SweetSue's Cannabis Oil Study Hall

SweetSue;3053120 said:
It's a study hall. Sometimes I need to remind myself that that means I can really come here and study. I'm dropping these here so I don't misplace them. I'll be reworking it for later use.

Class Notes: rough draft

Unlock The Full Therapeutic Power Of Cannabis - GreenFlower Media

Part One: Dr. Rachel Knox

Cannabis with arthritis

Arthritis is inflammation and degeneration of cartilage and bone in the joints.
- Key word is "Inflammation"

You'll need both THC and CBD to effectively treat the disease.
- many patients don't want euphoria

The way you want to feel at the end of the day will determine your choice of strain.

For patients new to cannabis you want to start with a minimal dose of a combined 2.5 mg of cannabinoids (both THC and CBD combined)
- this is the bare minimum to cause an effect
- most people are maxing out at about 10mg THC daily
- CBD you can go as high as 10-20 mg/pound weight
* at higher levels some patients may have nausea or upset stomach
* an average body will tolerate these ratios, but every body is individual in its response to cannabis

Try for a starting ratio of between 10-14:1, CBD:THC
- you're trying to determine the THC tolerance with new patients
- slowly increase THC values until patient finds sweet spot with pain and inflammation relief and euphoria
- you have a lot more wiggle room with the CBD
- in theory there shouldn't be a tolerance concern with CBD
- people would be more likely to be sleepy at those high doses before they'd be likely to get upset stomach or nausea

Typical adverse side effects (signs that you've overdosed your particular system)

- anxiety, panic, racing heartbeat, upset stomach, nausea, paranoia
- if you experience any of these, next time start at a lower dose
- symptoms will only last as long as the THC is active in the system (typically 2-8 hrs, depending on method of administration)

Antidotes = terpenes
- terpenes on citrus fruits and in pine will create an antidote effect to the High of THC
- either zest the skin of an orange, lemon or lime or eat pesto that's full of alpha Pinene, the terpenes can counteract the high of THC

NOTE: in the section with Jessica (below: part two) she mentions that Pinene makes her anxious. She has anxiety and PTSD, and recommends patients with these conditions avoid Pinene. This needs to be taken into consideration.

For a regular cannabis user a ratio of 4:1, CBD:THC will cancel out euphoria

Many arthritis patients have been able to replace their pharmaceutical medications with topicals for joint and neuropathic pain

Aging patients in good health, but wanting to counter effects of aging

- even seemingly healthy people can benefit from cannabis
- in this day and age none of us are completely healthy
- we need supplementation to help create homeostasis
- cannabis can bring the inflammation down and help keep the system in flow and slow degeneration down

Juiced cannabis has more antioxidant properties than juiced kale

You only need a small dose for maintenance of a healthy body
- most of us need just a tiny bit

Tinctures are a great administration method for many people
- you'll get a higher concentration of cannabinoids in a dropper than you will in a joint

Does cannabis effect blood sugar?

Short answer = yes.

Cannabis can be used pallatively (to treat symptoms), or caretively

When you're talking about diabetes you're talking about a like style, not just cannabis. Cannabis can be used to both curb and stimulate appetite. Pay very close attention to what your cannabis strain is providing for you.

Of greater importance is paying attention to nutrition. Cannabis won't control your blood sugar the way eating proper will. The bulk of the work in diabetes management is avoiding some foods and including others.

Diabetes is one of the hallmark diseases for inflammation. Our hormonal messaging system has been obstructed by that inflammation. Reduce the inflammation and improve cellular signaling, improving health at a cellular level.

That's what's so nice about cannabis. You're boosting the immune system and the endocannabinoid system and improving health at a cellular level. When you use cannabis in conjunction with a whole food diet you can create balance where there was chaos.

Used properly cannabis can help control food intake as well as reduce inflammation, improving cellular messaging between insulin and glucose to create stable blood sugar levels.

One of the best uses for cannabis is the ability to supplement our overtaxed ECS and bring our bodies back to homeostasis

THC can be used to enhance fertility. In order to implant an egg in the womb there must be anandamide present. THC is an anandamide mimicker. Theoretically, THC could be used in supplementation with a fertility regimen to assist implantation.

How does cannabis effect the mental/emotional mindfulness?

