Harvest Bugs!

Remember that mangy TW i was very close to harvesting? Well it was time and low and behold just mostly in the center it was packed with mites... Wasn't pleased... So that got harvested and is drying outside my house (hopefully good enough) and will be made into oils.

So I scoured the entire grow and have not seen a plant that has a single mite. I finished up my mighty wash on the entire grow veg and flower... (I know it is not the safest stuff I read up and I am not near harvest on anything) Then a day later I washed the entire grow as well... I went to my local grow store and he recommended greenclean. Expensive but dilutes into alot.... so I will do a follow up tomorrow with that and hopefully I can rest again.

I can tell you my first experience with mites was at this same time last year on my very first flower and this time my setup is so much better. I can pull out plants and use my work bench to clean inspect and wash them very effectively. Last year I did a scrog and had to lay underneath it for hours inspecting and cleaning...

So the results on that DCC where 3.99 zips if I didnt say. Much better run on it and smokes well...Not close to cure so it will only get better but starting to get a little flavor... I still think my runs should improve as I bumped up cal and mag etc with new Res. Lets see....

So over in Veg things are ok but still not where I want....
The cloner is still not doing as well as i want. I think I need a fresh change on it soon and maybe that will help.


I have one PC in there with roots that just needs some more time and it should be good....

The rest are mixed on times and types...Hopefully some of these will root soon as alot from veg went into flower recently so veg is starting to get thin again.


Theres is one that is ready for flower. The NL#5 but I want it to have one more week. I need to up pot some others as well soon. That way there will be some ready to go into flower down the road. they should have a decent amount of time as once I add in the NL to flower I will be full again for like 4 weeks or so... That will be a first for awhile...

So over in flower I have some smaller stuff running but things are starting to take off on others...


Overall looks real good...


Those above are pictures of the Sour Diesel. This is a 12 week strain but last time it hermied at 10 weeks. Now I am sure it was my fault. But this one is a new seed and it already with the new feed dosage is looking far better than the first run.



Then we have the WW that is simply gorgeous. I will say it is such an easy strain to grow. Very hearty and forgiving. as I have mentioned my wifes one and only strain so it's a lifer for me..


That is the JH that is recent to flower.... I hope it stretches or something.. It is growing but I threw it in flower way too early.. Oh well... More seeds for the future and "maybe" clones...


The PC.. Another run on it's way Nuff said...


This is an unsexed Blueberry Headband. I am watching it close... It looks decent and i pulled some clones but i have suspicions, unfounded that it is a male.. Just a hunch.. We'll see....

So there we are with an update... There won't be a harvest for several weeks but the amount in flower right now should become quite a show.. The SD and WW are looking stellar... Let's hope I can keep those pests away. So far so good... Tomorrow's cleaning should put the final of them to rest. Not that I have seen any but if there are eggs. They will pop 2-3 days after I killed off the others. So soon... Hopefully I caught it just right and will can again.

Thanks for stopping by!




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