Troubleshooting Flow Chart

Is only one leaf affected? Yes = Invaders (bugs, mold, mildew), No = continue

Are leaves clawed, puffy or bumpy? Yes = Over Watering, No = continue

Are the leaves droopy, thin and curled under? Yes = Heat stress from light, No = continue

Is the plant growth stunted and leaves/tips yellowing? Yes = Nute Burn, No = continue

Is there any purpling cupping or folding leaves? Yes = Mg deficiency (purpling is also an early indication of over watering)

Are leaves drooping but still flat with no discoloration and media is dry? Yes = not enough water, No = continue

Are leaves drooping and media wet? Yes = sudden wilt, so sorry for your loss

Note that a few random leaves dying is perfectly normal and at about week 6 - 8 in flower you should see more leaves start dying off which is normal. Prior to weeks 6 - 8 any more than a few random leaves is a problem.


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