
Mo' Lasses, Yo!
Posted 07-08-2011 at 08:26 AM by Jozo-sha
Wanna use molasses?

It's really SIMPLE:


1-2 tbsp. of unsulfured molasses per gallon of water. Brand does not matter, blackstrap or not doesn't matter. UNSULFURED matters.
Warm up the jar of molasses by sitting it in a big bowl of hot water for 10-15 minutes.
Before mixing up your nutes (if you're using them) pull a pint of the water per gallon aside and warm it up too.
Add one or two TABLESPOONS (15ml) of the warm molasses to the warm water. Mix until well dissolved.
Mix up your nutes, then add the molasses water.
Water as usual.
Mix up only enough solution for a single watering, as molasses water will grow bacteria and wild yeasts/fungi in short order -- if you really feel the urge to mix up a significant volume, keep it covered and refrigerated (under 40°F).


Use full strength anytime during flower.
Use every watering, every other watering or twice, doesn't MATTER.
Use in seedling/vegetative stages at 1/2 or less strength, adjust upwards if the babies like it.
Molasses feeds bacteria and fungi in soil, therefore will foster bacterial and fungal grow in your delicate hydro setups. NOT RECOMMENDED, OKAY?


Any major store that sells baking supplies
Horticultural molasses is available at home supply stores (check online, right?)
Feed stores have molasses too, cheap and good, almost always is blackstrap

I honestly hope that those who deign to actually read this post will realize by 'water', I mean the water you use to mix your nutes, if you use them, with any pre-treatments you'd normally use or not. You pH adjust your water? Do so. You use Cal-Mag? Do so. Savvy?


This is good says not to use with hydro, does that include hempy? A passive type of hydro. I don't want any fungus. And the molasses says it's a good source of calcium, magnesium, and iron...if your already using Cal-Mag can you overdue it?
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Passive hydro is no problem--no pumps, filters or small tubing to plug up. The molasses is feeding the beneficials in the medium, which acts like soil in Hempy's case (water, drain). I don't think you can over do cal, mag or iron because the amount is so small. (Last sentence says to treat your "water" as you normally do--calmag, ph etc. There is sulfur also to help terpine development.
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