Producing Feminized Seeds Using Colloidal Silver

Granny420;1503416 said:

I so wanted to get in here on 4/20 - I MISSED YOU ALL!!!! My thoughts were here... wish I could have been too!

But today I am and I think it is time to wrap this journal up with a summary. Then I hope the wonderful 420 folks will slide this baby journal right on in to the completed journals area. And :thanks: 420 for giving us such a wonderful place to share!!!! I don't think any of us can really let 420magazine know how much they mean to us. Let's just say... THIS IS HOME AND IT HAS MY :love:!!!!


I am delighted to have a number of girls sprouted and a bunch of GIRL seeds for the future now!!!!

Here we go...


1) Colloidal Silver and a spray bottle.
2) At least one female marijuana plant.
3) Possibly a separate area to temporarily separate this plant from any flowering females you do NOT want pollinated.
4) PATIENCE!!!! :)

WARNING: The material I researched before starting in said NOT TO SMOKE ANY PARTS YOU TREAT WITH COLLOIDAL SILVER. There was discussion in this journal on if you could or couldn't - but since the warning was in everything I read, please heed this!!! The most important info discussed was that burning it causes the CS to change into a gas that could cause harm. Seriously tho, what you spray is going to turn bud into pollen sacs, so who would WANT to smoke it anyway???

I'm not even going to attempt to understand the exact way this works. If you really want to know how it works, others did offer variations of this in the early parts of this journal. For me, I only needed to know that it could work!

Colloidal silver has many uses, including internal and external human use for many ailments. For my purposes, I wanted only to use it to force female marijuana plants to produce pollen sacs so I could then use the pollen to create feminized seeds of pure and/or mixed strains. I was tired of the expense of purchasing seeds, especially automatic flowering seeds because they can't be cloned. I learned a lot along the way and had a few failures on the way to having great success. The journal itself reports all of these... but I thought this summary at the end will give others a good place to get the needed info without have to spend a lot of time reading the entire journal.

I do not have a lot of knowledge about CS, nor do I make my own. Thus, for those of you who have no interest in making your own or learning a lot about it - this is the place for you! I purchase my CS via amazon. This is a pic of the brand I purchase, which is 50ppm...

and a closeup of the bottle so anyone who wants can purchase it already made...

If you want to make your own or learn more about human uses for CS, BigIrishDude has a wealth of information and is a wonderful support for anyone with this interest. HERE is a link to his article about making your own CS. Irish is a wonderful guy who loves sharing his interest with others. :love:luvies Irish!!!:love:

You do need at least one female mj plant.


Note: Colloidal silver is VERY HARD on the plant. You have to spray NEW GROWTH areas. Try not to spray the fan leaves if you can help it, cuz the spray is very hard (stunts and damages) on every part you spray.

I did a bit of experimenting with using CS to force the entire plant to produce pollen sacs (requires using a different female plant to pollinate and timing right), or just using the CS on part of a plant and then pollinating the buds on the untreated plant parts (buds). I found that the timing of two separate plants was not always good... the female to be pollinated would sometimes finish before the pollen was ready on the other plant. CS treatment seems to slow the plant's growth, so timing is something to consider when using separate plants. Planting them both on the same date does NOT work. If you do use separate plants, the delay is approximately 4 weeks. I struggled with this on a few and now....

After mucho learning, I found the method I prefer by far is to use one small plant in a small pot and just treat the bottom 2-3 nodes of plant growth with CS. This allowed me to use a single plant to produce feminized seeds. I produce pollen on the bottom growth and then used it to pollinate untreated buds farther up on the plant. This is the ONLY method I use now.

Below is a pic from early on when I was spraying the entire plant. I don't spray the whole plant now, but it highlights the growth areas for anyone who finds a visual helpful...

When you don't spray the upper growth areas, the top grows more bud on it. If you spray the top parts it stunts the plant and you won't see much more upward growth.

What you do will depend upon your own preferences and needs. :)

I use a simple spray bottle to treat my plants. I believe there was discussion regarding the difference between misting (may delay the procedure) and saturating. The parts I spray, I saturate (spray until it drips).

For autoflowering strains (don't depend on the light cycle to flower), I begin spraying the bottom 2-3 nodes of growth once daily when they showed their first pre-flowers.

For regular strains, I begin spraying CS anywhere from 2 days before putting in flower to the first day I put the plant in flower.

