Who has the right to regulate Nature?

Since the beginning of time, man has responded to the medical needs of his fellow man with whatever was handy. And, more times than not, herbs were the answer. Before the greed of people like DuPont, Getty & Hearst, doctors would prescribe marijuana for many of the daily problems such as anxiety, tooth aches & menstrual cramps (to name only a few). But, once government got involved, doctors had their hands tied in regards to marijuana and were told they had to use pharmaceuticals instead of what Nature had provided for eons.
Why was this? Was it because pharmaceuticals were better? Was it because pharmaceuticals were more effective? No, it was because there was, and is more money to be made in man-made drugs than what Nature had provided, free of charge!
The pharmaceutical companies have always known that they cannot patent a plant. And, they know that they will never be able make anything as well as what nature has always provided! So, instead they created a series of drugs that will forever create the need for other drugs!
But, how do they make sure that this will continue uninterrupted? How would they make sure that their drugs would continue to be used? The answer was to get rid of the competition, to make any alternative illegal! So, back in the early 1930's they started the art of buying Congress for the purpose of regulating their drug trade! And, because of that, hundreds & thousands die unnecessarily from this "legal" drug trade every year!
As concerned citizens, we all need to contact our State representatives every day until this injustice against nature is corrected! Write/Tweet/call & post every day to let them know that support of these pharmaceutical drug dealers is wrong! Nature has always had the best remedy for many of the issues we face on a daily basis!
Of course, there will always be a need for some pharmaceutical interaction for many of the more serious issues! But, there is a distinct difference between serious issues & the things that are everyday inconveniences! We will always have need of innovations for the more serious issues. But, Nature has given us marijuana for the day to day inconveniences!
If I have to choose between what man has made or what Nature has always provided, I will choose Nature every time!


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Ron Strider
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