First we want to choose which posts we want to reply to in one response.
Each post will have a little "quote" icon at the bottom of. This is the multi-quote tool. Click on that for each post and it will show a little check mark on it:
When you are done, scroll down and click on "reply to thread" on the left of the page:
The text box that appears will have quotes from each of the members separated by the QUOTE code with brackets.
The first one is HTML code to start the quote, the second is HTML code to end the quote.
Now start with the first quote and space one or two times to type below it.
Do NOT type before the [/QUOTE] or your message will become part of the quote. The arrows below show where you should type either before or after. I prefer to put my response after the quote.
For each reply, just type after the members' quote. Then click on "post quick reply"
Your reply should now show all members' quotes in a white quote box with your reply below it outside of the quote box.
Each post will have a little "quote" icon at the bottom of. This is the multi-quote tool. Click on that for each post and it will show a little check mark on it:
When you are done, scroll down and click on "reply to thread" on the left of the page:
The text box that appears will have quotes from each of the members separated by the QUOTE code with brackets.
The first one is HTML code to start the quote, the second is HTML code to end the quote.
Now start with the first quote and space one or two times to type below it.
Do NOT type before the [/QUOTE] or your message will become part of the quote. The arrows below show where you should type either before or after. I prefer to put my response after the quote.
For each reply, just type after the members' quote. Then click on "post quick reply"
Your reply should now show all members' quotes in a white quote box with your reply below it outside of the quote box.