New to the Forum and First Grow

Hi All,

It's been great reading all the great journals and posts on this site while preparing for my first grow. My family has a history with cancer and other maladies that MJ has been very beneficial for so we're finally embarking on a journey to grow our own stock for personal family use. The basic steps we are taking are as follows:

  • Plan to do only 1-2 at a time

  • Purchased Kosher Kush seeds from attitude

  • Purchased organic soil with perlite to improve drainage and worm castings for additional organic matter

  • Added Gro-Lux VHO to existing fixture for veg room

  • Purchased 600w HPS for flowering room

  • Germinated in damp paper towels on a sponge that was sitting on top of a reptile heating pad attached to a piece of glass for warmth (covered with a rectangular plastic tupperware container to keep in moisture) - broke through within 24 and nice tail by day 3
    Top View:

  • Bottom View:

  • Germination Humidor:

  • Planted directly to soil in same dome on heating plate with Jiffy Pots

Ok, more goodies arrived today and sybl is doing fine so far - I'm sorry in advance for the boring and somewhat mundane pics of grow room stuff but it is a journal and I want to capture the process from start to finish in as much detail as possible so I can reproduce a good result or never make the same mistakes again if there's an unfortunate outcome.

Here's Sybl on day 3:

  • DSC_009218.JPG

  • Here's the humidity and temp monitor that arrived today:

  • And here's the new 600w HPS/MH setup - forgot to get sunglasses, ouch!:

  • This is my makeshift adjustable shelf for the early growth phases under the Florescent Gro-Lux and 300W CFL:

The good PH and PPM testers as well as the timers have not arrived yet but the strips were good enough to get me started and timer can wait. I'll double check everything when the good tools arrive and hopefully all is well.

Day 4 here:

We've removed dome and are keeping her under the Florescent for the time being, and put a little dusting of worm casting as a topper. I didn't record the exact soil mixture earlier so I'm going to include the detailed info now:

  • Garden Safe Organic Garden Soil - .10N, .05P, .05K makes up about 40% of mix (I've also used Miracle-Gro Organic Choice Potting Mix which has same ratio)

  • Schultz Perlite - 40% of mix (Also have Miracle Gro Perlite which has .07N, .07P, .07K but haven't used yet)
  • Encap Earthworm Castings - 20% of mix which has 1.0N, 0P, 0K and 1.2Ca, 1.5Fe

I believe I mixed up ratios in earlier post but this is what I'm actually using above.

Day 4 Environment Stats:
  • 37% humidity with low of 28 and high of 41
  • 75F with low of 68F and high of 79F

  • First indoor compost bin is about half full already - time to get worms

Staying the course. Sybl has recovered nicely from the incident and the environment is now dialed in nicely with temps in 79-82 range, humidity in 35-42 range, and PH 7.1 last time I checked. Been sticking to a schedule of 3-4 days between watering, etc. Without further ado:

Here's Syble - Day 13 Veg: (Kosher Kush aka Jew Gold)

And Here's Spicoli - Day 6 Veg: (Silver Surfer Haze)



Note that I used 6" 250CFM inline duct fan from HD and a combination of flexible 6" insulated duct and solid 6" duct to exhaust the HD/HPS light and I added carbon filter to the exhaust and intake sides.
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Blue Mountain Organics nutes arrived yesterday but I will not be using until flowering or some evidence that they are required - leaves are already very green with no nutes yet other than what's in the organic soil and worm castings.
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