First grow. Looking for input

Hi Everyone!!!!

This will be my first grow. I am actually 29 days in from seed, so far so good I believe. Keeping everything as simple as possible since it is my first time, its already overwhelming enough with all the research there is on just soil growing, with overwatering, pests issues, nutrients, etc...

I am writing this so the veterans out there can give some input on how I have been doing and some things you recommend I can add or do in the process, so other newbies like my self can read this and learn from it!!!!
I have done tons and tons of research and there is still tons I need to learn so please be easy on the negativity..... thanks :)

What I am growing

1. Strawberry kush
2. Og kush
3. Fox farm trio nutrients
4. Fox farm happy frog
5. Fox farm ocean forest
6. 2x4x5 veg ten 4ft 4bulb T5
7. 4x4x6 grow tent soon to have mars hydro epistar 320 since that's all I can afford for led.. if you recommend a different light in the same price range please let me know

The process

I started germination with dropping the seed in a cup of distilled water for 24 hrs. then transferred over to paper towel method for another 24hrs..
I then transplanted them in to solo cups filled with just Fox Farm Happy Frog and started 18/6. with temps avg 77-81 degrees humidity at 33-40%. seeds sprouted out of soil 48hrs later, which they got there first watering (light watering). They grew in these cups for a total of 22 days with watering ever other day or once soil dried more than 2inches deep. I used big bloom twice about a quarter strength just because I wanted is on the schedule but plants didn't seem like they needed anything felt like I had to do something haha.

Transplant to 1 gal pots FFOF 1/4 handful or worm castings......

I transplanted around day 22 because I saw a little bit of a nutrient deficiency so I panicked... I was nervous to add anything so instead of adding a little bit of grow big and big bloom which could have fixed the problem?? Not sure.. I transplanted which turned out to be early I did water 24 hours before, but when I tipped the cup upside down everything fell apart the roots weren't big enough to hold the dirt together, there was still roots at the bottom so I kept going and kinda just guided it in the 1 gallon pot, and loaded with soil quick to hold the plant upright... ehh was that scary!!!!! Now on day 29 everything is looking good I want to try LST is it to late? As well as topping.... I will try to upload the pictures.


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