Is This world real??

I am a natural ponderer, a typical daydreamer, to the extreme. Lately, I have been stuck on a pretty central topic...Life. I just can't bring myself to believe that this is the way the world is supposed to be. Nine to fives, stock options, mutual funds, mortgages, day care, life insurance...You get the idea. From day one of our existence, we are trained to believe more is better, bigger is better and success is a measure of wealth.
Sometimes the hustle and bustle of life just beats you up and drags you down into a pit. When did we lose our freedom to be happy? We are regulated in every aspect of our life, we are told what medicines we can use to heal our ailments, what substances we can put in our bodies, and non-compliance is never an option, because your body can be infiltrated and read like a chart. Urine samples, blood tests, hair samples, mouth swabs, where will the invasion end?


thats because you now realise....your in the matrix!!follow the white rabbit!..i will contact you
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Stully, ur not the only one. I feel the same way. I really think about "How the fuck did money become more valuable than life?" That's the problem with most things, this thirst for more, bigger. This greed we call progress or ambition. We seemed to sell those freedoms for pacifiers and security. But honestly, u should travel a little, shits different in different places. It'll open ur eyes, been to a couple other countries and the difference is evident when u hit the streets. I don't wanna ramble, bout to :ganjamon: and try to process some of this, maybe answer some thread questions. :peace:
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i would love to travel. if it was up to me, I would be somewhere warm and full of weed and freedom, but like everybody else in the world, I have been brainwashed. I feel like I would be doing an injustice to my children by sheltering them from the world. Now obviously, I know the opposite is true, but like I said, I have been trained. I am the worst kind because I know the truth behind most of the lies, but I continue to keep up appearances anyway. I think the pain of this life is sometimes the easy way out. It's hard to go against the machine.
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This topic really brings me down, in a very sobering way. You are absolutely right my friend. Most parts of our lives are based on materialism and disregard for the life forces around us at any given time. The world is so much more than that...PEOPLE are worth so much more than that, the problem is, no one realizes it because they're so used to falling into this so called 'American dream' and submitting to simply accepting getting fed false pretenses and what not. It has to be one of the most sickening things in the world...seeing, on the daily, people taking the things that really matter for granted and idolizing temporary and soulless things. I think we need to care for each other and earth more...

And on the topic of these messed up and pointless searches, I agree also. It bothers me that adults have little actual 'rights', especially seeing as we've willingly forfeited them to an overly controlling and power hungry government that has no place to tell us what we can and can not do. I thought it was supposed to be the other way around...isn't the voice of the people what's supposed to dictate their political moves? It's sort of frightening to me...

No privacy. Apparently we don't deserve privacy...what are we? Livestock? Damn.
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Cool :) thank you for that.
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wow dude Pun Intended u are right! This world has been going downhill for quite some time. Technology has and continues to do its dirty work! It will be the fall of man...the planet...LIFE itself!!! And to hell with the gov!!! Sam is not MY uncle!!!
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Right on!
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