My first Grow, all feedback welcome!

  • Author Author Zobah88
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  • Blog entry read time Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hey everyone, I'm a first time grower and am open to all feedback and tips to help out!

3/30/2014 - I ordered 5 Short Rider feminized autoflower and 5 White Widow Feminized seeds and received them in less than a week.

4/9/2014 - started my germination process using the paper towel method, had 100% germ rate 10/10!!

4/11/2014 - planted the germinated seeds in clear plastic cups.
Under spiral cfl bulbs 24/7 lighting.

4/12/14 - first 4 of 10 sprouted.

4/13/14 remainder of seeds sprouted throughout the day.


4/15/ transplanted all plants from solo cup to larger pots.
Roots developing were running out of room. Also received my grow tent (2x4x5) as well the 200 watt CFL grow light hood with reflective insert. Put it all together and moved the plants into their new homes!

Stay tuned for more updates!

Feel free to check out my gallery and give any feedback is welcome!!


Hey wassup, I noticed your blog post and decided to check it out i am an outdoor grower only i only know little about indoor growing as the only part i grow indoors is seedlings, but i can assure you by the picture that that sapling looks very healthy and is going at a good start as i always get seedlings and its important that their strong and healthy before they go out but the only thing i would suggest is i dont know what to call it but in stores i get something called rooticlear its fully organic and it helps seedlings root devolopment, i always use it and they seem to grow faster through the vegatative stage and they absorb nutrients better but other than that gj so far, Peace n Pot:goodjob:
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