MajorPita's Dry Ice Hash

Major PITA;2651408 said:
Hey Reg and Dusty!
I think this feels appropriate; a kief video for the Kiefers.


As promised, here is my kief dry ice extraction video. I'm NOT calling it a tutorial. It is more of an enthusiastic endorsement. As a tutorial, it would be the blind leading the blind since I'm learning this procedure as I go. In fact I'd love to hear from others with experience as to how they do it differently so as to improve my process. I hope you find it useful. I'm very happy with the results but there is always room or improvement. Cheers!


Total time to process all batches was 2-1/2 hours. Yield for Ace of Spades was just over 16%. Yield for Pitbull was slightly under 11%, for an average of more than 14% overall. We processed 30 oz. of trim to get 4.25 oz. of kief. That puts the grand total at 6 oz. from our summer harvest.


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