SweetSue's Cannabis Oil Study Hall

LVMarc42;3747774 said:
LVMarc42;3746843 said:
Marvelous plant.. teens thc with Cbd///// even better than theoretical >20% sativa..imho.. the Cbd and thc does something.. it’s all,good.. I’m getting me Cbd from...’’lol...Acapulco gold’’ store bought /jar weed/ new dispensary they do,not know wtf they are doing/ thank goodness.lol hey are letting the A.G. Got,for 180/oz in Las Vegas where la,orange top drawer sells for >400 /ounce//now few months ago 240 for top drawer. All day. All mothers/ every shopping/ no greedy bastards ruined the path for medicine. Anyway.... this Jared,stuff is old in the ‘cbd ‘Section And isn’t marked up//lol I’m not helpin them../ further they think rso is all/ 100 % Cbd.. so is 55/usd/a gram.. rso. 64% Thc and 24 % Cbd. Terpimes..so 88 % medicine oil .lol got a sack,of,that for,rainy days....

Read post about re growing nerves in spine patient..s.. is,that what happened to,me/?????????my cns/Ecs/brain/blood /stomach sensory system..is new. Renewed// like 42 years taken off my clock. ... the grapefruit juice is a ...powerful thing. Grapefruit itself as well. When I eat or drink it . It,feels like nothing else I,consume. Not orange juice. Not,the low,Vera juice/drink.. not anything. What is in grapefruit red pink especially /fresh juice or fresh fruit. Makes brain tingle before,it hit bottom of stomach.. tickles/>.lol/-!nyone else,or,just me??
....insert point trial 1

Further, on food.....

Ending oxycodone poisoning on 9/13/17.
Appetite returned..
In next two months I ate, a lot /relative to past 18 months ^^^^factor 4/8/ : 1.
Prior home made chocolate , coconut oil/ CCO infused/...halted 9/2x/17..
Craving eating/
8 lbs pistachio,/lol/ in 8 @ 1/2 lb or more sessions.
5 lbs desert dates. From mojave desert I bought 5 lb of four chemvar types of dates. Have 1 lb left.sweet.
6 jugs of simply grapefruit/ keep cold fresh juice. This juice tickles me inside... still does it too. A dozen Texas red grapefruit / they are good.

I did ‘google’ /what nonsense came up/of course commercial first/mayb wiki best??/copied and re-copied fake information. The engine or the database?

Also, you CCO cooks// with or with thc// May as well make your food really fine and goodness. Same exact steps a CCO extraction techniqueS. All CCO techniques useful for food preparation, as well. Ok oil and cooking/ got to be ‘fast ‘ oil use with the final food prep! Oil > 275/300.//below this the oil soaks into food, not ‘cook it’. So evoo/evoo n butter/make it sizzle away the maiming water fat whatever? Into crispy goodness or oil extract/ so garlic /onion/carrot/. Celery/ all happy in hot oil..together too/ then go wild .....arroz con pollo/ etc..

Qwet techniqueS also useful

The discipline and precision required to perform qwet extract to oil//helps // enables/in multi step food
Qwet builds /bracket /confidence/ an easily screw up perfectly to weed/ I don’t have suitable ‘trim’ per se//lol..so 200/300/400 an ounce mistaken by 5-10 F/anywhere along the process///and its pyro prone/

The rendering in the last minutes of evaporating the /dragon/ extract// offers visual insight into the transformation of matter/dragon//oil CCO//4-6 grams/ in 200-300 ml ethanol//yumm//CCO in ethanol// Great Idaho that’s coming soon///into mostly oil with some boiling ethanol/ mostly oil with little liquid// slow boiling light oil// decarb 2.0/ weed dried at 220 =/- 3 42 minutes prior/ days prior by boiling point day/. Then eureka fresh oil in vessel or vassal?//either way lots to do/ transfer CCO/ clean up mess/// just like gourmet/that us/ cooking!


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