xtrchessreal's solo cup adaptations & Emoticons

xtrchessreal;2557354 said:
The only thing I have to offer is concerning the solo cups. I have used these in the past, a million people use them, but I have found that the root system on occasion doesn't get enough oxygen. So, to remedy that, if they show some slow and diseased growth, is to use a utility knife (box cutter) set on the smallest knife point and make L or V shaped holes up the sides and then using the blade pry the plastic up a bit. This keeps light from hitting the roots but allows more oxygen.

Btw I've been tryng to find a way to keep the animated emoticons from all the posts from working because it makes my laptop run hot. Its summer and I can't afford AC and the puter gets hot on my tummy when its 84 in the room. I finally figured a work around. Go to Thread tools and click "view printable version" Now I can read everything minus the emoticons and when I'm ready click on the thread link and then I can post responses. Yay :)


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