HashHound's hash technique

Hash Hound;2690058 said:
Stoned Redneck;2689575 said:
Hey Gang,Here is my Hash Press, Works great,you can really compress it.How warm do you think I should warm the kief up to?
I think the pressing processe is critical to making strong hash.All the videos I have seen use 5 or 10 ton jacks to compress it. I don't recall how long they kept it under presser. One last thought ,could it be its too damp around here to really dry and cure it like they do back east?.... .Thanks ,Red

can you post a bigger pic, what is it and how does it work?

I use foil/mylar chip bags and a bench vise to press my hash.

I put the sifted powder in the bag. fold it up and tape it it. wrap it with a bit of slightly moistened paper towel and toss it in the oven at 175-200 for 15min.

Squeeze it in the vise for a few hours and it's ready to smoke.


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