Noobs First Grow - First In Ten Years

Growlow;2908633 said:
Canna Montana;2908126 said:
...The alcohol extracts the oils, and the green color,... (unfortunately)

There are ways to "scrub" your solvent if you wish to not have the "green colour". Essentially removing the chlorophyll from the end extract. Some solvents react in a very interesting way against one another. If you did your process and got to your end product which would be dark green due to the amount of chlorophyll. Then took that extract and mixed into equal parts hexane which is a food grade solvent with purpose of dissolving it. Once mixed then mix into equal parts water. Put in a jar and shake vigorously. The cannabinoids will stay bonded to the Hexane and the Chlorophyll will bond to the water. Use a separatory funnel (Costs about 40 bucks) to drain off the water with the chlorophyll. Wash, rinse and repeat maybe a couple more times and you'll have removed the majority of the Chlorophyll. Evaporate of the hexane and you're good to go. I'll end up doing a demonstration on my journal and show just how easy it is. Just takes time. Hope this was of value to you :) I have links to videos but don't know if it would be considered off topic and end up being removed. I can always pm it if you're really interested.


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