Part 2 of the Story

Part 2 of the story.

The story continues…………………………………………..Vicenza

When I got off the train in Vicenza (Vi chin za) I called to be picked up.

The young soldier that picked me up was playing Rock and Roll. I asked who it was and he said AC/DC. I told him I really liked it. I had never heard of them He looked me over and smiled. “Want to smoke some hash? Hell yes! We did. I think I might like Italy.

Then he proceeded to tell me where to find it. Just go down to the park at the entrance to
Vicenza and stand by the statues or just walk through the park, people will have red, blonde, black, or green. I became quite familiar with that park in the days to come.

Vicenza was very old…..12th and 13th Century. It was beautiful.

To be continued……………………………

The Story Continues.............................The Command Sargent Major.

The next day early in the morning I put on my best uniform and headed to the Command Sgt. Major's office. When I finally got to see him, I gave him a copy of all my Military Records and told him that I had spent a little over a year in custody and had just been released from a Greek prison.
If I had to face a Court Marshal for the same crime, that would mean I was going to be punished for the same crime all over again.

He said that he would talk to the General and would call me back.

To be continued……………………………..

The Story Continues…………….One of Best the best Days of my life and one of the Worst days of my life..

After a week the Command Sergeant Major called me to his office.
Here we go I thought, however I was wrong. He and the General agreed I had paid for my crime and there would be no more punishment..

He said Sgt OMM go over to personnel and get yourself an assignment!

I skipped and danced my way over the personnel office. When I walked in, guess who the personnel Officer was? . It was the Warrant Officer I had helped out in Greece. I saved this guys butt.

He was laughing when we shook hands. I told him the story of what had happened to me.
First thing he did was erase everything about me getting busted. If you have lost year on your records, most likely you would never make another promotion.
Any thing bad he erased. I had a clean bill of health. I was a perfect soldier again.

Then he said “You need a vacation after all you’ve been through!!”. So he didn’t assign me any where. I would have year’s vacation in Italy. I could bring RS over and rent a villa..
We could be tourist for a year. Happy Happy!

I literally ran to the pay phone to call RS .

When she answered I told her all the good news. Then she said “I am not coming over to Italy”. I said what did you say? She said again “I’m not coming to Italy”. “What do you mean your not coming to Italy”. Your Italian!…This is a once in a life time chance”. Once again she said “I’m not coming, I am staying in Greece”. Then she hung up.

I called and called …….no answer… answer for weeks. I sent her letters daily. Nothing.. So, I started to think of all the possibilities. The one I didn’t like was admitting to myself that Mutt and her were living together. I was in total denial. This couldn’t be happening.

When the Army Basketball team came over to play in a tournament a few weeks later, I found out the truth.. They looked me up first thing and confirmed what I thought. He had moved in when I was first put in prison.
The bitch had slept with me the night before I was deported and he was sleeping in the extra bedroom. The sons of bitches. They said he was driving my car with her in it. They held hands in the commissary. He had moved into house, he was running my business and he was sleeping with my wife. I just felt helpless. There was nothing I could do about it!.

I was no longer in denial. I was pissed. I mean really pissed. I couldn’t do a thing about it. After a month and a half, I realized I would need some money, so I wrote a check on our account. It bounced. It came back no such account. They had taken my money too!.

Before I went in prison I had signed a document giving RS total power of attorney.
I went back to the personnel office and had all my pay sent to my new bank account in Italy, She would still get her housing check, that was it. I was livid. Then I went into a deep depression for weeks. I was helpless. I was broken. I had lost my RS.
I had nothing to do for the next 10 months or so.
You just can't believe how hurt I was........I still hurt from it all these years later. I get depressed just thinking about it. Crap!

To be cornuted………………

The Story Continues……………………………….what to do?

Another month past. All I was doing was going down to the park and keeping my hash supply up to date. Really just smoking and being depressed.

Finally I decided to have a look around Vicenza. It was a Sunday. . I really didn’t have any idea about the little city it’s self..

Boy was I surprised! All the stores were closed on Sunday and the whole town was out walking. Families, couples, friends in groups, individuals like me.

I already told you how old it was…the main streets were cobblestone. Very narrow , not designed for automobiles. On each side of the streets were two and three story houses all connected to each other and in different colors. It was like going back to medieval times. Later I found out this was the home of the guy that designed our White House in DC.. His house was visible from almost any where in town. Beautiful to say the least.. If fact, this was a town of wonderful architectural designs..

As I walked around I started to get a peaceful feeling. The plazas and outdoor restaurants, and coffee houses were beautiful too. Nothing like grimy Athens. .This place was in no hurry….just folks walking around and enjoying life.. I was smitten with the place.

From then on,,,,,,Sundays were for walking. If you looked hard you could see the Alps in the distance. This was a little heaven all to it’s self.
Hehe! I did notice the Italian shoes were dirt cheap and the Italian clothes were too. Good place to get some styling clothes, which I did later.

Every Sunday I was out walking….people would said hello…..I started feeling much better.. There was hope for me after all.

To be continued……………………

The Story Continues…………………………………………Tony.

I think it was about at the 6 month mark of my stay in Italy. I was still walking on Sundays and feeling better mentally.

As I walked through the biggest of the plazas in town, I saw this thirty something Italian lady sitting with two young Army guys. Out side of a coffee shop. What the hell, I thought and walked over and pulled out a chair and asked if they minded if I sat down.
She looked relieved and said please do. From that point on it was mainly the two of us talking. Her name was Antoinette…or Tony., in the short version. She was 34. I was 37 by then, and it was nice to talk to a female again.

A few more minutes went by and I looked at the two young Army guys and said to them “Don’t you guys have something else to do?” They left like the wind!

Tony had come from a good family and was well educated. She spoke very good English.
We talked and walked until dusk. Then we made plans to meet at the same time the next Sunday at the same place.
I left feeling quite good and I think she did too. About time something good had happened.

To be continued………………….

The Story Continues……………………………………………..More Tony.

The next Sunday.
Sure enough Tony was waiting when I got to the Coffee House. With a smile on her face. I think the first time we met I was so excited, that I really hadn’t looked at her. She looked like money from her head to her toes. How in hell did I miss that? She was about 5’6 and her body looked like pure rock. She was very slim and had beautiful wavy black hair down past her waist.
As we sipped our coffee, I asked her what she did. She was a Ballroom Dancer, a pro.
I later went to some her competitions with her and her partner and they were good. Real good.

She had been married to a Bulgarian and they had two boys. The older one lived with him and they younger one lived with her. She had been divorced for 3 years..

