Plans for the future

Well, current grow is going okay. Getting impatient though, wishing it were autumn, and the plants would be ready for use, lol. So, to move things along a little quicker, I'm thinking of turning a closet into a grow room/box/closet/shrine/pharmacy/..... Going to put clones in there. Grow them, LST them, then flower them. And hopefully soon, hehe.

Closet is 24" wide, 21" deep, and 60" tall. Going to use CFLs, I think. May go to HPS/MH, if I can afford to. I've got paint, flat white, that I found in a dumpster! :) I've got soil, and some 10-10-10 all-purpose plant "food." Only thing I'm concerned about with the fert, is that it says the N is from urea. Other ferts at the store saying "urea-free" also said "houseplant safe." Is urea bad for pot? If so, I'll get something else and use this fert for my tomatoes or flowers or something else, outside. I've got a timer now, so I'm finally another step closer to getting farther from the sun. It ran about $12, and has two grounded receptacles. "Heavy Duty" at 15A 120V.

Figuring on cleaning out the closet, painting walls white, mounting light(s), making clones, growing them, and finally, using them.


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Totally forgot I had these!
The "Labrador" is so-called because it tastes like dog shit smells. Also, not very potent at all. Came from Mexican brick weed. Strain(s)? Unknown.
The "Good Reefer" is from higher-end bud, collected over a few years by a friend of mine. Some may be premium strains, but who knows.
Very happy find!
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92F in my trailer today, after my A/C stopped working all afternoon. Damn compressor was overheating. Tomorrow morning going to try and fix it.

w00t w00t.

Between the first sentence in this post and this sentenced, earned 20 bucks working, lol. Glad page didn't expire, but not much text anyway. Now that the sun's gone down, it's cooled off, and A/C is running again, it's about 80F inside now. 81.4F and 64% RH in cabinet. Was 93 in there earlier, but very thankfully, watered the fuck outta it. Not a single wilted leaf, yet. *fingers crossed* Enough about the girl in there. Working tomorrow evening again. Boss has jury duty. Signed up for my crazy check today. We'll see where that goes.
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Ascended Master Kief
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