes, and she suffered a lot while I learned how, what, and when to feed. With a few flushes and light feedings, we got back on track and she finished with some of the best smoke I've had.
Seed to harvest: Around 72 days I think. +- 2 days on all my number to be safe, except for Diva that was monitored for harvest day to day (being the first and all lol).
Buds: Dense sticky buds with a strong purple hue that turned blue'sh after drying. The buds have a lot of resin on them, very very frosty. They're came out a bit small but that could be the abuse it took. The smoke was absolutely great. When you grind a bud, a very clear and fresh blueberry smell hits you. Very surprising, I thought the bud would be berry'sh, but it's dead on blueberry sweetness.
Plant as a whole: Small in size, I'd say a foot tall, but most side branches where almost as high as the main cola, so it was kind of a small bush with lots of mini main colas :).
Yiled: around 23g
**I will most definitely grow this strain again. It's an excellent smoke, and I love fruity buds. I'd like to grow it properly and feed it properly to see the full potential of her genetics because I'm sure mine was stressed almost her entire life.

Tran Siberian Automatic
Slow flowering. It had a lot of sativa characteristics. She also took a lot of hit with feeding abuse and multiple flushes.
Seed to harvest: around 88 days including the 3 days of darkness.
Buds: Sativa-like buds with elongated form rather than bulky. Airy buds, smells very spicy and earthy. Frosty and filled with trichomes but not as much as expected. The seed bank's selling point was how frosty this plant would be and it's just regular to be honest.
Plant as a whole: It grew to a very big bush. Side branches were really big and almost as high as the main cola, with the exception of one side branch which was even higher than the main cola and fatter too :).
Yield: a little over 50g
** I will probably not grow this strain again. It finished slow, and the buds were too airy for my taste. It smells spicy, and I bet it smokes good, but naah I don't think I would grow it again. Diva makes up for the fluffiness with speed, this ones makes up with yield.

B. Lee Automatic
Typical auto. Grew healthy with a good feeding schedule.
Seed to harvest: around 75 days including 2 days of darkness. Harvest at 100% milky, barely any ambers.
Buds: Dense and sticky. I've smoked mango kush before and this reminds me of that bud. It's compact, filled with resin, and very fruity mango'sh when you grind it up. Similar to the blueberry.
Plant as a whole: Almost exactly like autoblueberyy in pheno. So refer to that description.
Yiled: 24 grams of dry stickiness.
** I might go for it again some time if I have room in my veg tent. But to be honest, I will probably go with Autobluberry instead because they're very similar, but I simply prefer the berry taste.

Auto AK
Very small plant. Good for a sea of green because of its pheno. It grew healthy with a good feeding schedule.
Seed to harvest: around 75 days including 2 dark ones. Harvest at almost 1% amber.
Buds: Top notch afghan kush nugs. Honestly, this is some DANK.
Plant as a whole: One main stem, literally a bud on a stick, with 2 exactly symmetrical almost identical side branches with one bud on each. Would be excellent for a SOG of autos if phenos are stable within seed batches.
Yield: Barely 10 grams, very disappointing. The bud is truly premium but the yield is beyond disappointing.
**I'm happy I grew this plant. The nugs look like the will provide top shelf meds. I will not grow this again simply because of yield. Mind you a SOG of Auto AK would be a very different thing.

Flash Babylon Automatic
This is a stretcher. Overall the "flash" part of the name is well deserved. This flash goes into auto madness that can be described a a flash growth that will exceed most other plants in your garden.
Seed to harvest: around 75 days including the 2 darkies.
Buds: Dense buds, I'm impressed with quality of the nuggage. It smells earthy and spicy, not at all fruity.
Plant as a whole: Grow fast and big during weeks 4&5. She went insane in stretching so if height is an issue, don't get this. Also long and slim side branches that will carry more than they can support and start leaning on other parts of your garden.
Yield: around 29 dry grams.
**I wouldn't grow this strain again, but that doesn't mean I don't like it. My future grows simply don't have room for a stretchy auto. I would recommend give it a shot tho, decent yield and the nugs are dense and frosty, no stickiness.

Big Devil Automatic
Big devil does not hold up to its name. My smallest plant in the garden. Probably good for a nice auto SOG.
Seed to harvest: 72 days at 100% milky barely 1% amber here and there.
Buds: Premium, dense, spicy, sticky, BIG BUD. Notice how I say BUD and not BUDS.
Plant as a whole: One huge bud on a stick, literally. Under a foot tall, one main cola. No side branches (well 2 little 1 inch branches one on each side). Overall just one big bud on a big stick.
Yield: An 8 gram monster of a bud, and 3 grams of 3-4 smaller buds mid-plant.
**I would probably recommend for a SOG. Big devil is supposed to be a big plant so maybe I just got a recessive pheno. My pheno is good for a sog, but if you get a big devil and it stand up for its name then you're in trouble.

This is no cannabible, this is no expert review. It's merely a noobs experience with few autos as a first grow.

Thank you all for following my journal, helping me when I needed help, and giving me the powerful ego strokes when I posted pictures. I would not have seen bud and had this wonderful experience if it weren't for many of you on here following my grow and on the 420mag forums in general providing information for everyone to learn. I'm very high right now and this post probably had a lot of typos and mistakes but hopefully it makes for a good blueprint for any noob thinking about growing one of these strains.

:thanks: :thanks: :thanks: I love you all. I will start a new journal next month or so after my currently vegging momas start to really grow. I will definitely stay around and follow your grows. Positive vibes to all of you good people I met here at 420mag.

I'll end my journal with this summary, and I really hope it helps somebody somehow :grinjoint:.


:bigtoke: :passitleft:


Fluffy you're the sweetest :5:

I have an update about B. Lee:
WOW! :) This has to be the best smoke out of all the list. Now that all the buds cured a little bit, you can really taste the quality. I used a tip from Xlr8's blog about humidipaks and got a bunch of 62%, they're great for curing, I highly recommend them :). Yes back to the bud, BLee smokes amazing, very fruity, dense nugs, lots of resin > so nice and sticky. Smokes smooth, I haven't used my 24 inch bong in a while but with these buds I'm clearing a hit without even coughing. :bigtoke:
The high is very nice. Definitely not a creative high lol. More of a silly laughter high that will leave you temporarily dumb :). Potent strain :thumb: medieval munchies.
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Update: I never really measured my Siberian harvest, I just eyeballed it lol. It was a lot and my scale is very small. I just wanted to update that the yield is 75g of dry buds. Very airy, I'll probably not grow this again, but big yielder. The high is nice but I burn a whole joint effortlessly. I like strains that make a joint seem like an effort to finish :).
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OK 2 more corrections :). I underestimated my yield to be honest. I'm glad I did, lower expectations just put a grin on my face when I actually weighed everything accurately :).

Flash Babylon: 43g
AK: 17g

My total came to 197g :439: That siberian pulled nearly 40% of the total yield at 75g.
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very nice grow and post. like a real pro. you are a pro as you learn right away and can see it play out. glad i folowed this as autos i do love and have done alot of in the past. love it , love , love it.:bravo:
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