For the next month and a half we would meet and go to dinner. Some times we would take the 40 minute train ride to Venice and have dinner…..some times we would see a play.

In Vicenza, They had open air movies. They weren't big places. They usually had a 30 person capacity. They also had plays and Operas under the stars. It was great. I sure wasn't in Greece anymore.

All this time…we always met somewhere. I had not met her family or even knew where she lived. She was very cautious. That would change soon and I would have a near cartoon existence for a while. This lady knew what she wanted,,,,,in spades.

To be Continued……………………..

The Story Continues………………..………………….More Tony

Warning there is some very descriptive language used in this part of the story.
Not really, but it sounds good.

Tony and I were reaching the 2 month mark in our relationship. We always met some where and of course we got in a few hugs and kisses in along the way. I was starting to get horny as hell. That by the way, was a big understatement.

This night we when to an out door movie and it was a beautiful evening. We walked to the bus stop and waited on her bus. Not many folks had cars….the place was small and it had two buses. They covered almost all the town. When she left on the bus I would walk
back to the base.

This night was different. As she got on the bus she grabbed my hand and said “Your coming too”. Now we are talking, I thought to myself. She started to tell me about her family. Her father, whom she loved, had died a while back. She told me he took her every where with him. She remembered him taking her to his favorite bar at the age of 6, remember this is normal in Italy. He loved to show her off.

He was in charge of a tank Battalion in North Africa during WWII. Let’s put it this way, he didn’t want to be in a war, so he spent most the time hiding his Battalion in the desert.
Well, he did live through it. The family went back centuries in Italy.

More to the point, he left them a fortune. She and her Mother owned 5 big Villas in southern Italy. In Vicenza he had left them a big plush condo. That was where we were heading. She lived with her mother and her son..

She told me all the time we were dating she was deciding what kind of man I was.
I had passed the test. I had a good heart according to her.. Well cool I thought.
When we reached her condo, the grounds alone blew me away. When she let us in, we headed straight to her room. We slowly undressed each other and teased each other a bit.
For the first time in my life, here was a woman that was not bashful and told me exactly what she liked. Sure wish more women were like that.

In the morning, her mother had breakfast ready for us. She knew I was going to be there!
I loved her mother soon as I saw her. Classy, but warm and open. .She gave me a big hug and told me welcome to her home. This woman could cook. Oh! My goodness she could cook. Over the next few months she taught me how to cook Italian style.

I met her son, He was a little blonde headed charmer, I called him Pic, short for piccolo. Which means Italian. I just loved him. We were buddies.

It was a Thursday and she asked if I would go back to the base an check things out and to see if I could leave for the weekend.. No problem, When I got back to Tony’s she was happy that I had the weekend off. As of right then we were going shopping in Milan.

To be continued…………………………………………

The Story Continues…………………………………………..Milan

Things I knew before we arrived in Milan.
It is one of the worlds fashion centers.
Lots of top models and runway shows. Models and designers would do anything to be in all the shows and runway shows. To be in one of them is a great place to show yourself as a model and as designers.

Milan is a beautiful city and has a coliseum like the one in Rome. I couldn't wait to see them all.
I also knew that Tony liked both fashion and history. In Venice she knew every painting in St. Thomas and in fact the whole town. She knew real histories and told me the Italian Version of each. I ate it up, I love history. We had only seen a part of all the historic places in Vicenza.

When we were on the train heading to Milan I learned a few things about Tony too.

We were going to Milan to buy me clothes! I started to protest, but she shut me up quick.
She was paying for everything. We were booked in a hotel for three days right in the heart of Milan. We would be walking to almost everything of interest. This woman went first class.

She also taught me a new saying “My man has to look good”. So now I was her new man. This was OK with me! Later in the early eighties I would see a movie with Richard Gear in it called “American Gigolo”. I felt like I was in it!

Along with “My man has to look good”, She also said things like “My man would never wear that”, "My man has to have that”, an on and on. Guess she didn't like my t-shirts and 501 Levis. I was thinking what in the hell did get into this time! My mind was telling me just go with it…this should be a trip. It was too

When we arrived in Milan it was dark, but that didn't matter the city was lit up like a Christmas tree. It was only two blocks to our hotel. When we got there, I just stopped and stared. “We were staying in Italy's adult version of Disneyland!”

To be continued……………………………………………………….Shopping

The Story Continues…………………………………………….Beautiful Milan

The Hotel looked like arches on arches on arches. It seemed to be marble and gold. Open and airy. We had a nice dinner and went up to our room. Her dressing area was big as most bedrooms. We went from window to window just looking at Milan all lit up.
It was just beautiful. I remember just standing behind Tony with my arms around her. It just seemed timeless.

In the morning I woke up first. Tony was tucked under my arm and her long black hair was spread all over me and the pillow. She was beautiful. I had a long think about things
and realized there was no place I would wanted to be other than right there.
We never talked about love, but it was there. Well, later on we did talk about love.
More on that later.. When she woke up she just smiled and snuggled closer. There was no hurry.

If you ever go to Milan, look a bit out of town and you will find discount houses from all the major designers for both men and women. Here you could pick up once worn clothes
that had been down a runway at ridiculous prices. That is where we headed today.

To be continued…………………………..

The Story Continues ……………..……………………………..Shopping

It was such a beautiful day we deiced to walk. Downtown Milan had beautiful medieval flags flying everywhere. It looked festive and happy. What a nice city.
The walk was so nice we took our time.

When we arrived at the discount houses, Tony headed to the Gucci store. Gucci? Me?

I couldn’t believe the store….it was big. I never knew that Gucci made clothes for men.

Did they ever! First we looked at suits. She picked them out and I just stood there saying yes or no. In the end we selected 4 suits. I figured we would settle on one of them. I was wrong, we got all 4 of them. I’ve had suits made before in Hong Kong and in Greece,
But these guys were something else….in half and hour they had my measurements and fit. We would pick them up the next day.
She wasn't finished. 4 pair of shoes. 4 dress shirts, 3 other beautiful shirts. One was like a like swordsman's shirt, with big sleeves. Socks, underwear, the works. She also bought me a killer long black leather coat. Where would I wear this stuff? I would find out later.
She insisted I get a Speed o. Ugh!

Then we went to the Ladies discount stores. Have you ever seen one of those movies where a lady tries on different clothes in front of her man? I ate it up! She looked good in everything. This part of shopping I loved. My favorite lady showing her stuff. That was one of my favorite days ever.. It's burned into my memory . I thought the 3 Thai ladies that danced for me in Thailand was something….not even close to Tony.

We went to two more stores for her and she did it all again. I was getting really horny.

