The giants of Cannabis research

cajuncelt;3080851 said:
I wanted to share some knowledge for the self-taught out there.
Alot of the questions you'll eventually have can be answered by following the trail of the following men.

These men are truly the fathers of modern medicinal cannabis.
Way before Jack Herer, Rick Simpson & similar.

I've mentioned studies or info about/from them several times in cannabis oil threads.

Israel is the country that started the real science on cannabis & it's properties. Few know that. And, they are still the most advanced country when it comes to the science.
3 men have authored papers, journals & studies that represent the way overwhelming majority of what we know today.

Raphael Mechoulam (sp?), Ethan Russo and Yechiel Gaoni.
They were writing about the chemical structure of THC, CBD and discovered Amandamide, which is what THC acts as in our ECS (which they discovered too).
They also discovered the synergistic effects that combined cannabinoids, terpenes, terpenoids, flavonoids, etc. have on our system.
They were showing what specific cannabinoids combined with what specific terpenes do to specific diseases.

They were doing this back in the early 1960's and continue to host workshops & seminars all over the world.
Russo is the senior medical advisor to GW Pharmaceuticals and each are still quoted in medical journals to this day.
I was looking up an article today on the British Journal of Pharmaceuticals & these men were popping up in every search still.

To help the self- taught step in to specifics, here are some examples of "needed" knowledge:

To treat addiction, use Echinacea (found in any store as a supplement) combined with a high CBD strain.
Substituting ba high THC strain would work as an anti-inflammatory.
Echinacea has the terpenoid Beta Caryophyline.

Lavender combined with high THC acts as a sedative & light anaesthesia.
Substituting a high CBD would work to stop spasms.
Lavender has the terpene Linalool.

These are a few examples of this "needed" stuff. I don't see anyone posting all this, so maybe it'll help someone.

The properties of terpenes in plants is actually well known. But, has been studied mostly perfume & fragrance companies R&D scientists.
The medical properties are just now surfacing.

Also, I've read that lots of members are using leaves to juice & make concentrates.
That's a great idea for symptoms & for less dangerous illnesses. The leaves contain lots of vitamins too. But, THCA (which these have the most of) actually blocks the CB1 receptor when used in small doses & would be detrimental to someone fighting cancer & the like.

Anyway, of anyone's interested or just bored some night, these men & their research would boost your knowledge as a caregiver 50 fold.


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