TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bag Seed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve - Stage 1

colorfuldayze;2345919 said:
TassieDevil;2345906 said:
I've been looking up organic phos and pot supplements.

The chook is high N as well as phosphates. I'm concerned if I've got a nutrient uptake and imbalance, then I really need to just add the imbalance, not more problems.

Potassium - may raise PH

Wood ash from a fire is the original source of pot ash.
Kelp Meal
Granite dust - very slow release
Egg shells - all trace elements slow release


There are some high Phos liquid bat guano fertilizers that are all Phos.
Chook manure (V High N though)
Bat guano (V High N???? Nitrogen content anyone?)

Look I've just been looking and this is what I've found.

Of note out of all of this, with my outdoor grows...there was always chook poo, worm castings, and heaps of that propogating sand...now it's made from crushed granite and sandstone...I've never really fed other than home made tea with comfrey and worm wee, horse, chook etc.

I never had these problems before...it appears I had the balance right...or somewhat previously...and that's basically what's been missing with the in door.

I'm off to the room, gunna make some soil, prep the pots, and have a think.

I bought some straight Seasol - it's a seaweed tonic...see kelp above...no nutrients as such....This I think combined with a repot is gunna be the first step.

I'm prepping the pots and soil tonight. Repot tomorrow...it's late.

Have a good sleep all :)

Hey Tassie, excellent thoughts and evaluations - I'm sensing a fellow farmer here - and I mean farmer! :) One thing re: wood ash - this is a big no no with potted plants - indoor or out. It will skyrocket your soil's pH and create every antagonism known to man and woman. Like many of the other ingredients you mentioned you can condition it, but I do not recommend adding K via straight wood ash to pots - or even field grown plants for that matter. Maybe one could mix it with soil and make a very dilute tea but I would proceed with caution even with that mate!

Your plants were looking perfect a month ago, and somewhere along the way this antagonism set in. Consider not doing/changing/adding too much at once as your ladies should have the strength - as they are - to transition to the next phase, but you will have to be very kind to them in the next few weeks to stabilize and regenerate their setbacks. I really like your evaluations and thoughts of the supplements in your post bro. You've got this!



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