None of the dresses needed any modifications for her, so she had them shipped back to Vicenza. We would ship my stuff the next day. She wouldn't discuss costs at all with me. She just smiled.

We took a cab back to downtown. She wasn't finished. Here came one of those my man things. I should have an ear ring. Say what? A few hugs and kisses later, I had a pierced ear and a big ass-ed diamond ear stud. That thing almost got my butt in trouble the first time I was back in a military formation. I was a platoon Sgt. Luckily my men all started to point at my ear...They giggled too damn it!

By then it was time to eat. We really didn't eat too much. Then we went up to our room.
I attacked her…..she loved when I did that….so did I. We slept in the next morning.
I felt like I was in some wonderful dream.

To be continued………………………….

The story continues...................Time.

We had a few days when we got back from Milan, before we hit the road again. We both did try on our clothes again and they were perfect. Tony had to go practice with her dance partner, so I tagged along to watch. They practiced and practiced. Damn they were good, I got tired just watching. Then they thought that I should try it. They taught me to Tango.
Make that tried to teach me. A dancer I am not. I got the steps OK, but my arms were not expressive enough for them. I didn’t want to look like a girly man., waving my arms all around. They kept at it and I did get better at it.

They had plans for me.

We went to the dance club that was a bit out of town and they had a band playing.
They danced a couple of times and the place shouted for more.. Tony asked for a tango and she grabbed me, and I was on the floor. Oh My God! I was so embarrassed, but the folks were kind and clapped to the music. All I wanted to do was get out of there.
When I did something passable the crowd would say “Ole! And Bravo! Longest damn song I ever heard. It was awful.
When it was over we got a cheer and people patted me on the back. Much laughing.
The American had given it a go and they laughed big time. I swore to myself…never again. I did the same thing in other places we went, in northern Italy. I actually got fairly good….but only that one style.

I went to several of her competitions, They won one and were cheered big time, I loved it for her and I was so proud.
She was just beautiful. That is one of the places I wore my new clothes. We went to Venice and ate in places that I never knew existed. Really, I liked getting on the train with my Gucci clothes on. People would stare at us. Strange,. as a doper I was used to fitting in and not being looked at.

Speaking of dope, I took her to the park and bought some hash one afternoon and we smoked it. She had never smoked before. She was a riot! Everyone is looking at us! I feel sick, I feel happy! How long does this last? Let's go home!.

We also watched the Postman some days. Her mother and many of the older women, in the condo loved the postman……I mean literally……they loved him.
Tony and I knew when he was coming…her Mother told us the exact time he would be coming. Tony and I would go sit where we could see the whole building from the rear.
The postman had it going on. He always started at the top floor and worked his way down. This guy was a stud, He always knocked to deliver the mail. He was always invited in. He would spend maybe 30 minutes and then go to the next door.and do the same thing. Tony and I would laugh our ass off. He did this every day! What a stud!

We started talking about time. It was getting close to the time I would have to leave.
We still had a few months, but it was in our conversations a lot . Neither of us wanted this to end.

To be continued…………………………………………

The Story Continues……………………………………………………..Traveling again

Tony made a decision. She had decided to be ready if she decided to come to the States with me when its time for me to go. There are other places we could have gone to update her passport, but the real embassy in Rome was the best. This tickled me to no end. She may come with me to the US.
We packed our bags and jumped on the train. The ride to Rome was just beautiful. We just went trough so many small villages and some beautiful small cities. This time we had a sleeping booth. .We loved it , A couple of times when we stopped for a few minutes, I jumped off and bought her flowers or a sweet.

Tony actually dislikes southern Italy. Too much crime and over crowding. Besides that, the train station had been bombed a couple times in Rome.

Since we were going to be in the south anyway, we were going to meet and have dinner with her relatives in Foggia..

I had always wanted to see Rome. I've read so much of her history and her power.

To Be Continued…………………………………………..

The Story Continues……………………………………………………Rome

We arrived in Rome late in the afternoon. I have to admit I was just fascinated by everything I saw,. I was in Rome, Just being there was like walking into another reality.
Tony had made all the plans and we headed to Trastevere, It was on the west bank of the Tiber river, Cobble stone streets and beautiful plazas. Then it was the center of Rome's artists. We had two rooms on the second story of what looked like someone's home.

Tony pulled on me to get me to move…I was just trying to take it all in at once. Impossible! It was someone's home. Tony had studied dance there years ago and she called in a favor from the dance school and we had a home to stay in as long as we wanted. Yes, we stayed in Rome longer than we thought we would. Just too much to see and do.

Tony went to the Embassy the next morning. I went to, but ended up just walking around inside the Embassy. Her appointment was over quickly. She had all she needed to get into the states already, so really nothing had to be done. That was it.

So we started our tour of Rome. We started in old Rome. Here we looked at what Rome had been in Medieval times and the to the Renaissance periods. Wonderful food and plenty to look at. Here we saw the Pantheon and cathedrals..

Over next three days we saw the Vatican, the Coliseum, .the Roman Forum, .I kept tripping out that the first Caesar had walked where we were walking now. At the end of three days we were exhausted, . Time to move on to Foggia.

To Be continued…………………………………

The Story cotinues……………………………………………..Foggia

On the train to Foggia, Tony talked about the Villas that she and her Mother owned. The relatives we were going to see lived in one of them. For taking care of the Villa and the grounds, they lived rent free. I thought that was very big of her, until I saw the villa.
She said there it is and pointed to it…….you could see it from any where in town! It was big! I had no idea it was going to be like this. It was beautiful with grounds that went forever. Holy crap!

A car was waiting when we arrived at the train station and took us to the main house. The garage had 6 other cars in it. The whole experience made me feel pretty small. Foggia is mainly a farming town and this house was center piece of the town.

People started pouring out of the house….and I mean pouring out… least 20 people hugged and kissed Tony. That was when I wished that I spoke Italian. She introduced me to them and they all hugged me like I was family. I saw no children, that would come later. We must have been out there for thirty minutes. Then we headed in doors and I was just floored. It looked like half home and half museum.

The men took me with them and we walked the grounds a bit. The place had everything, a stable, pool, tennis courts, and a beautiful garden. The men had a good time with me, and we laughed a lot, but I had no idea what we were laughing about. I did realize that they were telling me I was the only man they had seen Tony with, so I must be special.

Sure was glad I was dressed for the occasion..

We headed into the house and I went with the men to a room I guessed was were we could smoke and talk, before dinner.

Then it was dinner time. The table was for 24 people and we filled the place up. Tony sat at the end of the table and I sat at her right. They had friggin servants! We all stood. until Tony sat down. I started to realize what Tony had spent on my clothes was pocket change for her. Holy crap! By the time all the toasts were over, I was getting looped. They were all directed to Tony and me. What a rush..

