Who's with me?

Ask yourself why your here. Yes, to share and connect with others that love this flawless gift from nature (I love weed) and to get updated on things happening that have to do with it. But what else?

I believe in a universal purpose for every life force on this green earth. It's is our responsibility to make the necessary changes for the future. Your children (if you have them) and your children's children will only face more of the same, if not intensified, politics if we do not speak up now and do all we can to make their fight easier.

So ask yourself why you think you are really here (living- not on this site, lol). Ask yourself what matters to you, what changes do you think need to be made for the sake of the future generations, and even for us now. If you have that fire in your soul, your core, than you have what it takes to change things even a little bit. Don't back down from them just because they can throw you in jail. Speak your part, make that much more noise.

I know for a fact that I am not the only person in the world thinking about these kind of things. I am afraid at the prospect of the future, the way things have been going. It does not look like its going to be a bright future for us...we need to do something, anything, to keep the rise and fall of nations at bay. Just because history generally repeats itself does not mean it HAS to happen. We can stop it before its too late.

so who's with me on this? Who else is sick and tired of the bullshit getting force fed by the media upon the nation? Who else is pissed off that we can not even deny the police from searching or seizing our personal property with out getting convicted of terrorism? Who else feels the weight of lies pushing the population back into submission? Who else is mad enough that they can feel the anger burning inside of them, ready to burst.

Come on guys, lets not be lazy. Write your politicians, and re send those letters several times. Go to rally's and conventions if you can afford it. Don't simply remain quiet because your afraid. Don't allow them to scare us out of our freedom of speech. Dont you think they've taken enough from us already?


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Pun Intended
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