Healing Stopped? Receptors Saturated? Please i need your help

420 Motoco;2116277 said:
No worries comrade. I'm sure I'm at fault also, lol. Its all good. Let's get you back on track. At least you know now that ingesting without taking the oil correctly does not have the same healing properties. Proof is in the pudding as they say.

I would pick the Critical plus dinafem mixed with CBD Shark (pretty close specs to Harlequin). If your making your own concentrate blend 1 ounce of Critical to a 1/2 ounce of CBD Shark (ratio 2-1. 2 parts critical to one part Shark) into the mixing pitcher (before the quick wash). Proceed to make your oil.
Nighttime concentrate appears to be Cheese stating it is mostly Indica. Make this separate using only this strain.
You could decide which strain is the most potent in THC and mix with the CBD Shark. Nighttime would be the mostly Indica strain.

Dosing regimen; 1. Daytime dose of blend. 1 grain of rice- daytime oil after you eat breakfast.
2. 1 grain of rice -daytime oil same as 1.
3. 1 grain of rice- daytime same as 1.
4. Eat lunch first then 1 grain of rice- daytime afterwards
5. 1 grain of rice -daytime
6. 1 grain of rice- daytime * take a tiny amount 1/4 grain of rice of Indica (night time oil ten minutes after you take right after your daytime). Prepping you for sleep.
7. 1 grain of rice -daytime and a half of rice of nighttime Indica 10 minutes after you take your daytime.
8. 1 grain of nighttime Indica for sleep taken about 1 hour before bed. If you do not feel tired enough a booster of a half grain of rice.

It will stay this way until healed. Starting over right now. I know the taste sucks, but, know this, it is KILLING cancer and that is your mission. Once in a routine it will become much easier. Make sure you drink a lot of water. Anytime you feel nauseous or hungry you drink and eat. A strict regimen is required as far as schedule goes.

Any questions, please ask. Keep us posted please.

420 Motoco :Namaste:


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