She pulled me away from the table before we actually started eating and we met the children……They ate in an other room…..they too had servants,. I just know I had a silly grin on my face all night. Dinner took hours. We had an after dinner drink. Tony got up, so did everyone else.

To be continued………………………………………………….

The Story Continues………………..............………………………………Brindisi

We only stayed two nights at the Villa and Tony was ready to go. I suggested that we could go farther south to Brindisi. I had docked there once when we were sailing from Greece. The answer was a big no. She really didn't like southern Italy and was ready to go north, the sooner the better. The rest of her Villas were south and she had no wish to see them.

Not that we didn't continue to travel. We stopped in Ancona for a night and relaxed. She had relaxed and was over the visit to the Villa. She honestly didn't like the visit at all. She said they were kissing her butt and they worried about if she was going to sell the Villa. She had no intention of selling the place and had told them over and over that she wouldn't.

From Ancona we when to Bologna. Once again we stayed in a Hotel. The next morning we had a message on the roof. It was crazy to me. It was beautiful in all directions, but I spent my time looking at Tony. Later that night we took the train to Florence. We were in Florence for two days and she took me all over that beautiful city. It was a great history lesson for me. Tony sure loved her country.

When we left Florence we headed to Venice and had dinner, then we went home to Vicenza. It was good to be home. The next day I went to the base and checked things out.
My Warrant Officer said my time was running out and that I should come back in two weeks and start looking for my new assignment.. I probably had a month and a half left in Italy.

I went home and told Tony. She looked at me and I could see nothing but sadness. We hugged for a long time. We both had tears in our eyes. She went in and told her Mother.
I picked up Pic and held him. Soon we were in a group hug. Even when you know something is coming, it doesn't make it any easier.

To be continued......................................... ......................

The story continues……………………………………………………..Disco

We just stayed at home for while and took care of things we had been putting off. I went with Tony's Mom to refill our medium sized keg of wine. We drove, Mom had a car, which I had never seen before. We drove up in the hills for bit and turned down a dirt road and there was the winery. It looked hundreds of years old and was over grown with vines and flowers. To me it was beautiful. This winery had only one kind of wine. A deep red Burgundy. It was great stuff…I had been drinking it, morning , noon, and night, since I moved in with Tony. It was just a matter of fact for them, it was served at each meal. Having lived in Napa a few years, I know a good wine when I taste it and this was wonderful.

I have never found a comparable wine in the US. Nor have I ever found roasted peppers
like they had either. Mom made each meal from scratch…nothing canned. Did, I say I gained a bit of weight there? When she cooked I was there helping and learning…..and sampling.

Tony was dragging around and was just blue and down in spirit. I had a big idea.
I said “It's Saturday night lets Go to the NCO Club on base and DISO!”.
Tony said “Disco?” and brightened up. I said yes, but don't expect any thing fancy, it is the Army you know.
Tony was smiling as we got dressed…..she was beautiful…..I thought…I’m I making a mistake?

We actually took a cab that night. The music was blasting when we got there, the dance floor was crowded. The were playing “Three Times a Lady” and we danced. I danced one disco song with her. Hey, it was the late seventies and Disco had not died yet.
Like I said before I am no dancer…..I had the sense to tell Tony all the slow dances were mine..

Glad I did. Once the guys saw Tony dance…….they all wanted to dance with her. Which she loved by the way. The guys got in line…I just watched…..well…one lonely wife came over and we danced a few times…..her hubby was in the Tony line. Tony was radiant. When the music stopped…..Tony was surrounded……I walked over and took her hand. and smiled. “When are you coming back?” and many other questions. “Sometime she giggled “.

Tony, was renewed and happy again…….she thanked me that night until I couldn't move. What a woman!

To be continued………………………………………………………………….

The Story Continues………………………………………………………..………….TV

I haven’t said much about home life with Tony. Actually we had been traveling so much
there wasn’t too much to say. Now that time was getting short, we spent more time at home.

We really enjoyed playing with Pic until his bedtime. I was totally in love with Pic, he was a great young boy. He and I went walking/running allot. We found a little park to play in too. It was like the boys day out.

When it hit eight at night, he went to bed and the tv turned into a porn show. I kid you not….it was pure porn and the later it got the worse or more explicit it was. Tony and I never watched it. She said why watch it? When you can do it yourself. Of course, I agreed.
Tony’s Mother didn’t agree and was in front of the TV every night.. Probably thinking of the postman.

Tony and I sat on the bed and talked. It was hard for me to to do, she wore the most lacey outfits and I couldn’t keep my mind on what see was saying. See had been all over Europe and was giving me her thoughts on each place.

The places she liked and didn’t like were:

Amsterdam……too many floozies and drugs.
London too busy and too much smoke in the air. Nasty people.
Spain was great.
Greece…..bunch of idiots . but, Mykonos was good.
Egypt…..too dirty
Germany….clean and good people, .she would live there…cold
Paris…….great beautiful city….the people sucked.

The other parts of Europe were too cold for her.

One thing was very clear to me…I loved this long black haired beauty.

To be continued……………………………………………………………………….

The Story Continues……………………………….........………..............….. Running out of Time

Time started to fly for us…….days were passing too quickly. Finally, I had to go and get my assignment, My friend asked where I want to go……it had to be stateside….I had been out of the country too long already. My sons were in California, so I asked for Fort Ord in California. I had never been there before, but had passed it on it the way to the Monterey Jazz Festival once.

It took exactly 20 minutes to get the assignment, I was going to an Artillery Division.
Crap I thought to myself, I would be in the field allot. I would leave in exactly one month. I would have a month's leave and 15 days travel time, before checking in.
I had many things to do in that time……Pick up my boys if I could, Buy some kind of car just to get around in and find a place to live. It would be months before I could get base housing. I would have to go cheap on everything. I had no idea what life was like back in the states. I was sure it would be much more expensive.

I went down to the bus stop and started waiting for the Bus. I just dreaded going home and telling Tony. Instead I went to the park and found some hash, made a pipe out of a soda can and got stoned. It really didn't help, so I went home.

To be cornuted……………………………………………………………………………

The story continues…………………………………………………………Tony Quits!

When I walked in the house, Tony saw my face and knew I didn’t have good news to tell.
I sat down with her and her mother and told them I would be leaving in a month. Her mother looked at us and left us alone to talk. Tony turned pale and said she had heard that California was a leader among the states. Which was true at the time. I agreed and said, yes I was lucky to get Fort Ord. She said she was happy for me. She when in to help her Mother. I really don’t think they had anything to do, but I was wrong.

