Our elected idiots !

Georgia State Republican lawmaker Tommy Benton (31st House District) favors "caning" minor marijuana offenders and "executing" those who sell it. This is according to NORML news for August 13, 2009. Here are some direct quotes from the article:

In a July 29, 2009 e-mail to a constituent, Rep. Benton wrote: "Thanks for the email. We will have to agree to disagree on this and whether or not money is wasted (by mandating the state to prosecute minor marijuana offenders). I am opposed to the legalization of marijuana. I think we should go to caning for people caught using and maybe execute dealers. That would solve the problem as well. That is what they do in Singapore and they don't have a drug problem."

For those who don’t know…caning is a form of corporal punishment consisting of up to 24 violent lashes with a long rattan cane that has been soaked in water. The procedure inflicts intense pain and deep, bloody lacerations that can take several months to heal. All this for smoking a bowl.

Now I did some research, and in the USA… every 2 minutes a woman is violently sexually assaulted. The average for 2008 was 248,300 victims of sexual assault. This of course not counting incest and marital rape…and less than 6% of all rapists will EVER see the inside of a jail. There are approximately 3 million children who are expected to be molested, reported and unreported, every day by pedophiles who need to be stoned…only with large pointy rocks. There are close to 20,000 murders in the US last year not counting those executed by serial killers who’s victims wind up on the side of a milk carton. Auto theft, burglary, home invasions, armed robberies, and the ever present police corruption…and this prick turns a blind eye to all this in favor of concentrating his limited intelligence on fighting a medicinal flower.

I swear…the absolute unadulterated ignorance of our elected “officials” is staggering ! And these are the brainless idiots who lack ANY good judgment or even common sense whatsoever that run our country with irresponsibility that one would normally find on a kindergarten playground !

To say I am pissed is not right…I am more shocked than anything that these stupid pricks keep getting elected. And if anyone has had thoughts of just finding another planet to live on so that this sort of inanity doesn’t reach out and touch you…forget it. I already looked into it.

I say fire one up...and fuck 'em


Desperation is the last act of the losing side ;)

We've nothing to fear from this one - they'd laugh him out of chamber if he actually brought the bill forward. He'd be cable news fodder for the next 90 days
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That's really messed up, every time I hear about something like this it disgusts me. How can you be so casual about human life? I'm talking about what Benton said and about the rapists. I remember a while ago I did a report on the Jessica Lundsford law, and I had the same reaction finding out that only like, seven states have passed this law without making changes to it to go easier on child molesters. Once you steal someone's innocence like that you arn't human enough any more. People like THAT should be the ones facing the death sentence and shit, not stoners.

I'm lighting one up right now in agreement.

Props dude, great blog.
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I too am amazed. But I try to remember that, like Soniq said, this guy is basically a joke. Although extreme and ignorant in his thinking, he hardly represents the majority thinking of Americans, or any Nation. Individuals like him exist to balance the world.
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Hello LSL,
I must agree that I am truly amazed that people still have such strong feelings on keeping marijuana illegal.. Not compared to anything else, like other drugs, other crimes, other issues, its still like medieval thinking. Drop the sword, See the heads roll...prevent the contamination of our youth and their souls. People will always refuse to learn about what someone else, who is leading them, tells them is immoral, or will make you insane or etc.etc....You know the propaganda fed to us, our fathers and on... Think like I think, do as I do or whatever.. With that thinking (Rep.Benton) may enjoy seeing the execution of the alcoholics and the manufacturers who made this available, and so on down the line.....
I hate fear mongering.
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Li Siu Loong
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