our wonderful government

Okay, I'm a new member here, and I obviously support smoking weed. I was on this site the other day looking at the calendar of events and the 2009 Ontario Hemp Fest caught my eye. Being a stoner and a hippie, I naturally got really excited and automatically started planning to see if I could attend this year. Then something that troubled me caught my eye in the advertisement...apparently, this is the last year the Ontario Hemp Fest will be happening, due to the Police over enforcing the R.I.D.E. (Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere) program. It was issued in 1977 in Etobicoke, Ontario as a policing effort to put an end to drinking and driving, in which police can pull you over at random and ask you a multitude of questions to determine if its necessary to enforce breathalyzer tests. I've done some further research and apparently the police are stopping vehicles on the way to and from Hemp Fest and searching them, most cases without probable cause. This is in Canada, so I did some research into the US's similar programs and found that going through our own state boarders, police are stopping and searching our citizen's vehicles with little to no probable cause. I say 'little to no' because apparently its a crime to state your rights to these designated officers and refuse a search of your vehicle without a good enough reason or a search warrant.

First things first, our fourth amendment rights clearly state "The right of people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall NOT BE VIOLATED AND NO WARRANTS SHALL ISSUE, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation and particularly describing the place to be searched, and persons or things to be seized."

I was (and still am) enraged at finding MORE proof that we, as American citizens, do not have nearly as many rights as we would like to think. We do not have freedoms, we are simply treated as if we're children that need their so called guidance and we are given few privileges...and perhaps, to some extent that assumption would be true, but it would only be true because of the government stepping in one to many times to cover their own asses and to make themselves as comfortable on their pedestals as possible. THEY ONLY HAVE AS MUCH POWER AS WE LET THEM HAVE. And we gave them far too much power to run with in our petty search for global recognition. So now we have to fight a more difficult fight. We have to yell twice as loud (so to speak) to get our voices heard. This is clearly an attempt to keep their thumb on even the most peaceful of people, because they are afraid of us. They should be, but not because we're going to go to war with weapons and more unneeded violence, but because we have one thing they don't- understanding, knowledge, and regard for all the life in this wonderful and spacious earth.

The thought of our Government growing more corrupt by the day, and knowing that politicians can sit in their own filth and greed and get away unscathed because of their god damn job title and their yearly salary, makes me sick. And all this is going on while people who are suffering from any number of ailments have to HIDE in fear when they smoke a little pot to feel better. And even worse still, people who strongly believe in this cause and effectively exercise the rights of their citizenship by saying 'no' to unwarranted searches are going to prison. I, for one, have had enough of the government oppressing my own people.



:bong::bong:well put you go girl... all adds up to bs harrassment,stupidity of weed thats been around for ages and will continue to,and bring big bucks to those supplying or simply growing their own in any case their will always be weed and seeds to grow much more. so senseless bs messing with stoners when they should be bothered with drunks on the road and serious crime... smoke a bong or two for them selves maybe they'd mellow out then know the truths first hand smoking themselves!!!
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I agree completely with you. However, this goes beyond just the government abusing stoners. This is the government abusing its citizens! Not just us, but every man, woman, boy, and girl that calls the United States home. It is blatant mistreatment of our rights, which I believe we are loosing more of by the day.

Ask yourself who you are to them. We are no more than a mass that they feel needs to be policed due to their own obtuse ignorance and paranoia. I think about why our own government feels the need to be paranoid and hide things from us on the daily, and the only conclusion that makes any sense (based on my basic understanding of how people work) is that they, in turn, are hiding their own dirty vices from us.

I hate to bring up such a horrible and tormenting thought, but imagine the level of power the government has. Imagine what they can get away with. It would not surprise me in the LEAST if they were participating in lewd activities. There is a child sex trade in several foreign countries that leaks over to our states. Little boys and girls are promised a new life, a better life only to be brought over seas to be lied to more and sexually mistreated by these politicians. If our own governmental figure heads can buy and sell the pure innocence of a child, they will not be afraid to push further to get away with more. Guess whos money they use for shit like this! OURS. OUR HARD EARNED TAX PAYER DOLLARS.

