The lotus cure and 2 other Low'n'slow curing methods

tricam;3498536 said:
I just came across this journal.
And, I love the intensity everyone is putting into it.
I also have been (since 1976) understanding and perfecting (to my liking) drying and curing Cannabis for smoking.

Three methods....all slow dry to cure.

Traditional- wash, hang, jar, burp (2 months)
Low and Slow- wash, open jar in frost free refrigerator, closed jar, burp (3 months)
Water cure- wash, dry, infusion/rehydrate, burp (1 month) used for unflushed, PM, or a narcotic party favor.


Top BUD is for comparison. She is fresh.
2nd BUD is Low and Slow (in closed jar burping process. 1 week untill done.)
3rd BUD is Traditional (finished)
4th BUD is water cured (done except infusing smell and taste).

I am not going to go into the technical scientific reasoning as to why this works.
Just the steps that I use to get the smoothest most tasteful product. That has not been degraded by improper or rushed to finish drying and curing techniques.

Low and Slow or (Lotus Cure) as we used to call it.
Harvest and trim fan and large leaves from plants. Wash buds. Hang to drip dry. Small fan circulating air. Can blow across buds as long as buds do not move.
Around 4 hours.
Do not remove sugar leaves. They are the buffer to protect the flowers.
Remove buds from stalks and put in canning jars. Fill jars loosely 1/2 to 2/3 full. Cover open end of jar with nylon screen and screw on cap ring. This keeps the buds from falling out during rolling or gentle shaking of jars.
Place in the crisper of a frost free refrigerator.
3 to 5 week process.
Week 1. Everyday roll or gently shake jar.
After 7 to 10 days. Take a jar out and let it come up to room temp 68F to 76F deg temp RH below 60%.
Place a humidity sensor in jar and seal. Place in dark. Wait one hour. If not between 64% and 72% RH. Replace screen and return to crisper.
Week 2 through 5. Check and roll/gentle shake every couple of days. Check RH% weekly.
Once RH% is between 64% and 72%.
Remove jars from refrigerator. Let them come up to room temp. 68F to 76F deg with RH% at 62%.
Seal jars (place a humidity sensor in one jar) and place in the dark with above parameters.
Burp jars daily. BURPING: Gently shake or roll jar before opening.
Room parameters 72F to 76F deg temp. 62% RH.
Open all jars. Place a test jar on its side with a humidity sensor inside.
Leave untill sensor reads 62%.
Before I seal each jar. I run a small fan over the top of jars. Forcing fresh air in.
Repeat process untill test jar sensor reads 62%.
Burp and seal jars for one week. Checking daily that RH is stable.
After I week. Burp jars and seal for 1 month.
After a month. Smoke, vape and enjoy.
Unopened jars burp every 4 months. Can be placed sealed in frost free fridge. And burp every 4 months.


Used very efficient frost free


Nutes and Nugs.


Hydro meter reads 44% RH, 9deg C.
Average for FF Frig.
Can you see it?


The other drawer.


Lined up for show.
7 Budsicle's from SOG.
Left jar is test jar with hydro meter.


Test jar after 10 days. 99% RH. 24 deg C.


Placed in crisper on May 24. Reached 64% RH on June 28. Will burp on July 6 and seal for a month.

Test BURN!



Almost there.
Next installment. Traditional or Water?


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