We had one hell of a good meal. They had out done themselves. We were stuffed and I noticed we all hit the wine a bit hard that night. Pic was sitting by me, so we had a good time playing dive bomber with his food.

Tony put Pic to bed and Mom and I cleaned up the kitchen. Mom gave me a hug and said even though we knew this was coming, it was going to be hard on us all. I nodded and said yes it will be hard. She went over and turned on the TV and I went to our room and lay down.

After a while Tony came in and buried her head on my shoulder and cried. I had never seen her cry before. She cried and cried, I held her tight and we finally went to sleep.

When I woke up the next morning Tony was gone. Usually she was in the kitchen, this time she was gone. Her mother didn’t know where she went either. She finally came home about 2 in the afternoon. She looked sad, but was smiling.

She gave me a big hug and said “I’m going with you to California!”. Say that again!
She smiled and kissed me and said again “I’m going with you!”. That’s all I needed to hear! We hopped around and were just plain silly for a long time. She said, I just don’t want to be here without you, so I’m going.

We were hyper and couldn’t sit still. So she said let’s go to Venice and have dinner.
We went to Venice and spent the night, We had a great meal and drank too much and
walked around the city for hours The next morning we went to the island by Vince where they make some of the most beautiful glassware in Europe. We bought Mom a beautiful hand made pitcher. It just sparkled.

As we rode back on the train, she told me she had gone to see her dance partner that morning she left early and explained to him she was leaving to go with me. She said he gave her a hug and told her he wasn't surprised and that he was kind of expecting it. He could see it in our eyes. There was much planning to be done. More on that soon.

To be continued………………………………………………………………………..

The Story Continues …………………………………………………………….Planning

It’s amazing how fast time goes by when you don’t want it to, It seemed like everything
was speeding up. Tony was running around checking that everything that her mother might need was taken care off. Actually, most of it was already done, they always kept things up to date.

Tony wanted me to go to the Italian Riviera with her, but I told her I had already been to the French Riviera with RS. That she did not like…..a big frown and a huff! Oh! Well!

Speaking of RS, I received two letters from her. I didn’t even open them. I threw them in the trash. She was probably wondering when I would be leaving and where I was being assigned. Let her find out for her self…..she made her choice long ago. Let her live with it. I still had the rage inside me, about what she had done to me. Just the thought of her pissed me off.

Tony was trying to decide what clothes to take to Monterey. I told her what temps to expect in Monterey and that it was mostly casual clothes and that if we went to San Francisco we would wear we would wear our fashion type clothes. She looked confused by that and I explained we Americans like casual clothes more than anything.
Hastily I added we would wear our good clothes in Monterey too.

Actually, I started to worry about what Tony would actually think of the US. This might be trouble ahead.

We went out allot those final days in Italy. We danced at the NCO club a few more times,
She loved it and I mostly just watched. Hell, watching her was great. We went to Venice a few more times too. We also went to the club in the hills and I got better at the tango and started learning how to waltz . It was very much fun for both of us.

She was happy and so was I.

To be continued………………………………………………………………………………

The Story Continues…………………………………………………………Time to Go

Well, the day finally arrived and I had to leave. I went to the Base, they would get me to the right Airport and I was gone. I had stayed with Tony until the end. We made all the plans that we could, since there were many unknowns to deal with.

First, I did not know where in the US I was headed. We had talked and instead of flying commercially, I would take MAT flights to get to the west coast. MAT flights only cost $10 for each fight. Much cheaper than flying by commercial Airlines. By doing so I would save my travel money.

Once in California I would find and buy a cheap car to get around in. Then I would go to Napa and pick up my sons. After a long hard battle with my ex wife over custody, she now wanted to get rid of them. I was happy to get them….finally.

Then I would drive down to the Monterey area and find a cheapo house. A place to stay while were waiting on base housing. I had been gone for a long while and had no idea what things would cost on the mainland any more.

Tony would fly over soon as I found a place.

To be Continued…………………………………………………………………………..

The Story Continues………….....................………………………………………L et's Fly

As luck would have it….I landed in Washington DC, much to my pleasure, all I had to do was get to Andrews AFB. It was 8 in the morning. They had a kind of shuttle system, so I found a quick ride over to Andrews AFB.

When I got there I immediately signed up for any flight going west. I sat down and started reading the sports page, Wow! A real Sports Page after 6 years! I was reading every story, catching up. Once again, good luck, I got a flight to Colorado Springs.

Luck was on my side big time, the plane was an Air Force General's Lear Jet. Oh! Yeah!
There were only 3 of us. Me, the General (a 2 star), a rumpled sailor in whites, and two Majors were the crew.

We buttoned up and left. This was my kind of style. The sailor was asleep as soon as he sit down.

The General waved me over to the seat opposite him, so I moved over. He was laughing as he unpacked his box lunch. “They give me enough for 4 people every time, so let's eat.” We did. We saved some for the sailor. The General and I talked for a while, He had some reports to go over, so I moved back over. He finished and back I went. Mostly we talked about Nam. He was there when I was. We both knew a young pilot that went down
over Hanoi. A good soul.

Then, here comes one of the Majors to speak to the General. “The front landing gear wont go down, Sir!”. “You're the pilot, you fix it Major!” We continued talking. After about 15 minutes, here came both Majors. They opened a door in the floor. No joke, they hand cranked the wheel down. Then we landed. We all said our good byes and I headed to the terminal to sign up for flights again.

A plane was about to leave for Seattle. I made it! I just couldn't believe my luck. I wanted to go to Seattle! I wanted to stop by and see an old friend from my hippie days, up there, he married the girl I went with before RS. About that time I realized I was going west and that time was still pretty much the same for me. What a day.

This flight was uneventful thank goodness.

To be continued……………………………………………………………………………............

The Story Continues……………………………………………………………Seattle

It was still light out when I got to Seattle….this was beginning to be a long day for me.
I called my friend and he came over to pick me up. I noticed as we pulled up to his place, that he was doing well. The house was nice and in a very good neighborhood. We headed to the back yard and my friend said “Stop right there!”. I took another step and he said “Stop!”. I heard a zing kind of sound and then I had sharp teeth and claws trying to get me! I jumped back. “What was that!?” My friend was laughing…..”That’s my cat!”.

He had this big black cat and it had brain damage. He had it attached to a long dog run wire and it would go zinging around the yard. I wanted no part of it. Scared the Bjesus out of me. I went in and saw Linda his wife. Wobble was her nickname. She wasn’t real happy to see me . She was living with me when I met RS, she had left for a month at Xmas time and had came back to a mess. I would have been pissed too. Although she had moved in with my friend and they were married in less than a year. Hell. I was their best man.. Old wounds still hurt….I know from my experience with RS.

