Treat autism with medical marijuana

Autism, also referred to by its full medical name of autism spectrum disorder, affects a jaw-dropping one out of every 45 children in the United States, according to a new government survey recommendation for doctors published by Autism Speaks.

This is a rather drastic increase in previous surveys’ estimates of 1 in 68 children. But while there is an ongoing debate about just how many people may be struggling with a diagnosis of autism, what is clear is that the autism is a significant source of concern for families today. What is also clear is that too little is still known about how to reduce the risk and reliably treat the effects of autism.
In this post, learn what the research says about the use of doctors medical marijuana recommendation and information in California medical marijuana and online renewed cards of marijuana medical and cultivation license for treating autism spectrum disorder.

Medical Marijuana for Autism


As with any promising new medical marijuana evaluations card medical and medicating in California marijuana recommendable, in order to fully understand the potential for using medical marijuana for autism treatment, it is first essential to understand what autism is and how it affects the person.

According to the Autism Society, there is nothing simple about autism. Rather, because autism is characterized as a “spectrum” health condition, no two cases of autism are likely to ever be exactly alike. Symptoms appear along with a spectrum from mild to severe. As well, there is a spectrum of symptoms that can but may not always manifest.

Autism symptoms of patients can begin to appear as early as 12 months of age, according to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD). The earlier the signs and symptoms of autism are detected and marijuana medical evaluation card medical and treatment in California medical marijuana is initiated, the less severe the full expression of the condition is likely to be.

However, some children experience what is called “regression autism,” which may not manifest until the age of 24 months. Here, the child begins to exhibit the symptoms in a type of pattern researchers call “regression,” meaning former skills with language, speech, social interaction, play and facial expressions seem to be progressively “unlearned.” Researchers in their doctor’s medical marijuana recommendations and information are not sure why this happens and why it happens in only some children. They also do not yet understand how to determine which children are most at risk of regression autism.

The major early signs and symptoms of autism onset includes these, as reported by the Autism Science Foundation:
– Lack of eye contact.
– Repetitive body movements (rocking, flapping arms, et al).
– Unusual forms of play, such as meticulously lining up toys in a row.
– Ceasing to respond to their own name.
– Inability to or difficulty with following a gaze or pointing finger to connect with its object/source (this is called “joint attention”).

In children whose autism is not detected until later, the most common signs include these:

– Poor social skills and social anxiety.
– Unusual or a-typical patterns of communication.
– The difficulty with mental flexibility.
– Challenges with empathy.
– Emotional limitations (such as interpreting jokes literally).
– The difficulty with forming and keeping relationships.
– Limited ability to make small talk or chit-chat.
– Intolerance for change to routine.
– A-typical hobbies, such as memorizing facts or statistics.
– Difficulty making future plans.

Because not all of these symptoms may manifest a doctor’s medical marijuana recommendation in any one case of autism, and symptoms of patients may appear at different ages, and because some cases of autism are more severe than other cases, it is an ongoing challenge to both diagnose and treat autism on such a highly individualized basis.

Medical Marijuana Autism Treatment


In some states such as New Jersey, marijuana medical autism medical evaluation and medicating options in California marijuana recommendable like renewed plastic ID medical card online and cultivation license may be on the near horizon (as early as 2018), as reported by Philadelphia local news, sports, jobs, cars, homes -
But with renewed medical marijuana card online and cultivation license of 420 Evaluations medical card medical in California medical use still considered a state-by-state issue, how quickly such legislation and doctor’s medical marijuana recommendation can be proposed, passed and enacted across the nation will, for now, be left up to the jurisdiction of each state.

However, with growing anecdotal (personal experience-based) evidence flowing in from parents and carers of California marijuana recommendable, stating that use of medical marijuana recommendable offers help, medical recommended, information and relief to their loved ones with autism, the medical and research community is now sitting up and taking notice as well.

For instance, the Chicago Tribune reported on one family’s story of using medical cannabis in cookie form to curb their autistic son’s daily violent outbursts. Reading their story, it is clear why many neurologists and scientific autism researchers say such powerful anecdotes should not be discounted or ignored.

