Still waiting for Legalization

*Language Warning* Don't say I didn't warn you.

So I'm reading these newspaper articles, and I see more and more places starting to introduce and pass some sort of legalized Cannabis legislation, yet I'm getting irritated by it.

Damn near every article I read says something along the lines of "Medical Marijuana legalized oh except it's fucking heavily regulated"

Don't get me wrong, It's nice seeing the progression, but in a way, I see a even more retrogression from where we previously were.

It appears that they give an inch of legality, and then take a fucking mile back from us. "Oh sure you guys can grow it legally now!"

"Oh.. but you can only grow 6 plants" Fuck you, and shove it up your tight political ass.

And what are these background checks? If a background check is required, it isn't fucking legal.

I've never been proofed, or had a background check when I bought aspirin. Hell, I can go buy that shit people use to make meth without a goddamn background check. Shit.. half the time, they don't even proof me for alcohol.

I personally will NOT be happy until Cannabis has the same status as a tomato plant. Available everywhere. No regulations. No limits on how many you can grow. And no laws telling me what I can, and can't do with it.

If I want to make tomato sauce, nobody bothers me.
If I want to eat a fresh home grown tomato, nobody gives two shits about it.
If I want to incorporate my grown tomatoes into another dish, there's no laws about that either.
And if I want to cook them down into a concentrated paste, nobody gives a shit about that either.

Yet we have laws that say the same shit, and offer the same limitations about Cannabis.

If you're religious, you believe God created Cannabis.
If you're not religious, you believe it's a naturally occurring plant.

So fuck you. Fuck your laws and their caveats. We want our fucking Cannabis without limits, without unnecessary rules and stipulations to follow.

You don't give a shit about how many people die each year related to alcohol use.
You don't even fucking care how many tobacco users die every year.

Yet here you try to save face by adding bullshit rules in what someone does with a fucking plant. Fuck your agenda. And fuck you too. Cocksuckers.


Exactly! The wealthy eat all the tomatoes (and consume the benefits of pot) all they want. The ones who can't afford a pot to pee in because they are sick (most likely from the side effects of pharmaceutical drugs), the ones who can't work, the poor people can't even grow their own plants, or have someone else grow them for them. The politicians have the money and the rest don't. Most ignorant power tripping politicians exercising their power and's all about the money. Sad
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can I get some help I'm growing hydro for the first time i am now in the bloom stage and the leaves are really big and the light is not getting down to the lower branches what can i do can someone help me please
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soulman3501;bt8716 said:
can I get some help I'm growing hydro for the first time i am now in the bloom stage and the leaves are really big and the light is not getting down to the lower branches what can i do can someone help me please

You know, you just replied to a blog post?

I'm guessing you're new to forums lol.

When you look at the main page 420 MAGAZINE ® you'll see a bunch of topics/sections.

420 News
Medical Marijuana
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And within each of those headings, you'll see a bunch of subdivided categories as well.

I think the best suited category for your question would be here: Frequently Asked Questions

At the top left, click POST NEW THREAD, and you can have your own topic to ask your question, and you'll be able to included all the details needed there.

Unfortunately, I have very limited experience, so a question like that I'd leave to the experts.

I'll send this to you in PM also to ensure you get it.
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In all honesty, giving Canabis the same status as a Tomato, sounds kinda wrong.

There is a fuckton of money to be made from the end product, not so much with tomatoes. 6 plants every 3 months, or 2 every month, should give you all the medicine you need, even if you FUBAR half your plants every grow. If you use more then 100 grams per month, you are chainsmoking that shit.

Smoking is quite heavily taxed, as is alcohol. I suspect you would not be too happy if that idiotic policy was applied to our beloved plants .. and thus a 6 plant limit for medical users, seems fair. Any more, means they are selling their stuff.

I am a proponent of complete legalisation, with no limits imposed, but your arguments are a bit flawed. And unless you want to start logging what the fuck went in to your growroom, what comes out, and what was done with it, I would not want to compare it to alcohol or tobaco.