We had a good meal and he took me to the garage to see his grow. It was an early Hydro grow and it fascinated me. It was in a rubber swimming pool. He gave me an oz. Yes! Buds! Not hash! Hooray! He said this was his final grow. Heat seeking helicopters were flying around and he said he had to much to lose, so this was his last.
I thought too much to lose? I asked what he did and the answer floored me. He was a “Pay Day Loan” guy. He had three store fronts by all the military bases in the area..

He had been a tanker in the Army (I had talked him into going in) and knew the system.
He required each person to bring in his LES (leave and earning statement) before he loaned anyone anything. That was all he needed to make sure he would be paid back, all he had to do was call that person’s Commander. The interest he charged was criminal. Years later he flew over to open a couple of store fronts for me to run in Hawaii. I didn’t want any part of it. To me he had turned into a blood sucker. I told him as much a few times. He’s retired somewhere in Arizona now and he did make millions before it was over. 16 store fronts. Old hippie gets rich off poor servicemen. Lost a lot of respect for him.

They had made me a place to sleep in a spare room. Just as I was dozing off, I heard a growl . I yelled “Get that cat out of here!”……..they were laughing their asses off.

They both were early risers, which was fine by me, I wanted to get over to the MATS terminal and try get to California while it was still daylight. Wobble actually gave me a hug and whispered “Asshole” in my ear.

My Buddy let me out at the MATs terminal and I lucked out again, there was a flight leaving for Travis AFB in an hour. That was perfect! It was only a short drive to Napa from there.and that’s where I was headed. The terminal was a large building, so I grabbed a newspaper and sat down close to the gate I would be leaving through.
I heard a commotion and lo and behold there was an MP with a frigging dope dog going through the terminal. I had my oz in my pants…in my under ware to be exact. I sat and watched and they were headed my way, slowly but surely. Checking every seat.

I headed to the Men’s Room. 4th stall down, I put my oz in the toilet seat cover holder and went back out and sat down. They passed by me and continued on. About a minute later they called my flight. Crap! I mentally weighed my chances. You know what I did! I booked into the john and retrieved my oz and ran and got in line. I made it!
I really didn’t want to be looking for smoke in a new place. I sure was happy that I had made it on that plane.

To be continued…………………………………………………………………………..

The Story Continues…………………………………………………………..Napa

We landed on Travis AFB early in the afternoon. I had what I was going to try to do all planed out. First I found a base Taxi and asked to be taken to the unofficial car lot on base. All bases have them. When you get orders, sometimes you have to sell your car fast.
I was lucky again and found an old Nova that was not too bad. Called the owner and he came over and I drove it. I bought it for $350. He signed the title to me. I got insurance on base too. Napa here I come.

On the way to Napa, I passed the junkyard where RS and I lived. Made me a bit sad to think of it. Took me a while to find my first wife’s place she had moved to a new place.

The last time I had seen her she was screaming at me that I couldn’t see my kids before I left for Greece. She called me many other things too. This should be interesting, I thought. She had fought me tooth and nail for the kids when we got our divorce.
Now, I was about to pick them up…..she no longer wanted them.. Things change in 6 plus years.

Well, here we go…I rang the door bell. She opened the door with a big smile and (gulp) a hug. She was still a cute little thing, even in her late thirties. I was stunned.
Where was the hate and anger? She went in to get me a cup of coffee and I sat there wondering what was going on. Tao my youngest son was 16 now and she said he would be home soon. Byron my oldest at 19 was some where north of Sacramento working as a bar back I would have to find him. OK…..

Then of all things, she asked if I wanted to smoke a J. This woman hated drugs of any kind. Things had changed, big time. Guess a lot can happen in more than 6 years. I asked her about it and she said her sisters had changed her mind a few years ago. She liked the feeling that mj gave her. Damn, if she had just listened to me long ago, I think we would
have still been married. What a rush this was. We sat there talking for a long while and I actually loved it. She was just like when we first married…..happy!. Tao was still not home, so she cooked us a small meal. We talked non stop….this was really weird.

Finally Tao came home. He looked great and he gave me a long hug. I asked him if he was ready to start a new life and he smiled big time and hugged me again. I told him that we should get moving. We had to find a motel for the night.. My ex had a nick name, it was Tad. Tad said absolutely not to the motel and said we could stay there instead.

I asked Tao, when we had a moment alone if she had a boy friend. The answer was no and that she hadn't had a date in all these years. The bell finally rang in my head….she was horny. I sure wasn't on my game. I had not noticed.. Hell, I was not really looking.
Let me just say, it was late when we headed for Monterrey the next day.

Too be continued……………………………………………………………………............... .
The Story Continues……………………………………………………………………….

Tao and I headed to Monterrey the next day. It was about 4 pm when we arrived . All I had to do was show my ID card to get on base. We went to the Guest House and signed up for a small apartment. For a few days. We bought a news paper and started looking for a house to rent. I was still going by my original plan to go cheap until I knew what I was going to making in total. I could always upgrade if I had to.

There was a little town next to Fort Ord named Marina and I found a little 2 bedroom place that would do for now. On one side was a small old church and on the other side was a Harley builder, who had 6 hell raising geese in his back yard. He also sold pot.

I had the utilities turned on and had a phone hooked up. Took Tao over and got him an ID card so he could get on base and buy things. I also went by the Hospital and actually got in and got Tao a prescription for a pair of glasses. He needed them.

I went over the transportation office and arranged to have my household goods. delivered.. I had no idea what was in them, I guess RS had packed them. They delivered them the next day. I couldn’t believe they were so quick….I was still going by my experience in Greece which took 2 months. Looked like she had sent everything to me.
That didn’t sound good.

When the phone was working I called Tony and told her what was happening and explained we would be in a small place for while. It didn’t seem to bother her.
In fact she was excited. An hour later she called back and said she and Pic would be landing in San Francisco the day after tomorrow. Oh! Yeah!

The first night at the new house, I just parked in the driveway and didn’t put it in the garage. Next morning the battery was gone. Welcome to the neighborhood..

I’m not sure what went on in Tony’s flight over, but she got off the plane in a really bad mood. Pic grabbed me and wouldn’t let go, which I loved. We kind of drove in silence to Monterrey. What was this all about?

When we got to the house, she took one look and said she wanted to go to a hotel. Oh! Boy! This is bad, I thought. I left Tao at the house and took her to the Holiday Inn…..not good enough, so I took her to the best place in Monterrey. I spent the night and it was OK, but strange. Next day we went all over Monterrey and down to the restaurant in Big Sur.

