How it helps other illnesses than those listed as medicinal purpose

I am actually a Diabetic. I have had diabetes for about 4 years. I actually think I have had it all my life, but was diagnosed in 2004. The doctors are so surprised when I come in. They look at me and say are really young to have diabetes type II and PCOS. I was 21 when I was diagnosed, and they put me on many many medications. It's very hard to keep up with these at such a young age, and everything coming at me at once. But you live, learn, and get used to it. The medications make me nauseated a good amount of the time. I want to know why the government is keeping such a vital medicinal drug from being used for medicinal purposes from the public. Why do we have to suffer? Diabetics could really use marijuana for medicinal purposes. It not only helps with nausea but also helps with keeping your metabolism low...which is great for diabetics. This is a disease that is sweeping our nation, and I believe that Marijuana could really help these especially those in critical condition. For example some diabetics get so bad that they have to walk around with an insulin pump attached to them at all times. What a way to live? (sarcasm) Some diabetics choose to still drink b/c it is a legal way to relax after a hard day. Does anyone know what alcohol does to diabetic patients? All alcohol has sugar in it, and it is horrible for diabetics to consume. why not marijuana instead? Let me know whatcha think. Thank you for any replies.:cheesygrinsmiley:


i like what you wrote. i also have health issues and use marijuana for it (hep c, scerosis, pancreaitis) i have gone from 240 pounds downto 170 in 6 months. i started to smoke again (haven`t touched it in almost 15 years)and it helped with the nausea,pain and best of all i went back up to 200 helped my appetite feels good to walk around and people dont look down on me thinking i`m a heroin or crack addict. i have actually been asked to leave a restaurant once because they thought i was a junkie,what a way to help the depression of heasring doctor say that my body will slowly just shut down probably within 10 years.(for a healthy person without my other issues)

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Wow...yep totally agree on how it helps so much with so many things. Great to hear your response!:yummy:
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The stubbornness of law makers about marijuana is incomprehensible. I remember sitting in high school in 1968 and thinking that in a few years it would have to be legal. I’m still waiting but I’m not very hopeful. The people most opposed to marijuana reform are defensive authoritarian types and in general, those types of personalities gravitate into politics.
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totally agree. If these dumb asses would educate themselves instead of going with what the govt says is illegal...blah, blah, blah, and how bad it is...yeah right. i'm actually a teacher (authoritarian type) and am all for legalization of marijuana. Unfortunately the majority of politics is corrupt, so my hope has gone down a lil too. But it's better late than never...and I'll keep fightin for it.:48:
Smokin one for you;)
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i'm another diabetic & hepper (hep c) among other things. without Marijuana i would not be able to get by from day to day. since hep c attacks the liver it really limits what legal px you can use. they almost all are harmful to anyone with a weakened liver. i have pain px's but seldom use them because i try to protect my liver when ever i can. i plan to try the tincture being discussed on the boards lately. good luck to all you other gimps.
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