My garden is finally taking shape. I had a few good friends, lend time ,tools ,muscle, and vehicles to help make this garden happen.We loaded up a ford econo van with garbage and dumped it. I love my friends. In my "secret garden " I have my girls, 1 Sensi Star clone, 3 Super Lemon Haze, 3 mystery bag seed, and 1 Lucy (skunk #1 x Mazar). The corn and sunflowers have begun to sprout. My nasturtium trellis is in place, ready for them to sprout and climb. I have planted two roses in my MMJ garden to add a little flavor to the smoke. soon tomato sprouts will be planted and more corn sown. plenty of hoeing left to do. I have plenty of lettuce, cabbage, and carrot varieties, squash , watermelon, bellpepper, onion, gaarlic,herbs galore and plenty of wild flowers in betwixt all the stuff. it will be magical and rad.