I may as well just say she stayed 3 more days and then went back to Italy. Her parting remark was “That Americans are pigs”, Much too informal for her.
There I was thinking “What the hell just happened ?”. Tony was gone for good. Well crap! My mind was spinning. Life had thrown me another curve. What next?

To be continued…………………………………………………………………………
The Story Continues……….....................

I still had time off, so Tao and I decided to go find my other son Byron. We were told by one of Tao’s friends in Napa that he was on the other side of Roseville working as a bar back. Off we went. Believe it or not, we found him in the first bar we went to. We walked in and quickly realized it was a Gay Bar.

There he was bringing in cases of beer. I walked over and said “Getting tired of this?”
I thought he was going to faint. Then he smiled and said “You got it Pops!”
He asked for his pay and we left. He was so glad to see us. He talked all the way back to Marina.
Mom had thrown him out of the house two years ago. He had slept in the city park of Napa for two summers. Worked on a chicken farm for a year. Said it was a really sh*tty job. That meant he had been on his own for two years. Of the three of us he was the big guy. He was in great shape.

Tao and I got up after he had been with us a couple of days and he was gone,,,with our best shirts. Luckily, .I had not unpacked the clothes that Tony had bought me. He left a note and said he would be back, That didn't happen until Jo and I were married years later.

Tao was put in a school that was a “Real Life School". In stead of all the regular stuff, this school was based on “real world experiences”. In other words… to balance a checkbook, how to write business letters and so on.

I caught him one day skipping class. We had a talk. He said the class was boring so he skipped. it.. I asked what class it was and he said reading. So I made him read to me. He could read better than I could. The kid was bored. Oh! My! Then we talked about him going any way. He actually didn't skip any more. Wonders never cease.

He and I hung my Bose speakers from the ceiling, bought some dope from our neighbor and rocked out. This was more like it.

I still had leave time left, but I went ahead and checked in to my new assignment. For gods sake, I was assigned to an Artillery Division! The headquarters battery, of all things…..Every time a Battery went to fire in the field, we would go too. Oh! Noes!

So I was going to work everyday. We settled into a routine.

Until…….there was knock on our door one Saturday. There stood RS looking soooo beautiful and alive.

To be continued……………………………………………………………………..

The Story Continues Unfortunately………………………………………………………...

It was about 4:30 when RS knocked on the door. She gave me a big hug and said “ It’s so good to be back! I missed you!”. Then she said “I want you to send me to Bar Tenders School. What! When hell freezes over I thought to my self. Then she grabbed Tao and said “Your Big!” “You were just a kid the last time I saw you!” He said “It’s been over 6 years since you saw me!”.. He then turned to me and said “Dad I going over Stan’s for the night.” and left. Good son.

She looked at me and said “Why are you so upset?” I just stared at her for while, then I said, “You broke my heart and shacked up with another guy…he just took over my wife, my house, and business. You don’t know what I’ve been through!”

“All you told me was you were staying in Greece. Then you hung up on me and would never answer the phone when I called. You didn't answer not even one of my letters!”

“I was afraid to tell you what I wanted to do because you would have talked me out of it!…..I wanted to prove that I could be of value and do something on my own. I stayed because I wanted to prove I could run the business with Johnny!” She said. I thought to myself…any idiot could do that.

“Besides the guys on the basketball team looked me up and told me all about you two. He was driving my car all over place, sometime with you in the car. They told me about him living with you. They even saw you holding hands in the PX”, I said.

She said “He did drive the car and sometimes drove to work in it when he had night duty.
He did stay in the guest bedroom a few nights, when we were going to pick up things for Johnny and then delivery to Johnny. We never held hands that is a lie!”.

Then she started to cry and said “I should have told you truth about why I was staying,
I've been really stupid”. I didn't say anything. I was seeing RS with new eyes now and I just couldn't believe she was that stupid. Crap!

I made us a snack. She asked what I had to drink. I asked if she meant booze and she said yes. I said “ I don't keep booze around at all,” Then I remembered I had bought some wine for when Tony came to the house. I still had it. “How about some wine?” Oh! Yes that would be fine.! She damn near drank the whole thing in no time. Oh! Boy! She was a boozer now. What next?

Finally she said “Why don’t we sleep on this and talk tomorrow?”. I thought to myself, why not? Things can't get any worse. I was wrong about that, they did. Well if she slept with someone else, it sure didn't show. No new tricks, just the same old RS..

To Be Continued………………………………………………………………………..

The Story Continues…………………………………………………………………….

I woke up about 10 A.M. and RS was gone……her stuff was still there…I wondered where she had gone. She came back in a few minutes……she had bought 3 bottles of scotch.
Great I thought to myself. At least she waited until after breakfast to start drinking. Guess old Mutt and her drank a lot..
She had seen my new clothes in the closet. I had unpacked them after Byron left. She said “Where did you get those clothes?” I said Malian. They have many things that went down the runway just once and they sell them at a great discounts. If you had been with me, you would look like a queen now. “Oh” she said.

Like I said before, I was seeing her with different eyes right then. Here was a 27 year old woman, soon to be 28 and she was just the same as when I married her. She was still like the girl I had married long ago. She had not grown at all mentally. Oh! Boy! That's when I realized she was in trouble. I think we were so busy and happy in those years and I never noticed it. Truthfully, back then I honestly didn't even notice. I was looking at her as a silly young thing and I loved her silliness. That's when I started to think back to how she acted that day I got busted. She had blown throwing the Hash away, because she just panicked like a young girl..

As we sat there I asked her “Why did you steal my half of the money”. She looked really surprised and said “I didn't steal your money!” . I said “ Oh yes you did! You took my name off of our checking account.. “Oh that! Mutt thought it would be better if we had all the money because Johnny might place a large order and if you had made a withdrawal we wouldn't have enough money. “Are you telling me Johnny was going to place an order for 23,000 dollars? She turned red and said “I never thought about that! “You sure didn't!” I said.” Surely you have some of it left?”. She turned bright red, then ran into the bedroom and handed me two thousand bucks. Where is the rest of it I asked?

She turned bright red and told me what happened. Mutt would take the car to the Base across town when he had 24 hour duty. He took the car and said see you in 24 hours and off he went. 24 hours passed, then 48 hours. She started to worry and called the base and asked for him. The person that answered the phone said “Didn't you know that he has had his orders for months and left for the states yesterday?” She had been taken big time! I had been taken too. I should never given her power of attorney, however I had no choice by Army regulations.. I give Mutt credit….he knew my woman better than I did. He knew she was dumb as a rock.

