Multiple Sclerosis

Am not sure how to do this but here I go.....
I have Multiple Sclerosis for it seems like for ever.
(20+ yrs) Back in the day when I was younger smoking was a party thing to do and today it's different. I smoke to help the spastic movement of my limbs and I see no harm in smoking.
I wish the government would legalize the use of smoke instead of me being afraid of getting caught. 'I'll take my chances it's worth it.:smokin:


Hey there Fried.... I can't imagine what that must be like, to have MS but I do see that when famous people get sick somehow people start to pay a little more Attn. to the positives of MJ, I'm sure you know whom I am referring to. He has a talk show. There are others out there too that have less of an illness like myself, I have had some pretty bad back and shoulder pain now for a couple of years. My doctors don't have any more to do but try to get me to take pills for the pain. I love to get high from MJ and not some pill that I can get addicted to. I want to be around to see my kids grow up without looking like a Junkie. Hopefully the feds will let the states do their jobs and regulate Med. Marijuana and leave us alone. I am for decriminalizing pot. I don't care about all the other stuff outside of those two choices. Well I wish you the best of luck with life and hope to see you around the site.
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They were to do testing on people with M.S. and did MJ never heard about the results. All that I can say it that it helps me.
Back in the depression is when MJ got a bad rep. Because people didn't understand it. Nothing like the movie REEFER MADNESS that was down right wrong in all aspects of MJ..(made in 1932)
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I have Peripheral Neuropathy so severe that I had to stop working at the age of 52. Medical mj is legal in my state, Rhode Island. Since starting last year after not doing it since my 20's it has helped. I also have Fibromyalgia. Today I can say I would not have gotten out of bed if I did not have what ever it is that pot has that is so good for me. It has been raining for three days almost steadily. I used to live in the desert southwest, USA, can't wait to get back. In the first weeks after starting medical mj I was able to reduce my narcotic by half.

Peripheral Neuropathy is know not to respond to narcotics and in an AIDS study was shown to help the pain of PN. I understand Nevada is a medical state, I would like to live there.
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I understand, my right side from ankle to neck is held together with pins and screws and all the pills, shots, therapy and surgeries, m j is the best for pain relief there is no medical mj statute here but I am willing to take the chance too
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