Tips on harvesting, and when to harvest cannabis

A few people have asked lately about tips/tricks/suggestions for harvesting and when to harvest. I posted this in my current journal, but thought it would be good to add this to my blog as well. Hope someone finds this useful!

SurfBuddy;1534880 said:
Hey X, since this is a forum for questions and answers...

Do you have a tutorial on harvesting? stuff like how to get the gum hash off your scissors, etc? Sort of a tips and tricks? I saw on OMM's thread about humidity % for curing, but I just wiped my scissors with alcohol swab then read in HMG's journal how his scissors hash was the best part of harvest!!

Anyway, thanks for being here.

Closet Farmer;1536261 said:
Glad to see your plants are doing so well! I took your seedling advise and started some seeds in the humidity dome. One popped already! Thanks to you this is the way I am going to start seeds from here on out. I really like the fact that I can now place them in pots easier than if I would have started them in a paper towel like I used to.
Looks like your flowers are forming nicely too!!
There is a question that I had that OMM thought you covered in one of your journals. It is about the time frame for harvesting. What is the window in a plants life where the plant has the most THC?

This is just how I do things, and there are bound to be other opinions from other growers on these topics (there are many ways to skin a cat or grow/harvest a plant!). I realize this is quite wordy, but I thought I'd just run through the process of how we do it. Slow and steady is great with drying, so I'm careful to not let this process happen too quickly. Bud dried too quickly will have a vastly inferior flavor and will be weaker than properly dried/cured bud. Properly dried and cured, MMJ potency and flavor will be maximized.

As far as harvesting, and when to harvest, I look at and consider a number of things... mostly:

Seed companies recommendation for when to harvest: Some are better and seem more accurate than others. I tend to just expect it will take "at least" that long. Here's a tip for Subcool strains -- he claims his flowering times are based on going right from 18/6 to 12/12. Plants vegged under 24/0 might take a little longer (not much though if any in my experience) and plants that were vegged using the 12-1 technique (Gas Lantern Routine) might be a little quicker, for example. I also look up grow journals from other people to see what their experience was and when they harvested. Due to variations in phenotype and other growing factors that affect finishing time I use the breeders recommendation and other peoples experiences only as a starting point.

Trichome maturation: A small microscope or magnifying glass (I prefer the microscope) can be used to check the trichome development. Trichomes look like little mushrooms under a microscope, and they look clear to begin with. Over time, they typically turn milky, then eventually the head of it will start to turn "amber" colored signifying they have peaked in development and are starting to decline. Many people like to harvest their plants when these trichomes are about 50% milky, and 50% amber. The more amber, the more "stoned" or "couchlock" the effect will be. Less amber, more milky or clear, and your effect will be a little "racier" or "high" (think giggly) and you won't have as much of a narcotic effect. Personally, I prefer to harvest (generally speaking) when they are about 10-25% amber, mostly milky (I don't like to feel such strong narcotic effect). You may have multiple plants with different windows of harvest time, so you'll have to keep an eye on them individually as far as best window if you do. Plants are at their peak maturity just before the trichomes start ambering. Once they start ambering, they are dying and will start a gradual decline in potency. Individual budsites might mature faster than others, so I harvest based on what is happening at the height of the majority of the canopy for each plant, if that makes sense. When I check the trichomes, I sample from 3-4 places on each plant to get a fuller picture of what's happening.

Pistil/Calyx maturation: The pistils will turn reddish brown (color depends on the plant, but usually reddish brown) and start to recede into the false seed-pod as they mature. Basically, the calyx (where the seed would be if there were seeds) swells larger and larger until it almost looks like there really is a seed in it, and the pistils will begin to shrivel up almost receding back into the calyx. This is another sign of peek maturity. If the calyx doesn't look very swollen and the pistils are still really hanging out there on their own, you probably need more time. I also look for the majority of the pistils to have changed colors before it's ready.


Once I decide they are ready to harvest, I make sure I have everything ready in advance. I wear rubber gloves to keep my hands less sticky. The ones I buy personally are usually "purple nitrile" exam gloves that can be found at a drug store, etc. Additionally, I make sure we have our trimming scissors. There are many different types of trimmers that work for this. I prefer a good pair of small scissors with sharp pointed tip, but it's all personal preference. Lastly, we use pant hangers to hang our branches with, so I make sure we have enough of these to harvest our plants.

Harvest time: I start by cutting off individual branches and separating them into different "piles" on our trimming tables by strain/plant. We immediately trim the large fans off of them, and any non "bud" leaf. Usually my wife is already working on this while I remove branches from the plants. Once we have all the branches plucked and separated, we start trimming the bud leaves and buds while they are on the branch. Personally, I try to trim them very close and thoroughly - (they dry faster with a good trim, so be careful not to overdry them too fast).

