planting transplants harvesting growing by the moon

KrissK70;875157 said:
Chirpin - I use the full moon to apply nutrients to my outdoor plants. Learnt this from someone who is into Biodynamic growing. Also as far as an East Coast grow goes, when I lived in Queensland, I started growing my crops in 2 stages, early spring (late August) and a second in December. I had 1 crop of 2-3mtr plants in Feb starting to flower and the late rplanted plants get to about 2mtrs. Hope that gives you some help?

Just in the full moon phase. It seems to be working al-right

Note to self: find out more about planting seeds by the moon, taking clones by moon
Bio-dynamic Growing Calendar

Never plants seeds on the days of the Full, New, 1st or 2nd Quarter Moon

Found below at one place, will check somewhere else.

Moon Phase Planting of Tomatoes
If you are gardening by moon phases tomatoes should be planted when the moon is in the 2nd Quarter (i.e. waxing) and in one of the following Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Waxing Moon
Take clones In the first or second quarter of the waxing moon,

Transplant and repot plants during the waxing moon so the plant can capitalize on the full moon growth.

Harvest Herbs Oil content is more concentrated at this time.

Increasing Light: The period from the new moon to the full moon, which is the period in which the light is increasing, is best for planting annuals which provide their yield above the ground.

Waning Moon Phase

Start your compost heap during the waning moon. This phase aids in decomposition of plant matter.

The waning moon is a good time to dig herb roots or harvest leaves and bark intended to be used in medicinal teas. Herbs will retain maximum potency at this time and dry more easily.

Perform all drying activities. Dry flowers or buds.

Third Quarter

Plant Clones into final pot in 3rd quarter. This position of the moon encourages development of root growth and tree bark instead of forcing the plant to proliferate above ground before it has a strong grounding.

Fourth Quarter

If your crops require potassium, fertilize at the waning moon. Potassium absorption is at its peak at the new moon.


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