Juicing with cannibis

beemerbill;2073583 said:
Good day BAR and all. You were discussing juicing the other day and I went onto one of the local blogs in my area and found this. This gal has been juicing for awhile and I have met her. She does it daily. This is from her blog

This week I was sent a number of really great questions from a reader who asked me to elaborate on my raw cannabis usage. I would love to elabortate!!

Question #1: How do you keep it fresh and store it? I store it in the fridge in an airtight container with a paper towel to absorb moisture. I also freeze the juice or full pulp made in my blender in ice cube trays. The cubes work great in my smoothies.

Question #2: How long can you store it for? In the fridge, 3 days maximum. In the freezer, people tell me it begins to degrade in there after just 7-10 days and others who say it is fine in there for about a month. If you have it, use it up!

Question #3: How much do you consume each day? Right now I am trying to consume about 1-2 oz fresh raw cannabis material. I was aiming for the suggested 7-14 leaves/day but when somebody told me they measured their raw dose with a kitchen scale I went out and bought myself a scale so I have another way to measure. Not all leaves weigh the same. Also, the more I take it, the less I measure it- I can just eyeball how much I need.

Question #4: What plant parts are you consuming raw and in what quantities? Right now I am consuming leaves and stems (see question#3 for how much) but when I have access to it I will also consume raw young buds (maybe an amount equal to my baby finger, not much).

Question #5: Do you take it once a day or break it up into multiple doses? I do both. I prefer to take it first thing in the morning and be done with it. Sometimes, though I will make an extra serving for later in the day. I know people who say they benefit from a morning and afternoon dose but my personal experience so far has been that I need to get it at least once a day.

And this is another one from her This one was actually from the week before

I once again have access to raw cannabis. Today is day 9 back on it and I am feeling like a new person. I have humbly been reminded about the things that happen to me when I eat raw cannabis leaf and/or flower.

Firstly, eating and juicing raw cannabis changes my tolerance to THC. Before raw cannabis I could easily consume one or two (or more) medibles and vaporize repeatedly through the day without feeling like I’ve ever had too much or like I couldn’t handle more. I don’t seem to have a cannabis ‘off button’. After the first few days on raw cannabis and I suddenly have an ‘off button’. On Friday, and many consecutive days before that, I had needed 3 medible doses through the day but on Saturday eating one medible in the morning would now last me well into the evening.

By Tuesday I stopped taking all forms of THC or CBD infused medibles. I just didn’t seem to need them because my inflammation and body pain has been reduced so much. That was already 6 days ago.

I’m still vaping but even that has been reduced. During the first few days of adding fresh cannabis leaves to my smoothies, vaporizing felt like a new experience. It was like I was using marijuana for the first time and very little made me high. One week later and that has adjusted some, my tolerance has gone back up enough that I don’t feel super high, I feel just right. I still don’t need to use that much though.

Something else that is super exciting is that I’ve noticed my thinking patterns are different. Depression is more a feeling of the past, I can think more clearly, and I find myself thinking more positively about everything. It feels very empowering.

Next, I am working on increasing my activity. The stiffness in my joints and my back pain has been reduced so much that moving and exercise feel good again. I am excited to get after my strength and balance training with a brain that is able to communicate better messages to my nervous system. Let this little yogi fly.

May the current bounty of raw cannabis in my life continue so I can keep feeling this good.


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