Once a branch is thoroughly trimmed up (there should be nothing but the branch and trimmed budsites) we hang it upside down either in a small separate room we have, or in our grow tent if there is room (no other plants in there still growing!). I use the little clamps on the pants hangers to "pinch" the fat end of the branch. I don't like it to be pinched shut (sealing moisture in) so I'm careful to monitor that. One great tip related to this: We found little add-on clips that can be put on hangers so that instead of (2) clips on the pant hangers, there are several. I think we found these at the local grocery or drug store somewhere, but they are handy! Otherwise we make sure we have enough hangers or use rubberbands to tie branches to the hangers. Our ceiling is easy to hang hangers from, but you can makeshift a clothesline or something (which is what we do in our tent).

As we trim, any loose buds that fall off (or get cut off by accident) go into a little dish that we use to quick-dry/sample what we are trimming. It's fun to be feeling the high from what we are working on, so I usually am vaping/smoking these little accident nuggets along the way. We save goo balls from our scissors and make larger goo balls as the night goes on. These get added to a bowl and smoked for fun! I keep a supply of 72% alcohol "wet-wipes", which work great for cleaning off the excess stickyness of scissors, etc. (I don't drink much, but Jandre had a cool idea about cleaning the scissors with 151 rum and drinking the shot!)

Once all branches are trimmed and hung, we usuallly place a small fan in the room blowing under (NOT on) the plants. Just to keep circulation in the room. You don't want them to dry too fast. We usually let them hang 3-4 days, depending on humidity. We check them periodically for signs that they are ready with this phase. We err on the side of still moist vs. too dry. When the branches feel more prone to "snap" and the buds feel somewhat dry on the outside, we take the branches down and clip the buds off. They go into jars right away, and sealed up for about 12-24 hours depending on how dry they seemed when put in the jar.

After about 12-24 hours, I open the jars. I'm looking for the buds to seem a bit damp/moist again. Basically, when you hang them, the outside drys first. Jarring them brings the moisture to the outer parts of the bud, too, again. At this point, I typically give them periods of airing out by putting each jar into it's own small brown paper bag for a period of time, looking for the outside to start to feel a bit "dry" again (don't overdry!!). Then, they go back into jars again. I keep repeating this process until I feel like they are "close" without being too dry.

Once they are close, I put them in jars and burp daily until I feel they are where I want them (one to two weeks usually?). TIP: Finally, I put these in each wide-mouth Mason style jar: 4-pack: Humidipak 62%: Home & Kitchen

These "humidipaks" will help keep your bud at roughly 62% humidity, which is fairly ideal for MMJ. If your jar starts to get too dry, it adds humidity. If it gets too humid, it removes it. This is an awesome product from what I can tell so far (just started using this with my last harvest, and this product is fairly new (at least at a cannabis friendly humidity level). The 62% humidipaks were created specifically for MMJ as I understand it. These are working great so far for me! One tip on the humidipaks: They won't be a substitute for a proper drying process, but once you are there, they seem to do a great job of keeping things just right! :)

Did I miss anything or leave any other questions? Again, this is just how we do it - many other great ways to do this, too! :)


Excellent! Thanks for the great tip, man. I just printed it out so I'll have the info on hand when my girls are ready.
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Hey X it's me asking more questions again! Lol! But hey was wondering after the first 12-24 hours in jar after hang drying. How long/often to you put them in paper bags for?
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DocDee;bt5108 said:
Hey X it's me asking more questions again! Lol! But hey was wondering after the first 12-24 hours in jar after hang drying. How long/often to you put them in paper bags for?

Hi DocDee - Sorry for the late reply, I didn't catch your post right away for some reason...

The answer to your question is really difficult, because it varies so much depending on bud size/density and environmental conditions. These variations can make for dramatic differences in time spent in the bag. I find it's best to err on the side of not "over-drying".

The best way to describe it, that I can think of, is that I look for them to start to feel a bit closer to dry or "ready" on the outside, before putting them back in jars. Putting them back in jars and sealing them will make any moisture migrate from the center of each bud, outward. If you can put them in jars overnight, and they still feel "ready" after opening the jar the next morning, you can be done with the paper bags*. If you open the jars the next morning, and they feel too damp on the outside to "smoke" or vaporize, then bag them again for a little while. After the first day or two, they may only need to spend short periods in the bag before they can be jarred again. Watch them closely, and as soon as they start feeling ready on the outside, jar again. Again, err on the side of not "over drying" during the time as if they dry to much too fast, the flavor gets locked in and can be subpar. Bud dried to quickly can have a very grassy, gross taste.

