I better start saving up

So much shit I want, I better start saving cash, lol. Wanting, rather needing, a better lighting system. Needing good ventilation, and proper air filtration. Needing better nutes. Wanting some named seeds, and/or some autos. Needing a veg space, for a more perpetual grow. Tired of running out and using my gear money for pot, lol. Also, going to start much more DIY stuff soon, and hope I finish the projects I begin. Wanting to start putting more time into my regular garden, because planting season is starting up, with the end of summer here. Tomatoes, radishes (perpetual :) ) , potatoes, chilis, bell peppers, herbs, spices, fruit (hopefully). Need lots more dirt. Couple yards, actually. Living in a RV park, getting a couple yards of dirt dumped in the yard is risky--can get kicked out for shit like that, lol. But then again, by my states laws, my lot is my private property. Long as I make it all look good, they shouldn't have a problem. But tourist season is drawing near, and if I want a couple yards of cheap (ie: non-bagged) dirt/soil, I better do it soon.


Also, my county does not have free dirt, and I don't have a vehicle, so must depend on delivered dirt, if I am going to get more than yard.
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can make the grass grow like fucking crazy in my front yard, if I do it right, too!
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Nice green lawn.......hopefully no fire ants. I wanna roll around in that shit.
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Well, I bought seeds. Lights, ventilation, and nutes next on the list.

Not sure if I wanna plant these under my current setup, or get lights first.
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Ascended Master Kief
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