Prop 213: Harm reduction and decriminalization of cannabis in Sweden?

  • Author Author Medican
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  • Blog entry read time Blog entry read time 6 min read
I don't now how many of these petitions I have signed over the Years and nothing happens.
Thousands upon thousand of signatures and the result is always the same from government officials. They don't give a shit.

How ever, now, finally, we within the cannabis community in Sweden is apparently being recognized as a problem within our society and that is in a bizarre twist to our advantage.

It turns out after this latest big Cannabis Conference in Stockholm with high rolling prohibitionist within i Sweden and worldwide visiting, with fancy guests like Nora D. Volkow, M.D. Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) she spoke or preached about the dangers regarding cannabis.
The turnout was around 250 people by admittance with 100 seats to spare? How that is possible is probably a government mathematical issue.

They came out from the conference yesterday, I was expecting the biggest baddest new strategy based on a new magical prohibition study from a land far far away...

Blow me sideways! They have nothing new!
Same argument still, we want to keep our kids safe from substance abuse and off cannabis at an early age because there is insufficient study's on the damage caused by long term effects of cannabis use in children. Go figure?

In other words we agree with each other now!
So in other words if we put the legal age for cannabis usage at 18 years or 20 as we have done with the deadly drugs and decriminalize the population so we can focus our resources where they are needed.
Let the ones that have a substance abuse be able to talk about it, clearly they are not well and we should be grateful if they turn to cannabis so we can have a lifetime of fun together after the problem at hand is solved.

Dead people don't talk, however they do clearly state that prohibition doesn't work and there is something monumentally wrong in our christian conservative society.
"The Swedish anxiety" as it is known worldwide, from the country that invented the condition or illness called "Hash psychosis".
The psychosis can come at anytime after You take a hit from a joint, it stores in your fatty tissue and lurks in the darkness of Your mind until you never now when.
A cough could be enough to set it off the policeman told us in school, and the heroin junkie next to him agreed.

(I got detention that week and the following 2 Fridays after that class, my parents did not raise no fool or lesser person)

Lets not chase and hunt down healthy individuals that are supposed to go to school or work on Monday.
There is no reason for these people to attend 12 step programs or hashpsychosis treatment programs for 8 months or more.
Lets not force our kids to pee in a cup while the school nurse, drug test specialist or police is watching.

Lets not cuff innocent young adults and people enjoying life by taking their blood with brutal force using trained officers when they violate their right to speak their mind or choosing not to use alcohol as their first drug of choice.

Lets not promote the launch of Swedish tobacco and alcoholic agenda in the EU and the world, lets just roll up what we got and enjoy life as we have done for thousands of years before the church came..

Fact is: It was legal to be under the influence of cannabis for thousands of years in Sweden up until 1988 when the consumption act was rewritten and possession of THC in your body is a crime that is punishable with up to 6 months imprisonment.

The consumption act and in its governmental twisted logic kind of way
was tweaked to punish the users in order to get grounds for search warrants and information so that they could pursue their "higher" goal, organised crime.
The result from this change within Swedish law?
Off course Sweden is now self sufficient in marijuana, smuggling to our neighboring Scandinavian country's has gone up and the users have gone under ground.

The cannabis culture has never been stronger in Sweden and Scandinavia. We want nothing to do with organised crime neither did our parents and neither should our kids be thrust in to the realm of drug dealing and violence.
Our governments own public statistics clearly show:
Increase of cannabis use,
decrease of alcohol use,
decrease of tobacco use.

Yes that is right the Swedish government does not approve that their population is now more prone to use illegal nonlethal drugs than government funded and sponsored monopolized lethal drugs.

And in this process they go out in the media and claim that long term cannabis use may or can cause a lower IQ.
The government calls us stupid hundreds of thousands of Scandinavians are stupid, millions of people worldwide are stupid for choosing the lesser evil in their world-order and we are criminals.

I say its the other way around.
If our own government cant read the statistics or the result from their own findings they might need a hit from the bowl to chill out and come back rested to the office on Monday and do some work based on facts not fiction of their imaginary father in the sky giving moral lectures.
In fact as good christian politicians they are breaking some of their own commandments.