*Even once you are done with the paper bag part, you still want to open the jars daily for a while (1-3 weeks?) until things stabilize completely. It's after this point that I place 62% humidipaks in the containers.

Hope this helps, sorry I'm a week late with the reply... Doh!
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No problems your not late I'm just asking early hehe! Thanks again for the detailed response that's pretty much what I do now except I think I was over drying slightly because after a week in jars (burping 2x daily) they were very brittle and dry which could of been ur to leaving in the paper bag too long. I got about 3-5 weeks to worry about it again but this time I'm going to be more careful/watchful of the nugs inside the bag. I also might have to look into better jars as they're the ones with the sealable lid and the ring that screws on top separate from the lid if you know what I'm saying. So I have to make sure the lids are absolutely airtight no leaks which I think may have happened last go.

Thanks for the help either way!!
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DocDee;bt5169 said:
No problems your not late I'm just asking early hehe! Thanks again for the detailed response that's pretty much what I do now except I think I was over drying slightly because after a week in jars (burping 2x daily) they were very brittle and dry which could of been ur to leaving in the paper bag too long. I got about 3-5 weeks to worry about it again but this time I'm going to be more careful/watchful of the nugs inside the bag. I also might have to look into better jars as they're the ones with the sealable lid and the ring that screws on top separate from the lid if you know what I'm saying. So I have to make sure the lids are absolutely airtight no leaks which I think may have happened last go.

Thanks for the help either way!!

Those with the separate ring/lid should be the most airtight. That's what gets used for long-term storage of canned goods, etc. They seal really well as long as they're not damaged or bent. When I vacuum seal them, months later there is still a strong vacuum inside, that makes a "whoosh!" when I open them. :)

Once you get them to the desired dryness or real close to it, try adding 62% "humidipaks" to each jar. They are amazing, as they will remove excess moisture, or add moisture if it gets dry - ensuring ideal humidity in your jars at all times. They keep the RH where it should be for you. It's the best way I've found to keep things from getting too dry. The vacuum sealing is a great way to go, too. The trapped air in jars (that aren't vacuum sealed) is enough to make them dry and age a bit faster. By controlling humidity and/or removing the air, they'll stay "ideal" much, much longer. The humidipaks come in different sizes. If you use smaller ones (like 2x2") you'll need around 3-4 per quart jar. There are larger sizes available, too. Just throw them in the jar with the buds.
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This is my first little outdoor grow. Would the little packs of dessicant that come with regular medications do the same job as the Humidipaks. When you mention 'jars', I assume you mean Mason jars. How does one 'burp' a Mason jar.
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This is my first little outdoor grow. I was wondering if the little packs of dessicant that come in regular medications would do the same job as Humidipaks. When you mention jars I am assuming that you mean 'Mason' jars. How does one 'burp' a 'Mason' jar. Thanks.
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patmonk;bt6312 said:
This is my first little outdoor grow. I was wondering if the little packs of dessicant that come in regular medications would do the same job as Humidipaks. When you mention jars I am assuming that you mean 'Mason' jars. How does one 'burp' a 'Mason' jar. Thanks.

No, they are not the same. Dessicant removes moisture or humidity, but only that. The cool thing about humidipaks, is they remove moisture as necessary, but also put it back as necessary. So they work both ways. It's like "climate control" for the jar. But, you need to have things appropriately dried first. The humidipaks will keep your bud at the right moisture level, but it has to be fairly close to begin with (they aren't going to do the drying for you).

When the bud is first put in the jar, there should still be a little moisture left in them. That moisture can cause mold if it isn't "off gassed" periodically. The term "burping" as it relates to the Mason jars simply means opening them and getting them some fresh air as necessary. I like to remove the lid and roll the buds around gently in the jar or even dump them into a paper bag before sealing them back in the jar again. I like to burp them until I'm satisfied that they are retaining a consistent moisture throughout the bud. Then I let the humidpaks keep things where they should be.

For bud I'm not going to use right away, I vacuum seal the Mason jars using a "Foodsaver" vacuum sealer with a Mason jar attachment. It allows the Mason jar to be sealed with a really strong vacuum and they will keep for many months. I've had bud that was kept this way for as long as a year that was still very very good (that's the longest I've tried so far, it might be great well beyond a year).

Hope that helps!
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Thanks. I'm loving this learning process!! Retirement is not so bad after all. (.<)
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