Northern Lights to decrease drolling related to ALS

Diggler420;3203807 said:
joetherag42;3203581 said:
I use Northern Lights which is a high THC version. any version will do.
Use one drop daily and "Tap" onto the gums.
If you have to work or drive I suggest you Tap the RSO at night sometime before you go to bed.
One reason I have difficulty loosing weight is I use RSO hemp oil drop every night. I rarely turn down any thing my wife puts in front of me.
A note of information; You will get dry/cotton mouth from a good strong Indica like Northern Lights.
For this I suggest you go to your Pharmacy and get a spray or rinse for DRY MOUTH. Don't bother with the "moisturizing spray", it sucks and does not work.

You mentioned dry mouth. It is interesting that dry mouth is a common side effect of cannabis and not fun.
I have been making edibles for a friend of mine that has als. I recently switched strains to northern lights, because he was having problems sleeping.
One problem with als is the inability to control saliva. I freaked out when I noticed that his drooling had a remarkable improvement!! I am looking for strains that will cause me the worst cotton mouth so I can share with him.
Cannabis may not cure als, but there are parts of it that can eliminate negative symptoms of the disease.
It is crazy that I have often looked at dry eyes, cotton mouth or the munchies as negative side effects of cannabis, but now I am opening my eyes and seeing so many benefits from this wonderful plant.
I do appreciate all of the dialogue and shared information. Thanks to everyone's input and shared info.


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