Marijuana Treatment for Autism


Perhaps there would be an argument to delay or simply not pursue marijuana medical treatment for autism if other existing medical evaluation treatments were able to provide some level of uniform relief for individual autism patients in California medical marijuana.

Unfortunately, to date, many parents and carers find themselves turning to renew medical marijuana card online and cultivation license of 420 Evaluations cannabis card medical when all other medications and doctors medical marijuana recommendations and information – even connecting with so-named “celebrity treatment professionals” – have failed to produce the hoped-for positive outcomes.

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), there is currently no medication that can treat the core autism symptoms or the expression of autism itself.
The only available medicating, Risperidone, that has been approved and medical recommended and information for treating autism, is used to treat irritability and comes with the possibility of powerful side effects such as weight gain and sluggishness.

Other medications such as selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are not FDA-approved to treat autism but are often prescribed anyway to treat different autism symptoms of patients. These medications may be able to produce positive progress with limiting symptoms of patients such as anxiety, depression, social and schedule rigidity, self-comfort through repetitive movements, inability to make eye contact and aggression towards self and others.

Depending on the individual, anti-convulsants, anti-psychotics, anti-anxiety medications, tricyclics, stimulants and similar other medications may be prescribed by 420 Evaluations, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Unfortunately, while a medication may work well for one autistic individual with a particular symptom, prescribing that same medicating for the same symptom in another individual may fail to produce any positive progress.
For this reason, medical recommended use of marijuana medical to treat autism is an option many parents and carers in California marijuana recommendable are increasingly asking and advocating for renewed medical card online and cultivation license within their states.

Cannabis Treatment for Autism


The CDC reports that as many as one-third of all parents and carers of individuals with autism may have already sought out alternative or complementary treatments when mainstream medical approaches have not worked. As many as 10 percents of all families may currently be using a treatment that falls outside what mainstream medicine is willing to prescribe.

Medical cannabis medicating for autism of 420 Evaluations in California medical marijuana is one such medical evaluation and treatment, as reported by none other than Forbes magazine.

A desperate parent who wants to find relief for their child is often unwilling to let any obstacle stand in the way of achieving their goal. Forbes reports how, upon seeing how medical cannabis-based medication of 420 Evaluations cannabis card medical provides relief for patients with similarly serious medical conditions such as epilepsy, for example, parents become willing to try marijuana medical for treating autism as well.

In some particularly severe cases, these parents’ willingness has paid off in notable ways. One child who received hemp oil in the form of a mouth spray spoke his first words after being completely unable to speak. A mother whose severely autistic son was non-responsive to all other treatments saves cannabis founded a nonprofit, The Unconventional Foundation for Autism, to promote medical cannabis’ positive potential for treating severely autistic children in California medical marijuana. There is even now a specific cannabis strain, Joey’s Strain, named after her son!
Determined, persistent parents are leading the charge to obtain access to autism medical evaluation and treatment using renewed medical card online and cultivation license of 420 Evaluations medical card around the nation, with their advocacy work being reported on by high-profile news sources such as CNN Money and Good Morning America.

Cannabis Cures Autism


While, to date, insufficient research exists to say for sure that cannabis cures autism, it is becoming more and more clear how much medical cannabis use can help these patients and their loved ones make progress where nothing else has worked.

Recently, the IB Times reported on the changing position of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) regarding use of medical cannabis of 420 Evaluations cannabis card medical for very sick children. For those young patients who have not found help or relief through more mainstream medical marijuana evaluation medicating, the AAP now advocates for prescribing renewed medical marijuana card online and cultivation license in these cases.

With new strains of cannabis such as Joey’s Strain and Charlotte’s Web, which was named after the young patient it helped, Charlotte, parents, and carers have new options for medical cannabis high in cannabidiol (CBD) and low in tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This is significant because the use of these new strains that have been developed for children by medical cannabis experts offer all of the medicinal benefits without imparting the psychoactive effects that have so long contributed to a bias against medicinal marijuana.
Clearly, there is tremendous demand from parents and carers already for access to these and other newer medicinally-focused strains, the Denver Post states. Autism is not considered curable, but it is clear use of medicinal cannabis can open the door to a higher quality of life for both autism patients and their loved ones.


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