Icemud's Grow 8.0 - New Intelligent-Gro LED - 2 x IGRO-228 LED - Testing And Revi

Icemud;2080426 said:
Hey everyone....

So the other day I was trying to figure out what do do with all my older bud that I still have around.... I have at least 1/2lb of old pre98 bubba, blue dream, og's and others that have just been sitting bagged up for months, maybe even as long as a year...

Well then it hit me....Cannabutter!!!

So I grabbed a few handfuls of my blue dream, og and some left over cherry pie and stuffed my coffee grinder.... I probably ground up about 1oz to 1 1/2oz of bud, very finely.


Then I got one 13oz healthy choice butter (with olive oil) and dumped it into a large sauce pan, added about 6 to 8 cups of water (about 2") and then added all the ground up herb. I then also added about 1 oz of extra virgin olive oil and started boiling the mix...

Once the mix hit boiling, I lowered the temp and kept it simmering with slight bubbing and checked the temps with my IR thermometer. 189 to 211F, nice!!!

Now, the reason I used the butter I did is first off I have cholesterol problems, so using butters like this with added plant sterols, no cholesterol, and olive oils is recommended. The other reason I used this butter was it had a decent fat content, which is also why I added the extra olive oil. Fat pulls THC and other Cannabinoids out of bud. Now this is not an instant process. I forgot to decarboxylate my bud before hand, so I knew I was in for a long haul. THC-A is the inactive form of THC, and needs heat to lose a molecule and convert to human usable form. So usually it is recommended to put your bud in the oven for about 5 to 10 minutes on 325F to complete this process. I completely forgot so the other way to make sure your butter extracts all the THC, Lots of time...

Now when I hit the internet, I saw people making butter and cooking it anywhere from 1/2 hour to 24 hours. Being that I started this at 11PM, and was using my stove, I knew that I didn't want to leave the fire with butter and oil going with out being attended. I decided to let my butter go for 5 hours.

I checked the water level every half hour of boiling, each time the water got low and the mix got thick I would add in another few cups of water. Stir the mix around, and then let it boil...

I repeated this step for a total of 5 hours and then strained my mixture.

To strain the mix I had though of all kinds of things, but the cheesecloth method didn't seem like it would allow best filtration of the weed particles, so I then thought to my coffee maker...The metal coffee filter would work perfect and it did!!!

I drained the whole pan of butter/water mix into a bowl, straining it through the coffee maker metal mesh, which did an exceptional job of purifying the mix, and leaving behind the solids. After the filter was full of wet buttery bud, I used a spoon to smash the bud and make sure to wring out all the extra goodies...

Now usually this is where people would be done and throw away the bud...not me!!

I took the pan that I was cooking in and added r/o water. I knew there was still butter/fats in the weed that had just been wrung out, so I dumped this bud into the pan with the R/O water and boiled it for another 1 hour. This was to make sure that I had extracted as much THC and goodies out of the bud as possible. After 1 hour, the water was quite dark green and oily, so I knew my goal had been accomplished...

I took this mix, filtered it into the bowl where the other butter mix has been sitting and slightly cooling. Once I squeezed out all the butter/water from the bud, the bud was thrown away and I was left with a very nice dark buttery liquid. Now usually most butter steps from here say put it in the fridge and your done....Not me...

I wanted to heat it longer, and activate any more THC conversion that can take place, as well as help evaporate any water that was still in the mix...So I cleaned out my pan, dumped my butter/water mix into the pan, and put it on boil. I boiled this mix for another hour and finally when it started to get thick I strained it 1 last time through the metal coffee strainer, into a plastic bowl and put it in the fridge to cool.

So yesterday, I went to the fridge, grabbed the butter and as usual, the butter rises to the top, and the water sits below. I drained all the water and put the butter back in the fridge.

So the test..:

For dinner I wanted to try to make something that required butter...... packaged mashed potatos!!! Perfect!!

So the recipie for the garlic mashed potatos called for 2 TBSP of butter, so I added 2 large spoonfuls of butter to the potatos, made them as reccomended, and along side them made some brusslesprouts.... yep my simple dinner :) On top of the brussle sprouts I also but a decent "gob" of butter. topped with cheese and garlic salt!! done...

So I ate about 5:30PM yesterday and only smoked 1 hit at this time to relax and eat. About 6:30pm hits and I finally start feeing high, like really high and it gets more intense and intense... From 7 until about 10pm I felt very very high, as though I was smoking constant bowls or joints for the past few hours, But I hadn't?????!!! Wow It kept getting more intense!!! Finally around 1:30am the high was fading and I found myself back to my regular state of mind....

I can't believe how strong this butter was!!! Holy crap!!! Ive tried all kinds of edibles from hard candies and suckers, to chocolate bars, tootisie rolls, baked goods, space cakes, brownies, rice crispy treats, drinks...etc..... and I have never felt such an amazing high as I did with my butter!!!

Homerun on my 1st try!! Sweet!



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