And the police, im not by any means saying that all officers of the law are bad people because Ive met some pretty cool cops that knew my rights as well as their own well enough to make rational and fair determinations. However, anyone with that kind of power is the most susceptible to corruption. I live about 20 minutes from Greece New York and their police station just got cleaned out completely. They found several officers doing cocaine, crack, and heroin that was confiscated from suspects. They also found that a few male officers where giving female suspects the choice to perform a sexual favor in turn for being released with no charges or reduced charges. This is NOT what our fore fathers intended. This is NOT fair to us as citizens. And it is NOT okay, I will not stand back and keep silent when i have my future children and grand children to think about. When you have to think twice about having children simply because the world has turned into such a dangerous and messed up place to live, there is something terribly wrong.

This infuriates me on a level I simply can't express effectively enough.
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:51:Agreed and try as they will they'll never change a stoner from doing what they want no matter what they try.
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Psh, did it stop those old school hippies? HELL NO! :D They've been lighten up for centuries and they sure as hell haven't stopped yet.

I'm proud to be a stoner...
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Many times the problem is a long way from Washington, D.C. An example is the decriminalization of less than an oz. in NYC. There was a recent article exposing how the police are tricking people into showing them their weed then arresting them for having pot exposed in public. This is why it is important for us to know our rights and stand up for them. It is sad, but we give up many rights before anyone comes to take them away. I'm not saying D.C. isn't a problem; having law enforcement stop over stepping their authority is where we experience the second class citizen routine.
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Herb Fellow;bt1075 said:
Many times the problem is a long way from Washington, D.C. An example is the decriminalization of less than an oz. in NYC. There was a recent article exposing how the police are tricking people into showing them their weed then arresting them for having pot exposed in public. This is why it is important for us to know our rights and stand up for them. It is sad, but we give up many rights before anyone comes to take them away. I'm not saying D.C. isn't a problem; having law enforcement stop over stepping their authority is where we experience the second class citizen routine.

I agree, the problem is everywhere. Do you think its safe to say that the problem is ignorance? Ive been thinking a lot about it and I think there is a big chance that we could all be wrong as well. Maybe we're resisting human nature by not participating in this zero-tolerance and unnecessary violence. But, I agree with you and Ill look for that article.
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I believe a lot of it is ignorance. People are ignorant to the facts about cannabis therefore it is illegal. I know it is more than just ignorance and there is the money aspect, but the more truth planted into the hearts and minds of man, the more freedom can be expressed. I'll see if I can find the article. I may have read it on Alternet.
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Well, I found the article and it is over a year old. Here is an excerpt and the link: The majority of the nearly 400,000 people arrested for possessing marijuana were not carrying or smoking the drug in public. Most people simply had a small amount of marijuana in their possession, usually concealed in a pocket or backpack. New York State decriminalized marijuana possession in 1977, making it a violation like speeding or driving through a stop light. When police officers coerce or intimidate people into showing marijuana in the open, though, they are able to classify it as a misdemeanor and arrest for it.

The criminal complaint always charges that they had it in open view, Steinberg said of her clients in the Bronx. That is preposterous. Its obvious that everyone isnt walking around carrying pot in open view.

Police did not focus on marijuana arrests from 1977 through 1996, arresting around 30,000 people total in both decades for possessing less than an ounce of marijuana. But police equaled or topped that 10-year arrest total in nine of the next 11 years. In 2007 alone, police made 39,700 arrests for marijuana possession.
NYC Marijuana Possession Arrests Skyrocket, Illustrate NYPD Racial Bias, New Report Shows | NYCLU
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Thanks for going to the lengths to find this article for me, i book marked it. It really amazes me that they can get away with things like that. It also irritates me that people don't know their rights enough to deny these spontaneous searches. Profiling is NOT a probable cause for search and seizure. Intimidation? Yeah, save it for the criminals, stop badgering innocent people. (its really hard to censor my language on this site, ha.)

Also, do they realize that this might just be why our prisons are over populated? I know I don't want my tax payers money to fund these prisons when a lot of the people are in there for smoking weed. It seems a little redundant to me.
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Peace and tolerance is what we need. Abbie Hoffman said, "If the country becomes more repressive we must become Castros. If it becomes more tolerant we must become Warhols.

I read that California is going to have to reduce their prison population by 40,000. Maybe they will chose the tokers over the rapist and murders.
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