People just don't understand!

It's crazy finding out someone you know smokes weed! I feel like I gain closer friends that way because no one understands why I smoke. Not many people know about me smoking but the few who do want to judge me. Honestly it doesn't matter why I smoke it. It's my body, My lungs, My life. I wish I could make them see that weed isn't so bad. People try to tell me that I'm going to kill myself, Okay I have never heard of someone dying bc of weed. People come to me with their problems and sometimes these people are at their breaking point, I try to tell them I know how they feel and that I found an escape from that! Smoke weed!! I feel so amazing when I smoke. I don't think about anything, I'm calm, relaxed, I'm stress free, I'm weightless, I'm happy, and for once I'm free. So why do they want to take that away from me? I feel better, I don't feel so tense or mad. I'm calm and happy! So don't judge me for something that you think is wrong, This is who I am and This is how I handle things, so if you have a problem, then I'm sorry. I'm not changing who I am or What I do just bc you think it's wrong. This is me and I'm pretty content with the way I am. . . :bravo:


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