The #1 Deficiency in a healthy garden

Hands down Mg (Magnesium) deficiency so Cal-Mag is your best friend from veg to week 4 of flower and B-1, Sweet or FloraNectar from week4 flower to finish.

If your leaf edges are cupping and leaves are curling up you want to supplement with Cal-Mag. Adjust nutrients nutrients and avoid additives until the cupping is resolved. In fact, never use additives unless the plants are in good health or you're just throwing money away.

For example, if you have a 1000ppm requirement and notice a Mg deficiency reduce your PPM to 800 and supplement with 200ppm Mg. If you wanted to add Silica as well then reduce the base nutes even further so for 100ppm reduce base to 700ppm to account for the 200ppm Mg and 100ppm Silica.

Cupping can be avoided with appropriate supplementation with Cal-Mag.

Purple petioles, stalks and taco'd leaves - use 250-400PPM of Cal-Mag in veg or B-1 in flower
Purple petioles and stalks only - 200 PPM
Slightly curled leaf edges - 100 PPM


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