ONA Gel. A simple, effecient alternative to a Carbon Filter.

Hello 420 Community! I am here with another blog entry to discuss a great method in which I use to COMPLETELY neutralize the odor that comes out of my exhaust airflow.

Now, with most ventilation systems in grow setups out there, the package deal of buying a carbon filter with an exhaust fan is pretty common. They are even sold together at a cheaper price in some retailers. However, I am the type of grower who likes to find the CHEAPER alternative, WITHOUT severely affecting efficiency.

For the past two years I have been using this 'professional odor neutralizer' called ONA Gel. It comes in 160z all the way to 5 gallon containers and can make a difference in any grow room.

For my purposes growing in a PC case in my past years, purchasing the $12 16oz tub has suited my needs just find. Now since I have a much larger grow area to work with, I have begun purchasing the 30oz tubs.


In order to get an idea of how much you need for your space, here is a simple rule I have been following that works perfectly for me:

Applications instructions read, 30oz/100 square feet of space per 1-2 months.

I personally have found using HALF the recommended amount works perfectly. So with my 8 sqft. of grow space, I only need 1.2 oz of ONA Gel. And the great thing about this product is that I only have to replace it every 2 weeks at the minimum.

Doing the math, 1x $20 30oz tub of Gel has the ability to last me 50 weeks, which can be used over a period of an entire grow, and some. I say this because during the vegetative cycle, I only change the gel every month instead of every 2 weeks as in flowering, due to the minimal smell being exuded fro the plants.

Already you can see how much a $20 tub can save you in costs, compared to a $100+ carbon filter that you will have to replace every 2 grows anyway.

Now I put together a little tutorial of my method of applying the Gel to my grow room.


1.First off, you will need a smaller container with a lid, a fork, a mesh-cloth bag, and a twist tie.

2.I measure out the appropriate proportion of Gel in respect to my area of grow space, in my case, 1.2 oz (~75ml).


3.Next I take my fork and start breaking the Gel down into a finer consistency.


4.This is where a lid is helpful, as bits of gel will begin to fly all over the place otherwise.


5.I then fill a mesh bag 3/4 full. I just used a nylon mesh, in which I stapled the the seams together in order to make a pouch.


6.I take this, twist tie it at the end, and place it right at the end of my exhaust. I put put it right where the ventilation bends in order to get absorb the most airflow.


7.Now, what remains is a fine 'hair-gel-like' consistency in which a I take and dump right at the entrance of the exhaust. I take my hands and just smear it on the surrounding ventilation to put EVERY single bit to use. :thumb:


As I said before, I only go through this process once every month while I am in my vegetative cycle ssnd once every two weeks while I am in my flowering cycle. With square 'footage' I ahve, this method works very well completely eliminating the need for a carbon filter.

Of course I still am going to be building a DIY carbon filter just because it looks like a jet engine intake, AND that's just awesome :laughtwo: But hat will be for another blog post.

Until next time folks. ;)


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