I do not believe in their God heavenly father however i do not chase Christians down the streets of my hometown or burn down churches just because of that?
The Christians took away the right for us Swedes to go Berserk the year 1200 with their first prohibition forced on us here in Scandinavia.
The Vikings fought them long and hard, first at sea then inland, however the sheer numbers of christian coming up from Europe was to great and soon England was fallen a swell.
Christian numbers prevailed over time with the promise of eternal life in paradise, if You hide under their cloak and pay them their tax.
Option? Death and eternal damnation if You don't.

I signed this petition for a public vote regarding the decriminalization of cannabis in Sweden knowing that it does make difference because it is viral and it is information regardless of the number of people signing.

I posted a comment under my signature, it is comment Nr 213.
Since I seriously doubt someone will read this blog post of mine i will post it in Swedish for Your viewing pleasure and the link to if You wish to Google translate I believe my comment will be clear.

I appropriately named it Proposition 213. You can read it in Swedish below.

Thank You for Your attention, one day at the time, longtime planning and live to fight another day.
Time to go to bed it is now 06:12 in the morning here in the back of the woods where i currently reside my bones..

Ragnarök is coming and Yggdrasil has the answer.

Harm reduction och avkriminalisering av cannabis i Sverige.
2013-11-22. 03:54

Harm reduction. Googla det.

Sverige har mest dödsfall i EU bland missbrukare.

Cannabis står för 0 dödsfall världen över och det har varit lagligt att vara påverkad av cannabis i Sverige i tusentals år fram till 1988.

Hindra att dina barn och din familj blir offer för en hänsynslös lagstiftning och sätt 18 års åldersgräns på bruk av cannabis.
Sedan det blev olagligt 1988 att vara påverkad av cannabis har fler ungdomar än någonsin blivit dömda som missbrukare och lagförda som narkotikabrottslingar med förödande konsekvenser för deras omedelbara hälsa och deras familj.

Genom att göra användare av cannabis kriminella hoppades regeringen på att minska användandet och att komma åt tunga kriminella nätverk.
Detta har misslyckats katastrofalt enligt vår egen regerings egen statistik.

Vi är kriminella i Sverige för samma sak som unga vuxna inom EU och stora delar av världen har rätt att använda helt lagligt.
Cannabis, samma drog som våra styrande i landet Fredrik Reinfeldt och Anders Borg erkänner sig ha använt under sin ungdom utan repressalier och hot samt tvångsbehandling eller kränkande urin/blodprovstagning.

Detta gäller cannabis, ingen dödlig drog som tobak eller alkohol.

Folk är hälsomedvetna och har internet.
Hyckleriet gällande Svensk drogpolitik är tydlig. Statistik visar att cannabis ökar bland befolkningen trots att vi blir kallade brottslingar och fler sitter i fängelse eller blir arbetslösa på grund av denna lagstiftning.

Statistik visar att användning av alkohol samt tobak minskar men cannabisanvändning ökar, detta är inte i linje med Sveriges drogpolitik som förs gällande Tobak och Alkohol som årligen DÖDAR 100.000 tals världen över. Kalla fakta senast.
Cannabis 0 dödsfall.

Avkriminalisera cannabis så att cannabis medicinska och terapeutiska egenskaper frigörs till befolkningen även i Sverige som i andra länder inom EU och i världen.

Avkriminalisera cannabis för våra tonåringar och unga vuxnas skull, dom är inga brottslingar, lika lite som deras föräldrar, hjälp dom med missbruksproblem istället för att kriminalisera en hel befolkning.
Nästan alla vet år 2013 om riskerna med cannabis det är enbart därför det är så vanligt.

0 Dödsfall och miljarder användare jorden över i 10.000 tals år har inte fel.

Harm reduction nu!

NI har har skapat ett problem, NI som erkänt själva använder cannabis för att slappna av.

Har Ni frågor gällande hur detta ska gå till kontakta mig


Michael Bravin Karlsson

Avkriminalisering |


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