I spray once daily. I use a magnifying glass to look at the treated areas everyday. After about 3 weeks many plants will begin to show sacs in the lowest growth areas, but I continued to spray an additional week until there are no more pistils (hairs) growing out (budding) of any of the treated portion of the plant. This turns everything that is treated to pollen sacs. The female calyx (pods) change and sprout sacs out of them.
Note: I found that even just 8 days of spraying will force some pollen sacs to form - but it was usually mixed with buds. There are many variances that can work. Some folks spray before flowering, some not as long. Do whatever works for you! I can only report what works best for my own preferences! :)

I have a number of strains and plants in my flower area so once the sacs have shown, I take this plant to a different area (an old dingy closet with CFL light). The lowest pollen sacs seem to mature earliest. I struggled with WHEN to take the pollen and didn't get a few plants pollinated cuz I took pollen too early. I am so grateful to others who contributed here cuz they helped me learn two extremely important things to SUCCESS with the pollination...
1) The pollen should fall out of the sac (DROP) IMMEDIATELY when the sacs are removed. If you have to force the pollen to fall out, the pollen is most likely NOT viable and will not produce seed.
2) LOOK FOR SEEDS! Do not remove the pollen sacs or toss the treated plant until you SEE SEEDS. It takes approximately 10-14 days to see seeds. During this wait time, I RE-pollinated about every 5 days as further pollen sacs become mature. This will also give you more seeds.

When I am finished using the pollen from the bottom (SEE SEEDS GROWING), I remove the growing sacs leaving only the lower fan leaves on the plant.

For examples, I am going to place a few pics from earlier in the journal so anyone reading this has a visual in this summary.

Here is a small Bubba Pre-98 plant (regular strain) that I began treating with CS (spraying new growth once daily) the day I put it into flower. I sprayed ONLY the bottom 2 nodes of growth for about 4 weeks.

The treated part's growth was stunted by the treatment, while the rest of the plant grew nicely in this small pot.

Here is a closer pic of the treated bottom growth...

You can see there are not a lot of pollen sacs, but this gives you PLENTY. Most of my plants grew more sacs than this on the bottom - but I sure didn't need any more. This gave me plenty to pollinate some buds on the plant AND some to freeze for later use should I have a need.

I can see in the sacs on the left side of the above picture, there are sacs that appear to be "opening". These sacs are the beginning of viable pollen. But not all sacs "open". I think this is due to the way they are formed inside what started as a bud.

Below I will include a couple closeup pics that highlight sacs that FALL OFF easily with the tweezers and DROP pollen IMMEDIATELY - this is viable pollen. You can see they change colors, some open, but many don't. The key is if the pollen will fall out of the sac immediately if tapped while holding with your tweezers.


The purple plant above shows nicely how the sacs emerge from what used to be the female pods that make up a bud.

To take the pollen, I used tweezers and a small one ounce container. Hold your container under the sacs to catch any falling pollen.

I use a Q-tip to pollinate. I dip it in a bit of pollen and then either tap it over the bud (and watch the pollen fall onto it), or I sometimes gently brush the q-tip along the bud pistils (hairs). Be very gentle. If you are too rough you may kill the pistil.

Initially I was watching the pistils and if they died back shortly after pollination, I thought the plant was pollinated... but then others started putting pics in here that showed the seeds in their bud. But many others helped contribute knowledge and visuals here - :thanks::thanks::thanks:!!! They sure helped this ol' granny learn to LOOK FOR SEEDS AND DON'T TOSS ANY POLLEN SACS UNTIL YOU SEE THEM!!!

Seeing seeds is by far the most definitive way to KNOW YOU HAVE A SUCCESSFUL POLLINATION.
Since DennyInCA has stuck by me throughout this journal and his purple seed pic was a turning point for me from not-so-successful to 100% success with current pollinations, I am going to include his seed pic here...

DennyInCA... what a beautiful purple...

Makes it easy to see the seeds, eh???

But not just seeds.... FEMALE SEEDS!!!!!!!

That was the goal and now, well... Granny's got it down to a simple process that works every time. If this ol' lady can do it - SO CAN YOU!!!

I want to thank EVERYONE who visited and supported this journal. I can't even begin to name them all because I would end up leaving someone really important out!!!

hmmm... I can't get the thank you smilie to go here, so...


May all of your hearts be blessed!!!!!!!!!

And may all who visit this journal be blessed with lots of FEMALE SEEDS!!! YES IT WORKS!!!

Wish I could get smilies to finish this - but don't want to lose what it took me a very long time to finish here!!!



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