SweetSue's Cannabis Oil Study Hall

fookinel;2859458 said:
fookinel;2858839 said:
When I'm done (as the CCO hasn't completely dissolved in the oil) I'll post here what I did :)

Okay, I want to get this person I'm trying to help taking as much CCO as soon as possible and the CCO is almost completely dissolved in olive oil so I'll share what I've done and what we will do from now.

Please note that all measurements are using weight which I find to be more accurate and repeatable than volume.

First, I mixed what should be 1g of CCO (I never measured it and couldn't measure it accurately anyway, but that's what I bought!) with 20g extra virgin olive oil (an Australian brand named Cobram Estate, the "Classic" flavour version) in a glass jar. I did this at room temperature over the period of a couple of days and I shook the glass jar from time to time (I'm not sure if this made any difference). Next time I'll make this well in advance and won't bother shaking it so I can see how well it mixes on it's own.

In a separate glass jar I mixed 15g liquid sunflower lecithin (it was the NOW foods brand) with 40g of the extra virgin olive oil. I also did this at room temperature and shook the jar quite vigorously, it seemed to mix well (with plenty of air bubbles!) and didn't seem to separate. I made this mix at the same time as the CCO/olive oil mix to see if there was any separation. It seems pretty stable so far and I'll continue to make the lecithin/olive oil mix at the same time I make the CCO/olive oil mix.

Finally, I combined the two by pouring the lecithin/olive oil mix in to the jar containing the CCO/olive oil mix as I'd rather waste lecithin than CCO! This should give a CCO:lecithin:eek:live oil ratio of 1:15:60 which gives a lecithin:eek:live oil ratio of 1:4 by weight.

The person I'm trying to help has tried one drop under the tongue as a starting point and didn't feel anything. Tomorrow morning they'll be trying a few drops under the tongue and assuming they don't feel anything then we'll try a '00' sized capsule full tomorrow night about 30-40mins after dinner. From there we'll gauge how they respond and work to increase the number of capsules at a time as well as the frequency to at least 3x a day (all about 30-40mins after a meal) for now. Later on we will be looking at adding hops extract in place of mango prior to a dose, I also want them to take apigenin prior to a dose if it can be managed with their medications, and they did have some green tea previously which I need to get them to start having more often!

When the CCO is completely dissolved I'll be storing the mix in the fridge and I'm planning to store the capsules in a dark, airtight container in the fridge (I'm also considering a desiccant but I'm not sure it will be necessary).

Some tips for other people:

  • You'll want some digital scales. I used kitchen scales with a resolution of 1g. The more accurate and better the resolution the better.

  • You'll want two glass jars which can hold around 100-150mls. I believe the ones I used hold around 120mls and they're the perfect size with just a little room to spare. The main things are that they're:
    • clear so you can see what's going on; and
    • capable of holding 1g CCO + 15g lecithin + 60g olive oil in total; and
    • not too much bigger than that (to avoid wasting CCO and lecithin).
  • You may like to use some aluminium foil to wrap the glass jars in to protect the contents from light. You can then take the aluminium foil away to check the contents and re-wrap the glass jar after. The main thing here is to protect the contents from any possible degradation, I'm not sure it's necessary but it's simple to do so I figured it was worth wrapping both jars just in case.

  • If you shake the CCO and olive oil check to make sure that the CCO has not stuck to the sides of the jar and is submersed in the olive oil to help them mix.

If there are any comments of questions then fire away!


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