Fact is, that 6 plants per person, should give you enough product to last well over three months. and gives the law an option to make the distinction between growing for own use VS growing for profit. It might not be the best way to do it, but all other ways require carefull administration of what goes in and comes out of a growroom ... and I sure as hell would never wanna do that ;)
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I tottaly agree . i worry about the government putting there own twist to legal weed at dispensary in the future . they will ruin the industry and try to make one strain available for their patients and get rid of variety . so it will be on us to keep allot of random strains alive .. i would check out the dispensary for edibles and waxes but i would definitely still grow my own legal or not . hell whats really fucked up 30 miles from me is were they grow all the weed for the united stated government and still send a few people 300 fat ass joints a month and it legal for them .BUT if they caught me growing my medicine down the road from this college im a fucking criminal... free country my ass .. yea compared to allot of countries we have a shit ton of freedom but we loose more and more every day .
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First why does any government have to regulate personal behavior as crimes, the only true crime is when harm is done to another person. It doesn't matter that a person drank and drove and hit someone it only matters that they hit someone. Dose it really make a difference to the other person what shape I was in only that they are hurt it doesn't hurt less if i am sober as a judge or hurt worse if i have a buzz on it just hurts. Once we started letting others make crimes out of things that cause no harm to any other person we let despotism into our world. We have rich people that spend their entire working life making laws to govern others, if they chose to be democrat/liberal they tell us they will create utopia if they are republican/conservative they tell us they will take us back to the good old days but the truth is they all are friends and don't give one damn about anyone else but their own power and wallet. Case in point the health care law we are told is to help all these people that had no health care, great idea, but why did it need to create the new govt power to now tell everyone that they had to buy something or else be taxed/fined. Whats next because it isnt done each and every year these people will get together and make newer and more laws built upon the older ones. The drug war has always been bullshit and just a way to control people and make money either by locking them up or fining them, it has also been the excuse to make police into a civilian army out to kill us.
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Well here goes nothing!!! I am going to contradict most posts here and probably piss off some of you folks here too (not my intention thou) but then again progress does not happen in mute!

  1. I believe Cannabis and tomatoes are exactly the same thing!!! A tomato costs about 1€ a piece for a nice one and I can consume 3 in a salad for two. So price wise they are not that different for me. At the same time i can chuck a hand full of tomato seeds in a yard and wait a couple of months without a care in the world and I can get tomatoes good or bad, can't do that with cannabis :) Growing cannabis takes more time, money, resources to produce than a tomato.
    So in ROI terms (Return on investment) yep they are the same. (please reffer that I am Not in the States)
  2. The sale of cannabis. Yes you need to intentionally or non-intentionally (negligence) hurt someone or something to beak a law (plain logic). Death or injury caused by cannabis, a whopping 0. (cannabis + alcohol or other substance is generally what you hear but they tend to omit the alcohol or other substance in headlines) So who could you possibly hurt and how? Cannabis has been proven to help in most cases. Sale to minors and such is a different case and is ethics all together and I wont get into that, just talking of biology.
    Years back when I got my drivers license I signed up for a defensive driving course to lower my insurance cost. (yes I was in the States at the time) One of the funniest things in that booklet was the effect of different drugs on driving habits. I do not consider cannabis as a drug personally but the booklet in plain english wrote that a person under the influence of cannabis will drive much slower and careful. I loved that statement!!!!
  3. Regulations. Let them regulate it, its a start!!! I think its wrong but then again if they dont regulate then it is totally illegal!!! In my personal opinion on this issue I believe that tobacco and cannabis are exactly the same (not cigarettes but tobacco). Depending on what you believe both are mother natures natural or gods natural occurrence on this planet so there should not be any regulations on both. Making an en product? Then regulate safety issues on growing and manufacturing ex. food products and taxing for sale sure, but how many plants?????????? Maybe I have a green thumb, a fetish or I am just a GOOD guy like BID (Rest in Peace) and I want to give it away just for the good of my heart.
    So the number of my plants should never make a difference!!!! I can own 20 Ferrari and 20 homes no one would care, can I use them all no, am I a Ferrari LORD NO, just like having them so butt out! Same thing for cannabis just butt out!!!

I just realized that I am about to write 20 pages and I am not a person with any judicial or legal position so more is pointless I am just a regular joe with a MEDICAL profession so I will end this with an ironic joke per say.

About 3-4 years ago, the presidents son (in the country that I am in) was stopped at a routine check and he had XX kilos of cannabis in his car. Double digits, 10 on 99 does not matter for the point, we all know even a 1000grams = 1 kilo is waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy more than anyone person of FAMILY needs :). Yes he was put up on charges (to save face) and he plead out as a personal user and this carries no jail time etc, you just have to go to rehab 1 day of the month for about an hour to listen to a lecture, for about a year. No intent to sell, distribute or transport for others he's just a nice 'ol pot head :)
So in conclusion I would just be happy with his rights :) don't want more or less :Namaste:
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