Of all things she looked really happy and said “Well I did make the two thousand dollars I just gave you . I made that in the 3 months that I had left with Johnny. Honestly she was really happy about that.. This was just too much, I just stared at her.

We talked a lot more…..she was drinking the whole time. My mind was reeling. What a mess. We slept together again, this time we just slept. I wanted no part of her. Tao came in and left again.

I have to admit, I believed her then.. She was just mentally not capable. Oh! My , how could I have not noticed. This was my fault too!

The next day I suggested that we go to the mental health clinic and seek counseling.
She hit the ceiling: “I will never go to counseling again .I had enough of that when I was young!”. RS you need help Baby!” “No f*cking way!” she said.

“Look at what you've done!”. “You broke my heart and lost all our money!” “Do you think that was normal?” She just sat there and stared and drank some more.

“I hate to do this to you, but you better go back to where you have been staying since you got back from Greece, I don't want you around me for a while” I said.. “You better drink some coffee an sober up for the drive.”..” You don't mean that!” she said..

“Think about it, you have ruined our lives. You trusted a stranger more than you did me and you're a drunk too! We can see each over time and see if we really want to be together any more.”.. She said” I was just trying to be capable to do some thing on my own.”. All I said was “I think you have your answer.” This will give you a chance to work on that some more.”. As time went by I started feeling so guilty about it all, I was a mess too!

To be continued………………………………………………………………………..

The Story continues.............................

RS had been gone for three weeks and I got call from her . She was hysterical and crying.. Would I come up and see her? I would and left right then. She gave me the address to where she lived and I found it easily. I didn't have to knock, she was waiting with the door open. She grabbed me and held on for dear life.. I was wondering what was wrong. Turned out that she had gotten a job with the Napa Newspaper stuffing inserts
into the paper. They fired her after three days, she couldn't do it.

A friend got her a job in a nursery. She knew absolutely noting about plants. She lasted 4 days. Fired. . She was hired as a waitress…….lasted half a day. She kept getting the orders wrong..

Then she told me she had spent most of the two thousand I gave back to her on the house and food. (Probably for booze too I thought.). We talked for a while and went to bed. She held on to me for dear life. It hurt me to see her like that, very depressing.

In the morning we talked some more...I asked her why she just didn't live with her parents?
“They would try to brain wash me again”, she said. I knew for certain they would and there would be no booze for her. Her parents loved her, but were very strict..
She said she wanted to come back home with me, I looked at her and said, “Remember you didn't want me in Greece and threw me under the bus. You didn't care, it was all about you. No you can't come back with me…How do I knew you won't do it again!
She said “But I love you!”. Yep, I've heard that before too!

Then she started cussing me and I left. That was so hard to do. .I never wanted to see her cry. By the time I got home I was mess. I kept telling myself to take her back. For the next few months, I would go see her or she would drive down to my place. She did go back to her parents place and they told her what a bad person I was. They bought her a new car and told her don't worry about working. How stupid..

She would keep telling me things and how that she had changed. I started driving up to see her a lot .We would get a motel room and make out….that was about it. Most of the time she was drinking. We were going no where! I went up to see her one time and it was so bad, when I got home, I actually thought about killing myself . That scared the crap out of me, so the next morning I went to Mental Health Services on base..

I told the lady there I felt like killing myself. After about 2 hours of taking tests. She graded? them and came out and said “Your suicidal”. Well no sh*t I thought to myself.
Then she said I will get you a counselor, .She came back with a young Second LT.
I thought to myself “I could probably counsel him..” I saw him for three times. Every time I saw him he would give me his card and say to me “ If you get in bad place and need a friend, just call me anytime day or night”.

. Another few weeks went by and after a very bad day with RS. When I got home I called my counselor. He came right over and walked in and said “At a time like this everyone needs a hug”. Then he put his arms around me. And started hugging me. and then he started feeling my ass up! Right there in that moment of my greatest need, he feels me up! It hit me right then that I had forgotten that life is nothing but a practical Joke!
I started to laugh. I mean laughing….belly laughing….laughing so hard I stared to cry, knee slapping laughing... He started running around saying “Please don’t tell the Army!”
That made me laugh that much harder. I took him to the door and told him that he had helped me more than he would ever know.. I felt well. A big relief had come.. I was OK!

I went to see RS one more time in a hotel room and we started to make love. Then she said “you only come to see me for sex!”. I thought that over and got out of bed. Looked at her and said “ You know your right and and left. She filed for our divorce, and I let her have anything she wanted. She took almost everything we had bought in Greece. That is another story coming soon..

To Be Continued…………..................................... ........................

The story Continues...............

I think we should close the book on RS for good.

I had for gotten she did come down to my house one more time. I still don't know why she came down. She was only there for few minutes. She looked terrible....her butt was really, really big. In fact she said " I bet you love my ass now!" ???? I just said I loved your cute little butt the way it was. She left?

When window 3 came out and was so graphical in the early 90s, her pictures were all over the Internet. Tao called me and "Dad you should see this." I went over and looked at the pictures....there she was in different hotel rooms butt naked and doing every imaginably thing you could think of with different men. The camera man changed positions all the time, so there were at least three men each time. I really felt sorry for her.

She married a guy...actually a nice guy. She called me up and said she wanted to get all the things she wanted from Greece. Fine, I gave her directions to my new house on Bel-Monte beach. She said don't have any of your whores there. Which I totally forgot.
I had a friend with benefits named Ula and she had slept over with me. We had just finished breakfast when RS arrived. She was really pissed at seeing Ula there. So be it. She also looked at the house and said still living high Huh?
She was livid and started barking at wimp. That's what I called him, because he was a wimp. I liked him a lot, she had lucked out. He kinda looked like a smaller version of me. He stood around looking apologetic. I did get to talk to him a bit and he was a nice guy. I told him to take care of her and he smiled and said "If I can." We both laughed at that. He knew what he was in for.

After they left, Ula said "You were married to her?" "You can do so much better!" I just smiled.

Years passed and I received orders for my next assignment, which was on the east coast. I drove up to Napa to say a final goodbye and to see how they were doing.

I knocked on the door and Wimp opened the door smiled and shrugged his shoulders. There was RS drunk as could be and staggering from one end of the room to the other. She looked at me and said "How do you like me now?". I didn't say anything and left. Crap!

A few years ago I tried to find them on line. All I found out was they had disappeared. RS had inherited her folks house and wimp owned the other. Tao was living in Napa at the time and I asked him to go over see if he could find them. Both houses were empty and run down from being empty. Who knows what happened to them.

To be continued......................................... ............................

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