- Expectation and the biology of the brain
- the placebo effect is actually your belief causing healing
- the ECS works by feeling

Everyone using cannabis is medicating, whether or not you face the reality.

Cannabis allows you to me more mindful and to allow healing to be part of that mindfulness.


- we should be encouraged by the use of cannabis to treat cancer
- cannabinoids can signal apoptosis; this is scientific fact
- apoptosis take out the cancerous cell without damaging healthy cells.
- there's enough anecdotal evidence to strongly suggest that cannabis is a cure for cancer
- recent studies show that cannabis enhances effects of chemo and radiation while reducing adverse side effects of these treatments
- use full-extract cannabis oil at any level you're comfortable with
- patients should be free to make their own choices of what they want to put into their bodies

Patient conversation

- Linilool or myrcene dominant strains work well for ADD
- Pain is much the same, says with purples and kushes
- the euphoria is a way to bring balance to brain, body and spirit and doesn't need to be feared or demonized

Medicine is something that's supposed to make us feel better if we have a problem. If you compare the side effects of cannabis against all the other "feel better" drugs you can't help but come away feeling good about cannabis.

Part Two: Jessica Peters, MoxyMeds

Endometriosis patient originally

Picking a good daytime regimen
- anxiety and PTSD concerns with sativas
- CBD medications can be very helpful for keeping focus and energy without euphoria or anxiety or PTSD
- if you choose your strain with the terpene profile in mind you can find a sativa that won't amp up anxiety or PTSD.
- for anxiety symptoms steer clear of Pinene and look for linalool and myrcene
- tinctures can be an easier way to dial in the protocol
- CBD can be preferred if you don't want to aggravate anxiety or PTSD or if you need to be focused in the workplace in a way that will be compromised with higher levels of THC.

Every patient has the responsibility of experimenting to find how your body responds to medications and to dial in your personal protocol.

It's about the whole plant, about using the components in concert to get the therapeutic effect the patient is seeking. You want the entourage effect that cannabis-sourced CBD and won't be available in hemp-sourced CBD. Hemp CBD comes at a high input-low output cost and also requires a much larger dose to get a therapeutic effect than one would need from cannabis whole plant medications. For the majority of patients hemp CBD won't work at all. Get a CBD-rich cannabis strain and stop frustrating yourself. (A bottle three times a day vs two drops three times a day.)

Sleep: High or low THC? CBD?

It depends on the patient
- pain or stress-related issues respond well to balanced or higher CBD
- pain responds best to balanced
- patients with insomnia who're comfortable with THC should consider a high THC edible at bedtime.
* if you get a THC hangover you can counter it with a dose of something high in CBD

With insomnia you have to first determine what's the barrier to your sleep. Is it pain, anxiety or insomnia? Is it a combination of these symptoms? Figure this out first, then experiment with a protocol.

About 10-15% of the population will find CBD invigorating. You won't know that until you try it. If you're one of these people don't use CBD as a sleep med.

Cannabis and menstration

- CBD can be highly beneficial for cramps, pain, nausea
- CBD can make the difference with endometriosis
- CBD can assist anxiety and moodiness
- CBD can help with bloating and inflammation
- cannabis can create balance by positively affecting these multiple symptoms


THC appears to provide more benefit in topicals. This is what she sees in her practice and what they hear at GreenFlower.


- both THC and CBD have proven to be effective
- a balanced ratio is the golden ratio for glaucoma
- micro dosing is apparently working very well for this treatment

Strain-specific recommendations

There are so many variables plant to plant that this can be chasing the rabbit.

Let your nose lead you when choosing buds. Your body usually knows what terpenes will benefit you. Trust it to guide you. Check on the components to be certain it won't be detrimental on some level, but trust the nose and the eyes. What draws you? Go with that one.

Patient story

This patient cured herself of MS eating cannabis.

MS is a disease whereby the protective coating of the nerve cells are compromised.

Strain effect is individual to the body and individual to what's going on in the body at that time. Choose the strain for the application that you need.

With MS you deal with muscle spasms, insomnia, depression among other things. Choose the strain to meet the needs of the body at that moment. That will change at any time. Try not to get hung up on one strain.

Cannabis is a supplemental medication'forma deficient ECS, no different than insulin as a supplement to the pancreas.

Her protocol includes cannabis-infused oil, two droppers at bedtime with vaping for breakthrough. She mixes strains for the effects she's after. She's symptom-free.


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