i litterally shed 3 tears while watching this. grown man..in my later 20s...a dog lover..and a grower. i dont understand when it became ok for our own country to do what they do to us. this video is proof that were nothing to them but wheels in the machine that makes them money. america? really? what has it come to when this is what happens. the poor guy is lucky so to say that all he lost was a pet and not a person. family is still the same for legs or 2. sick and sad. words cant describe what this video made me feel. my stomach is turning. god what an attrocity were all turning into. and im a criminal cuz i smoke a lil grass. never made me break down a door and exicute a defensless creature in front of a child. thats for sure. my sympathies go out to that man and his family. jesus how disturbing